The date is February 22nd, 2017

>The date is February 22nd, 2017
>Following escalation in Syria after a Russian military jet was shot down by USAF F16s, Hillary Clinton has decided to mobilize US ground forces around Russia's border with Europe
>In anticipation a full scale conflict between NATO and the Russian Federation, it has been ordered that all males of fighting age in non-essential professions respond to an emergency draft

What would you do, Sup Forums?

defect to russia

I would tell OP to get back on his meds and return to his basement so as to spend time working remotely for his call-center employer. Also, I would tell OP to stop being such a massively enormous faggot all the time.

in before cucks who won't fight for their nation and their kids freedom

Yup, I wont fight for her. Maybe Russia will help us reestablish the US

Enjoy a top-notch "told you so" moment before I am shipped off to be killed.
Either that or I leave the country

Take up Irish citizenship.

>What would you do, Sup Forums?

Most of these lardasses would be either physically or mentally unfit for service, or both.

>fighting in Hillarys retarded war
>fighting for freedom

Same as always. I aged out of the draft a while ago. I guess I could be be drafted later though as a support on the home front.

I would gladly fight for Madame President and Angela "Muti" Merkel to defend western values of diversity and tolerance against the bigotry and homophobia of the evil Russians

Bring it on, Putin!

Russia is possibly more corrupt than the USA.

I weigh damn near 300 pounds.

dodge the draft, fuck hillary
if trump was president though I'd be fine with a draft

Oh yeah, Russia is great at reestablishing sovereign states.

On a serious note, fleeing as far to the West as possible is the most plausible option, since Eastern Europe doesn't stand a chance.
Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Eastern part of Poland will fall in a week max. Not sure about Sweden and Norway, might take a little bit longer.

Hm, made me think myself! Hillary can't be that retarded.

Why the fuck would i ever fight for Hillary when I would go on shooting sprees on my home turf?

I'd never fight for her.

We still have Kek

>What would you do, Sup Forums?
Do the right thing and side with Russia.

Be sold by the western allies and stand alone fighting Russia.
As usual.

FBI/CIA fishing for people with possible extremist mentality and weak loyalty to the US.


>Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Eastern part of Poland will fall in a week max. Not sure about Sweden and Norway, might take a little bit longer.

Lol, Sweden wouldn't even put up a fight, they'd all collectively pull down their pants and grab their ankles.

No stopping 'til Ural, polskibro.

>nuclear powers having a go at war against each other.
u havin urself a giggle mate?

Embrace the nukes like my only and true saviour

>in before cucks who won't fight for their nation and their kids freedom

>their nation
>The 30% Muslim French Caliphate
>their kids freedom
>to be raped by niggers and muslims

You're right, the only reasonable course of action is to enlist in a Russian foreign brigade and proceed to ethnically cleanse Europe and murder bankers/their families

Hmmmm, war with thw second nuclear state. Pretty nice idea, absolutwly in American style.

Now we don't mistake and just liquidate all the limitrophes.

becoming comfy

Fuck off I'm not re-enlisting. Nobody I know wants to deal with the bullshit PC to ever go back. Have fun letting all the nu males fight for her

>their nation and their kids freedom

>Run home to my computer
>Go to Sup Forums
>Open a new thread
>Pick a Golden Face as an OP image
>Write ">be American >get drafted"

t. Ahmed

Kill some slavs I guess.

>all males respond to the draft
I find a good lawyer and sue the government because women are supposed to be drafted too

Go and do my duty to my country.

I'll try to redpill everyone I come in contact with and maybe we could perform a coup.

If Hillary wins the election, move to Australia. Our politicians are useless, but not insane.

>Slavic American

I think you know what's up. Slavic brothers unite.

I tell Hillary to go fuck herself.

won't stop suomibro

The only way you will know the US is at war with Russia is the power going out.
Next would be a flash of bright blinding light.
Either you burst in to flames or you die later.
First strike means Russia strikes first.

kek won't let it come to that

>What would you do, Sup Forums?

Nothing, since I'm from neutral country, which has good relations to everywhere.

China and Russia will strike USA so hard we're all gonna get 100 years of nuclear winter

Already did four years of active and another four of inactive. So I'll kick my feet up and chill.


I'm already in the military so I should be in a submarine by the time she declares war.

Nah Switzerland
T. Former expat

No you wouldn't faggot.

I'd say this would probably happen:

I'd do fucking nothing.

Because my country. :)

Fuck off we're full. Either be useful and assimliate here, but be a cuck/"refugee" somewhere else.


Always wanted to join the military for the training and permission to kill people. But they wont take me rn because I got a misdemeanor as a juvenile

At this point my shoulders are so rekt I probably wouldn't even pass the physical. But that's okay, because we'll have plenty of firepower once she decides to draft our daughters.

Buy bell bottoms, move to San Fran and smoke alot of weed.

I just hope Putin will nuke the shit out of US if burgers will screw this up. RIP planet



Been learning French for 5 years and am planning on transferring to UniGe :^)

Kek is here lads :')

Fly to Poland and recreate Miracle at the Vistula

Defect and take my wife with me.


I don't see that working out, you're gonna made to do something you won't want to do from the very beginning and you'll be stuck there

Accept my fate

nice try Olgino shill, we know who you are

Depends. I'm not American, so I wouldn't be called up directly. But I do belong to a NATO county with a passive draft, so the government can call me to pick up a peashooter and go shoot Russian cruise missiles any moment.

If that happens, I'm going to run or hide. I'm not going to die for Hillary Rodham Clinton's egomania.

I'd fight for that, but I'm not going to fight sandniggers over a strip of useless desert to secure oil for the Saudis.

>their nation and their kids freedom
You have that, and then you have Hillary Clinton's personal vendetta against Vladimir Putin. I'd rather not be a pawn in the Ice Queen's little game.

>Go and do my duty to my country.

You mean do the duty of Hillary?

>I'll try to redpill everyone I come in contact with and maybe we could perform a coup.

Good fucking luck. Hillary will make sure to put you on the front line first so there are no coups.

Get out user, I was going to join the air force if Trump won but the cons heavily outweigh the pros with Clinton around

>trousers tucked into socks
fucking muslim chav

Go innawoods. Lots of off-the-grid places in Canada. No, amerifats, you cannot come to them, we're full.

90% of the people who voted for her are weak and/or effeminate and would be incapable of fighting for her, anyone who COULD fight for her would either defect or form rebel groups. Assuming some branch of the military doesn't immediately start a coup upon declarations of war. She doesn't want a war, even if she doesn't know it.

i'll probably hide/desert. fuck hillary, fuck nato and fuck war. i'd probably be worthless in fights and almost immidiately anyway

How does Hillary get to declare war when Trump wins?

Trying to learn to speak Polish in time to come help you guys out but so far all I can reliably say is ”Lubię kawę i kanapkę”.

>What would you do, Sup Forums?

I'm not fighting a war for that cunt, and saudi gas.
They can both go fuck themselves.

>married and implying no kids

This is why the white race is dying

>what do you do

I immediately join the military. there is no way im going to miss WW3 as it happens in my lifetime when im an able bodied young man.

>28 year old checking in

>tfw live in a 1 million+ city
>tfw evaporated at the beginning of the war and have no chance at frontline shitposting

I would produce quality posts on Sup Forums like always.

LMAO the US would never fight a war where they have even a remote chance of getting their shit pushed in


I live in maine and the St John freezes in the winter try to stop me leaf

>all males of fighting age in non-essential professions respond to an emergency draft
This is what a bro from the army told me would happen around 2030

I'm getting a master degree and a phD as fast as I can.

There will never be another mandatory draft after what happened in Vietnam. If Hillary became president and was dumb enough to try, it would be civil war.

>HIllary declares war
>Romania hosts anti missile base for the faggots "we all know who"
>Closest shit to Russia
>Prepare to get assblasted
>Buys the nicest bottle of vodca,puts on a CS:GO t-shirt
>Waiting for the russians at border like: Privet, brat

Probably this, but let's see em do something

It's okay Ruski bro you won't be forgotten

>light a phat blunt
>watch (((burgerstan))) get its shit kicked in by superior chink & rushit missiles

>US establishes no-fly zone in sovereign nation
>Shoots down an aircraft of a country invited in by sovereign nations leader
>Escalates to basically war due to US aggression in situation they had 0 fucking business in and 0 support of the US people for being there

defect to russia, the last best h ope for the white race. fuck america, its gone.


Kek this might work

Sit at home comfy because I turn 27 in a month.

Who else too old to be drafted in the first round and comfy?

Same I'm like 250 and can't run for more than 10 seconds cause smoking. Im good

>civil war and russia knocking at our doorstep

RIP America. I hardly knew ya.

I guess I'll go. The way I see it, I might get to smash some easy poon before leaving and it's not like I'm happy or had a future anyways. Not only that, I'd rather be at the front than anywhere in the States when the bombs drop.

Then go fight for your land in the ME Muhammed

I'd do nothing lel. As long as it's just the northern hemisphere fighting NZ will be untouched by the war. Maybe we can take the opportunity to sink boats full of Australian refugees or something