Who's not voting tomorrow?

Who's not voting tomorrow?

You really think it maters? They're playin' us for chumps. They pretend we have a choice.

I kek at people who care. Both sides are corrupt and you can't get to be that powerful without doing dirty dirty things.

Join me tomorrow and stay home and party while a bunch of sheep go out and stand in the sun for 5 hours.

Let's keep it cool.

Other urls found in this thread:


This is just getting sad

I can't wait for CTR to leave after tomorrow.

You're so cool man! I bet you don't let anyone tell you what to do!

I got your back buddy. We're gonna take back the power!

Wow! No way, you're such a fucking rebel against that evil system, haha. I bet you open ketchup packets on the opposite end. So cool!

while they wait in line wasting time out of their finite lives and casting a vote that doesnt matter I will be playing vidya in my comfy corner.

>le ebin fence sitter middle ground: the thread

It was too complicated, I had to print and mail a form and etc. So I just said fuck it.

I might take a break PO. I've already voted for Hillary twelve times in multiple counties.

nah man, me and buds are gonna bike down to mexico ride out the election
got some jerky and some blunts, gonna be fun

Probably the most red pilled post I've seen in awhile.

>taking work off
>voting early at 8
>getting day drunk and shitposting from 9am until the jews are gassed
You guys don't know what you're missing.

Pic related.

Me and my bros are doing the same thing. Maybe we'll see you down there!

right on brotha!

Hillfags, watch this video about based Hillary sticking it to the system.



Repost this on social media so your friends can avoid world war 3 and vote for a better, safer America.

this thread is too cool for me

>tfw to intelligent too vote

>tfw I already voted

I can't be part of your cool club

>that flag


>tfw too intelligent to be an amerifat


I will drag my dick through a mile of broken glass and stand in line for 10 hours to make america great again.

kys CTR.

I'll vote on some local stuff, need to say no to treating "debilitating" illness that is magically cured by smoking pot or saving a shitty lagoon with my taxpayer money

hehe, they sure got you trained

it's cool man. hopefully you'll be down with me dirtbiking next election

I'm not voting tomorrow.

>already voted for Hillary 2 weeks ago during early voting :^)