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My hopes are high but I can't help but wonder how deep the corruption goes. What are the odds Hillary will flip votes in certain states?
>drudge report
Two more votes for Trump in Colorado. Wife and I just turned in our ballots at the election office for early voting.
>outperforms romney
You retarded poo in loo proxy faggot, he's still losing. What the fuck does it matter if he outperforms Romney if he's still losing to Hillary.
praise kek
drudge is fucking based. Have you looked at his traffic statistics?
him posting something that cites drudge (himself) as the source is very (VERY) rare. Undoubtedly credible... posting bad info would ruin him.
Drudge is one of the very best sources period.
Because it proves rigging, she literally doesn't have the base to give her those votes.
Would Huffington Post make you nu-males feel better?
But they posted that fake Joey Salads shit.
If that's the worst thing you can think of while we have CNN out there walking around, then I think Drudge is ok
this is actually evidence of underperformance. he should be beating romney by 150k bare minimum, really 200+k if he wants to turn florida red
don't forget, Trump has told his supporters to vote on election day.
He is at this point, and most his vote is still waiting for tomorrow.
Myself included
falling for b8/= lying about early numbers.
Also, you can name a bunch of fake shit from pretty much any news site out there
Wow he beat someone who isn't even running in this election, bra fucking vo
this assumes that a population increase will scale perfectly with voter increase.
this doesn't say who they voted for..just party affiliation
Florida Absentee Ballots and Early Voting: 11/7/2016
Absentee Ballots Requested: 3,365,391
R: 1,314,813 (39.1%)
D: 1,322,382 (39.3%)
I: 644,291 (19.2%)
Other: 83,905 (2.5%)
Absentee Ballots Returned: 2,549,653
R: 1,047,119 (41.1%)
D: 980,440 (38.5%)
I: 457,756 (18%)
Other: 64,338 (2.5%)
Percent of Absentee Ballots Returned by Party:
R: 79.6%
D: 74.1%
I: 71.1%
Other: 76.7%
Early Votes: 3,874,942
R: 1,425,312 (36.8%)
D: 1,580,003 (40.8%)
I: 779,639 (20.1%)
Other: 89,988 (2.3%)
Absentee Ballots Returned and Early Votes: 6,424,595
R: 2,472,431 (38.5%)
D: 2,560,443 (39.9%)
I: 1,237,395 (19.3%)
Other: 154,326 (2.4%)
Absentee Ballots Returned have 66,679 more Votes for Trump, and Early Votes have 154,691 more Votes for Hillary.
For reference, Romney had 79,365 more Absentee Ballots and Obama had 246,985 more Early Votes, giving Obama 167,620 more Votes (Absentee ballots and Early Votes combined) before Election Day.
Obama won Florida by 74,309 Votes.
This means Romney pulled in 93,311 more Votes on Election Day than Obama.
Hillary's current margin is 88,012 more Votes (Absentee ballots and Early Votes combined), meaning Hillary has a gap of 5,299 Votes to win Florida assuming Trump performs the same as Romney on Election Day.
This is also not taking into account the Independent Vote, which polls more favorably for Trump.
Hillary has not secured a sufficient margin of the Early Vote, meaning the State of Florida will go Red on Election Day.
Funniest thing that no one is talking about is that Republican registrations in Florida are up 7% in 2016 vs. 2012. Compared to registered Democrats up 2%. And Independents and "Other" are up 18%. All polls in Florida (just like those Nationally) show that Ind/Others favor Trump by 42/48% to Hillary's 34/36%. Not to mention that registered Dems favor Trump to Killary at 8% (conservatively) while registered Republicans favor Clinton at just 4%. And then there's the black vote which basically carried Obama in 2012--down 3% of the total voting population. There's no chance Hillary can win Florida without a theft of over 600k votes--something I don't think anyone (not even Killary) has the balls to try.
> trump getting more than Romney by a lot.
> assuming hillary is going to get as many if not more than Obama
Drudge is reporting this shit early so they can't rig it.
If they try to rig it now, it will be too obvious.
Basically he's playing 12 D chess and Hillary is fucked.
sure, valid criticism. to be fair and open, my numbers work like this: we're looking at 1m+ new population, and I'm assuming that the national average of over %40 voter turnout is accurate. If Trump isn't making 200k, he's not meeting half of 400k, which is where he wants to be to keep pace with and/or beat Hillary.
It's absolutely possible that the new population isn't voting for any number of reasons. However, if we assume 130k is Good News for Donald, that requires the new voters to be around 260k or lower. That would mean that the 1m+ new population is barely getting over half the normal voter turnout rate.
trumpies you'll forgive us for calling you names when he wins right??
i was for trump this whole time i swear
Drudge has already master the DLC too.
good god, I hope you're right.
This is the correct information and you all need to get it through your skulls.
also, what about early voting in other key states trump needs, like NC NH and NV?
Dems are pushing early voting hard in Florida, while Trump is telling people to vote on election day.
I think he will do well here tomorrow.
At this time, this appears to be accurate.
The thing that can sink Trump is for people deciding to stay home because they heard Trump is going to win. Trump is only going to win if you show up.
Let's not get carried away here
How much did Mitt lose those states by?
CTR on suicide watch
Hillfags, watch this video about based Hillary sticking it to the system.
Repost this on social media so your friends can avoid world war 3 and vote for a better, safer America...
He BARELY lost Florida in 2012. It was really close, I think by like 50k or something if I remember correctly. Someone will provide you with the correct statistic though.
t. Floridafag
Early voting and absentee voting is for minorities and fat people. White people vote on election day. Landslide incoming.
>mfw ive been to that pub many times.
That's where the 'enthusiasm' factor comes into play. Most of the news and pundits have talked about it but haven't really identified where and how it comes into play.
I think Trump voters are more likely to show up, regardless of the projected outcomes, than Hillary voters.
Hey, don't worry everyone the Justice Department is going to monitor the polls in 28 states... nothing to worry about now. (sarcasm)
This also assumes hillary does as well as Obama which I don't see happening.
Thanks for the infodump based user.
>It's absolutely possible that the new population isn't voting for any number of reasons.
Perhaps because they are illegal immigrants and some of them don't vote
But people are excited for Trump.
I'd vote even if I knew for a fact he would definitely win
he beats Romney in early voting by more than Romney needed on election day to win.
>math is hard
Hillary will do better than Obama
Obama had no enthusiasm in FL in 2012
The ONLY issue with this analysis is that it assumes R goes Trump and D goes Hillary 100%. Most recent polls show 4% of R breaks for Killary and 8% (at least) of repubs break for Killary.
I ran analysis on these numbers numbers, and adjusted accordingly, and I estimate that (not shitting you) Trump is WINNING the current vote count by AT LEAST 330,000 votes.
CNN hyped up a rape case story about Trump and look at how that turned out.
>populations don't increase over time
Something something day of the rope. Something something ovens
Because typically republicans get slaughtered in early voting but now they aren't too far behind, which is huge when you factor in most republicans vote on Election Day. This could indicate trump is actually attracting a ton of traditionally nonvoting people.
>EDITOR'S NOTE: A late poll showed Trump nearing 50% in the sunshine state.
>Most recent polls show 4% of R breaks for Killary and 8% (at least) of repubs break for Killary.
2016 numbers dont factor in indies for Trump until they are counted.
Uh oh, it's not looking good for our Hillary
>increased by Fleeing Cubans and Old White people
Not Hillary's demo.
My analysis of the numbers shows that people shouldn't give me numbers.
Registered Republicans voting for HIllary (democrat)
and Registered Democrats voting for Trump.
In 2012, 10% of registered Democrats voted for Romney. While 5% voted for Obama. This is ins't a regular year, and using those numbers might not be accurate, so I've used the latest polls' breakdown of party affiliation/registration and candidate preference, which says 8% of Democrats will vote for Trump, while 4% of Repubs vote Killary.
Additionally, I've applied the polls to Independents who favor Trump 45% to Killary at 34%. This is being very conservative in favor of Killary in my estimation.
you're joking right?
We need public executions to make a comeback here in the US.
Even if I am being absudly generous to Clinton by giving her 39% of the Independent vote and Trump just 42% (again this is basically impossible), Trump is still winning by over 160k votes.
>tfw super predator voting for Trump
IMO i think the numbers will be higher for both, Trump will get around 15% D, and Killary will get around 10% R.
>Trump is still winning by over 160k votes.
winning what, Florida or the election in general?
Well done, user. I fully believe CO will be the surprise red this election.
BF and I put in for Trump in CA. Too late for CA probably. Counting on you goys
>loser outperforms another loser
Nice job Sup Forums
Got them wall building materials primed and ready Humberto?
>mexican intellectuals
leave it to a shitskin to shitpost.
Just Florida. He's winning by double that at least in reality, but I'm being super conservative just to show that Hillary in fact has no chance.
It was all fun.
If this wasn't the funniest election cycle, No matter what side you're on, then you are doing it wrong.
What about other states Trump needs, though?
uh so do her arms go in the holes?
This is what full retard looks like
>What about other states Trump needs, though?
If he wins Florida (which he does, in fact), then it's in the bag as far as I'm concerned. You'll see Colorado, North Carolina, Ohio, New Hampshire, go Trump, which takes him over. Not to mention the other possible states that will shock dems into oblivion on Tuesday. This shit is going to be brutal.
Yeah, she just sorta hangs from there, then is shot twice in the back of the head after being forced to write a suicide note.
What dumb faggot.
In other words, Trump is losing to Clinton in Florida and North Carolina, which basically means that the election is over, but Drudge wants to put a positive spin on it (better than a weird Mormon). Don't you see how transparent this is, op?
Apologies user. Meant that for
threadly reminder
Colorado though? Seems a little suspect, since it seems like a Dem hold.
Look up Colorado early voting right now--for the latest developments.
Do you actually believe that Hispanics think white people are Nazi's. Hispanics will vote republican like they always do
*Hispanics will vote republican IN THE NUMBERS they always do
This is true. I'm 100% Hispanic, too. A lot of latino idiots out there buying into the bullshit, but we're not sheep who vote with one mind like other "races." Also, most of us know that "Mexicans" does no't equal "Hispanics."
Thank you for correcting the record.
One thing I like about mexicans, like for example here with hillary and trump, you would think they would be like the blacks and go "Gibs me dat" and vote for democrat, but no, they actually see both of these fools are fucking idiots.
good job vato, you are doing better than blacks and you don't even live here.
Not that necessarily, but CO politics in general seems to lean on key Dem platforms.
Unfortunately, I don't think Trump necessarily embodies a pure conservative/libertarian. Advocates lots of government intervention in economy and trade, which is typically the "professed" modus operendi of Democrats.
All else are pure wedge issues fabricated to inflame minorities and make them think they're on their side, when in fact they abuse them and milk them for votes, they do this beneath the guise of a bleeding heart, to mask their itchy pocketbooks.
About 74k votes.
Unfortunately Orange and Miami_Dade counties shit everything up for the whole state.
He has a greater chance of winning CO at this point than NV.
Also people are really underestimating the percent of latinos voting trump. They arent like niggers who have been voting straight ticket democrat for 100 years. Latinos are smarter and such their voting splits more accurately reflect this. People (the media) are wanting you to beleive every latino is voting hillary. This is why we are even entertaining the notion that Trump could win CO right now. He is outperforming his projections in every category it seems
Meaning that Democrats do that--pick wedge issues, etc.
illegal immigrants, non-citizen immigrants, felons, children (a significant source of new population yo), difficulties registering in a new state, individuals moving could be less involved in politics, etc. etc., yep.
There's a lot of factors I'm not controlling for, but just looking at it, it doesn't seem likely like those non-voting groups are breaking for Florida in such significant numbers that Trump isn't behind here in percentage terms.