To people saying that Hillary has done some shit too: yes of course everybody makes mistakes but literally the...

To people saying that Hillary has done some shit too: yes of course everybody makes mistakes but literally the strongest argument to vote for Hillary is that she is not trump. Period. Do you want a fanatic racist dumb who has no idea what he's talking about to be your president? Listen, I'm from Germany (currently on a vacation in the baltics), I know what I'm talking about. Don't make the same mistake that Germans have done in the past and go out and vote for Hillary! Sure she is not perfect, but who says she can't improve herself? Obama wasn't and still isn't perfect but he brought so many good things to America!

>Do you want a fanatic racist



>Implying i would ever trust a German in any political issue

let's vote for Donald trump! Because I'm sure it's not a big deal that he wants to deport all Mexicans and build a wall! Oh and don't forget that he's going to lead America in ruin because he has no idea about finances and just wants to help his company and every other huge company gain more money and might. Sure isn't a big deal that this person has no idea what he's talking about. He literally says it himself on his own campaign website that he has no idea how he's going to do all the stuff he said he's going to do

Oops just started another fucking war in the middle east

>reading Sup Forums for your CTR job all day
>still being this cucked

>Don't make the same mistake that Germans have done in the past and go out and vote for Hillary!
Good advice

> (OP)
>>Implying i would ever trust a German in any political issue

Even if you had a good point, everyone on here is so polarized that there is no way in hell you would change anyone's opinion. Let the alt-right circle jerk themselves and let the far left do the same thing.

>deport all mexicans

He said he wants to deport ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, and when people think illegal immigrants in america they think mexican illegal immigrants. He's fine with legal mexican immigrants.

Maybe focus on prepping Mohammad's mudcock Hanz, American politics aren't for you.



is racism a much more heinous crime than pedophilia and rape in lithuania or are you just a jackass?


where the fuck are you located? i honestly promise to come to you, and beat some sense into you, you inbred retard

Hillary is someone people can trust and she's someone with experience. If Trump would win, the 3rd world war would probably start the day after.


you completely ignored my question, sage goes in all fields


> No idea about finances
> built a business empire worth 7b.

The mental retardation is getting out of hand.

this. trump hasn't had a day in office. he has no experience or track record to point to so ultimately you can point out everything hillary has done wrong but at least she's had some experience. all we have to look at for him is what he's said he'll do, which has been garbage and unfavorable.

Republicans have been witch hunting her for decades and benghazis been investigated multiple times with your TAX DOLLARS and they found nothing. the last FOUR PRESIDENTS INCLUDING BUSH AND W BUSH ARE SAYING TO GO VOTE FOR HILLARY. REPUBLICANS. ARE. SAYING. TO. GO. VOTE. HILLARY. if trump is elected because of you misinformed assholes, you can personally say that you were responsible for WW3. if thats all you can pull on her, thats truly sad. look up trump for five seconds and you'll see all the horrible stuff he has done and will continue to do. she's your run of the mill politician. jesus christ y'all act like she's satan. if you're looking for the devil, google dick cheney.

i'm supporting hillary dumbass.

fuck off retard

I want a success as my president.
Not a tax parasite jewess.
hope this helps


Supporting Hillary like a dumbass

Lol and all from random countries somehow. They are being successful too, who wants to read Sup Forums if it's just being spammed all day

>Trolling Sup Forums on vacation

Shhh dont think about that, all you need to know is trump is hitler, say it with me

You're wrong there. We don't want order. We as Americans (i am american, currently shitposting from croatia) have been tired of promises. We want chaos. And chaos we will get, this way or another.

You are a disgrace to your forefathers before you.

>you can personally say that you were responsible for WW3
Good. I'm probably too old to get drafted and I would like to see these so called social justice warriors prove that they are actual warriors instead of pussy ass'd little bitches. And now that women can serve in the infantry I wanted to see all these purple haired dikes in there too. Let's see what you got then shall we?

I don't know about all that shit BUT

I would definitely fuck young Hillary

was such a waste of good hips. she could have been anything but she chose to be a disappointment

GW bush is saying one thing im doing the exact fucking opposite, also pretty certain that i wouldn't want a presidential candidate suspected/investigated of anything above parking tickets