Finally, getting rid of the bearded tits before they come back to the UK. Good luck to the SAS.
I hope they start on the ones already in the UK soon.
Finally, getting rid of the bearded tits before they come back to the UK. Good luck to the SAS.
I hope they start on the ones already in the UK soon.
Other urls found in this thread:
that's actually fucking awesome
inb4 fake news
Godspeed to everyone out there, British, American or any other country not worthy of naming.
Rule Britannia, good luck lads.
>or any other country not worthy of naming.
I prefer these subtle bantz. Have a (you)
That's weird, I didn't know only 200 muslims lived in the UK?
god she's based
I hope the jihadist doesn't have knife.
May all the scum get eliminated and each and every one of them return safely to their families back home.
What's her immigration stance?
Well, over the past few days she's been in India discussing post-Brexit trade deals. They asked her to remove the blocks she initiated as Home Secretary to more Pajeets coming into the UK as students to then live there full-time. She told them "no free trade deal".
The SAS will snipe them most likely.
>inb4 campers
Is it argie season again?
Fuck yes
Mrs May is my GILF Engfoo tb quite h
Fucking beautiful. Kind of gives you some hope doesn't it?
I hope they suffer immensely.
I love her.
That's pretty good. We clean up our own mess, one way or another.
Approximately 800 Jihadists have gone from UK to Syria, but this is a start. I'm guessing these 200 are the most dangerous ones.
Which video game was this?
Bullshit, unless he fired an explosive or incendiary round, the fuel tank of the flamethrower would have only leaked, they don't explode no matter what Hollywood tells you
Exploding rounds?
when are they going to get the one's in London?
Wtf is this bullshit bullets dont magically make fuel tanks explode
Respect based bongs respect.
KEK, they fuggd now.
GJ Brits, if we fuck this election but you guys still Brexit I'll try to immigrate there.
>High-Explosive, Armour Piercing, Incendiary
all the SAS lads I met were super based
Uhh hello, this isn't some bullshit rag, it's the Daily Mail. I'll trust their reporting until provided irrefutable evidence against it.
They fucked up now
sniper elite
They're just words. Until I see actions she's still a typical Tory.
this tbqthwyl
She seems promising but after what we've been through before I just don't know what to believe.
Call of Duty 6 - Shootin' them fukin pakis n'that
KeK be with them
What will the SAS/SBS lads listen to as they go hunt?
As with all the other "super secret sniper does X" stories, vids or GTFO
>want to assassinate people
>tell them
Jungle mix m8
I mean, it was a Barrett 50. The damn thing isn't even made for sniping, it's made for disabling light vehicles without completely destroying them. I could see it being loaded with an incendiary round, and I could also see the kind of operator trained in blowing up engine blocks from a mile away being able to make this shot.
Haha, nice one
What kind of name is "Soap"?
She's in India right now and the Indians asked for more UK visa's for Indians.
Her response was........ No.
Then when pressed on the issue she said, we can talk about more visa's if India agrees to take back the tens of thousands of Indians in the UK that have already over stayed their visas.
Pretty Based.
>When you want to push human rights so hard that you kill your own citizens without trial and any chance to surrender
At least pretend to be the good guys
It's an anti-armour rifle
It's ok Germany, if you want we'll ship these cultural enrichers to you by the Lorry load?
She and Boris are tough as fuck on Russia, also resembling Thatcher.
>good goys in this thread actually believe SAS will go after their closest allies
Maybe to cover shit up, I wouldnt put that above those dirty british traitors, see Betrayal of Poland and Betrayal of the Cossacks
They just have a treason gene, born to be scum
That's an interesting point.
Perhaps it is a dangerous precedent when the government can literally send in Judge Dredd.
But then this is war and they are enemy combatants which aren't given the same rights.
>tfw you're ancestors are called savages by a descendant of the Nazis
Are you proud of Hitler?
rest are in burgeland
that is such BS
they just tell you that so you don't feel as bad when they take over your towns with the sheer volume of the "good ones"