W-w-what if Trump loses?
W-w-what if Trump loses?
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I think you mean WHEN
He won't
>what when?
Stop making us look bad, burger.
Then there is going to be an insurgency, if people in the US have enough balls.
Bztter learn spanish and convert to Islam. USA will be a latino american country of peace.
I will convert to Islam if Hillary wins.
Because that will be the time to leave western civilization behind, and move on.
To move on with a civilization that wants to LIVE.
Trump better wins this motherfucker.
Enjoy these final 2 days my Trump supporting friends. For now, and tomorrow, you have something called hope. Tomorrow evening though.. hope will end. Hope tell you there is a chance when there is not. Hope consoles you when your mind tells you he will not win. Take a long drag and hold it in.. hope runs out tomorrow night.
we already won by destroying the republican GOP we are on the map.
when farage got baraged we cried for a week but came back bigger and badder then ever and brexited the UK by migrant posting
there will be no insurgency.. just a bunch of fat racist white losers all butthurt about being defeated yet again.
>Trump loses?
Rossiya bro is right
Insurgency is still a long way off unless something YUGE beyond belief gets leaked
K3K, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
K3K I ask you to channel your power through our emperor.
>demoralization 101
>le happening
Funny how it's meant to occur most every year but never comes
This desu cannot wait for this containment board to stop shitting up every other board.
he cant loose, the Kek has spoken, twice. YOU MUST BELIVE BROTHER!
He wont!
What do you mean, he was meant to lose. He is a loser. That is what losers do: lose at competitions.
I just want reddit crossposters to leave, but more likely than not they're here to stay. Can't view someone's post history and receive negs on Sup Forums after all
I will try to quit Sup Forums
He doesn't lose to us. Americans for Trump unite and have a right wing coup.
The thousand nations of the social justice empire will descend upon us, their cuckery will blot out the sun.
remember how trump didn't say if he would accept the result if he loses? he has a plan. get out the vote and see what happens
Nothing relevant
The same if he wins.
Literally nothing happens
Then we all get free blow jobs
ok, bring me a croissant and a cofee when you get back pierre.
we'll if you want to know what ww3 is like.. you'll get to experience it soone rafter that.
happen in mexico once lol
He already lost
He won't lose as long as you keep spreading the facts!!
Don't be lazy, tweet this shit out to the important political hashtags and let's get this video viral!!!
I have faith he can win this, however, I want a contingency plan.
Britanons, it okay if I immigrate to the UK is Trump loses? Since you lads are(hopefully) leaving the EU, I would see you guys as less cucked.
>Anglo by heritage, have the looks and beady eyed facial features
>Promise to vote UKIP or whatever else Brit/pol/ wants me voting for
>Promise to learn and assimilate to your culture, already fond of tea and crumpets
>During the Referendum earlier this year, I gave a British online friend of mine free Steam games to vote leave(He originally wasn't going to vote, not a Remainian)
>Background in IT, will work so I don't become a dole leech
Since we've been making large strikes against the globalist forces this year, I'd at least want to escape to an anti-globalist holdout if America were to become a large force of the globalist regime under the Clintons.
Not gonna happen britbro no worries
Sup Forums dies
In real talk, a new generation of memes will be born. Pepe will probably become a has been, along with kek. We'll all dump Trump. A lot of us real become even more fascist. Imagine Sup Forums twice as hardcore.
You'd better make use of that 2nd amendment of yours.
UKIP is pretty much a sick horse now here in the UK. It achieved its goal, Farage is leaving the sinking ship. We need a new party.
The BNP would have been great, but they're so fucked up on the inside now, that it'd be easier to draw blood from a stone than make them credible in any way, shape or form.
By you I obviously meant burgers, britbongs don't have such things as weapons.
it was a great journey and people said he'd never get to this point anyway
What if Trump really is a terrible president, though?
Wiki says BNP has LESS than 500 members.
Fuck, I think you could find 500 people who think your Queen is a reptilian in a day.
Plus, if its anything like USA, half of those members are just Government agents looking for radicals. That's how it is in the USA with extremist political groups.
I don't care.
I just want him to win as a big fuck you to the regular establishment.
Maybe you guys should just form a party that names the globalists. Nothing more nothing less, educate the people on the globalist plot and why it's so horrifying. Call out both the Tories and labour party for it.
this: and he'd still be better than hillary
Don't lose hope anons
Honestly probably nothing. Things will just stay the same. It looks like the republicans are going to get control of the senate, and are going to do the same thing they did to Obama to Clinton. So same old same old.
Should Hillary manage to rig the election in her favor, November 9 becomes the first day of the resistance.
I'm gonna vote for Trump, but I believe it's over. Can't wait to be made fun of from all the liberals that know I support Trump. Bad times ahead.
American Trump supporters need to remember to vote, just like the vote for Brexit the left enjoy virtue signalling and shitposting on the internet but don't actually turn out to vote when it matters.
>W-w-what if Trump loses?
There are not ifs. Trump will win. By a landslide.
When if Trump loses
You mean "when".
Can't wait to see the butthurt on here when he loses. Kekekekekekekekeke
"Oh-oh so Clinton won, I guess that means that's good for us in Paris right"
>"Haha no of course I am totally normal, why I can't be quiet for a month?"
What do you mean I have to eat? I don't feel like it and I don't want to talk about it.
> feelsbadman.com
He'll be fine.
That's coward talk, faggot.
Lefties get too cocky and people will eventually see the light and ditch Clinton in 4 years.
This, I live in Delaware. One of the more cucked states in the union, despite our history of being the first to jump on board with the American Revolution. And I'm still voting for Trump, no true American has any excuse to stay home election day.
Jack Markell, the incumbent governor is a refugee loving cuck, and while I'll be glad he's gone after the election, the projected winner, John Carney is just as bad, if not worse.
Praying for a miracle with Colin Bonini. He's chill as fuck, endorsed Trump at the Harrington rally during the primaries, and I met him at Oktoberfest where he gave me a free flashlight.
Even if he didn't lose legitimately (which he will because Hill dog is crushing him) the electoral college wouldn't let him hold the office anyways.
Most members of the college aren't bound to vote for the candidate they're supposed and its an institution put in place by the founders to guard against facism and the tyranny of the majority.
dont lose faith my child
It triggers me that this Pepe's lips are green and nobody has bothered to fix it.
I predict Civil War part 2: Electric Boogaloo within 10 years, just like the fall of the Roman Republic.
I wish, but it won't happen
>its an institution put in place by the founders to guard against facism and the tyranny of the majority.
They didn't do shit during the Snowden leaks. Do you really think there's going to be an insurgency? 80% of the country are mindless zombies.
Is anyone going to do anything about the fact that CTR ship in busloads of illegal voters?
Like, was that just a soundbite or what? Are they cracking down on ID or has everyone forgotten about it already? How can we be sure they're not doing it this time? Just because those two guys quit?
Bitch and moan like with Obama. Do you want to be deprived of Satan Hillary memes? The thing is that pretty much everyone agrees she will be worse than Barry so I expect there to be more spending and Obamacare to be "fixed" for her term and then have it fall apart slowly. I bet she will be as unpopular as Dubya. There is also the sheer incompetence that is detailed in her emails and the blatant corruption that makes her leadership even more questionable. Her campaign would of been dead by now twenty years ago, but the people of the USA have become acclimated towards corruption because of her.
The world is looking at you burgerlads, please make us proud. (and cut all ties with Mexico)
Trump wi win Bigly!
Eat shit faggot. Trump will win. Kek is with us
I didn't visit Sup Forums 4 years ago, what happened last time? What was the aftermath like?
Omaha beach in shitpost format
Sup Forums will freak out over crooked Democrats and the liberal media all the while turning a blind eye to the fact that for the second Presidential election in a row the republican candidate ran the worst campaign imaginable and made some of the worst choices.
Don't fucking take up arms. You'll be killed, and be thought of as morons.
Civil disobedience. Massive peaceful protests. Refuse to pay taxes. Everywhere Hillary goes, you follow here with signs dropping truth bombs. Prove that she does not have control of the country.
Just accept defeat now. I am excited to see all my favorite late night shows make fun of Trump loses
so what time do the results start coming in? Will we have exit polls?
Hopefully the Republican party pulls its head out of its ass and eliminates the retards who nominated the loser.
I don't know, so many threads up and not fucking one of them says anything about when we find out about the results.
Illinois here, the amount of liberals is simply nauseating.
Trump cannot lose for he is blessed with our magic digits, kek shall prevail!
After everything we've seen, after everything that's been done, when is it finally "beyond belief"?
It will happen, it has to.
In the UK in the early hours of Wednesday morning, here in France an hour later. I can't believe anyone won't be glued to the computer from about 9 pm tomorrow, though. This is the endgame for Western civilization.
I'm sorry, but did The Donald(TM) already lose? Oh, that's right. The election isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only 36%. Does not having the lead at 36% count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the election is still on? Trumpists are still playing right now and they have been the best party in the US for how many terms now? [Editor's Note: Not even one.] He's against one of the worst Secretaries of State in history who just happen to have a lead because they're feeding off the projections of the voters. But you know what? They still fucking suck. The Donald(TM) is one of the best fucking candidates in the Trumpist party, it was 50/50 last month and would of won the debate if the nasty woman didn't cheat. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when The Donald(TM) wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, The Donald(TM) just got west virginia, just like Bush did. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-The Donald(TM) topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the Trumpists because they're good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking teams on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.
Well I have some guns, but they aren't the sort of type that can take on the government. They are more for hunting.
It's time to go home.
93 posts, ctrl-f, no mention of race war.
nothing because what happens with this is just all about a meme.
at least this shit meme helps alt-rights to grow and spread, and it just continues.
My faith is in God, not in man anyway.
>Western world converts to Islam
>All the transgender freaks and stronk womyn realise all to late that by accepting Islam, they've completely fucked themselves over
>Men become first class citizens whilst gender confused freaks and females become second class citizens
>So comes the day of the rope.
I wouldn't like to be Islamic - not being able to eat pork, praying five times a day and not being allowed to drink alcohol all sounds like a real shitter. But if that day finally does come, you can bet your ass it'll be bittersweet. Our culture would die, but all the whinging, limp-wristed faggots who killed it would regret the day they decided to call Islam their friend for the rest of their lives.