Try and disprove communism is the future

Pro-tip: you can't
>muh free markets!
To unstable, will never be truly equal

Equality is a spook

we are going to get global corporate neofeudalism

Fucking communists stealing our memes. Why are they so unoriginal

Socialism/communism is the same as all forms of statism, it relies on force and violence to make others conform. Capitalism in its purest form is the natural state of man, we will always default to peaceful cooperation and trade when we are not being dominated over by slavemasters.
Prove me wrong, OP. You wont because as always
>1 post by this ID.
Faggot coward.

and after that the global proletariat revolution and eternal perfect communism

All the failed countries do it for us.

>dat feel when everyone hates the word communism

Communism disproved

fuck off commie scum

Nice to see that once again (((leftypol))) failed to create something new. Once again stealing something and making it worse.

>Socialism/communism is the same as all forms of statism, it relies on force and violence to make others conform.
>Dat feel when you forget about Scandinavia and willing conformity

That "He's a jew" part is p. cool

>maybe if I cry STAYTISS it'll go away

If people really did willingly conform their taxes would be 0%, not 40% on average.

Not an argument

Even if you would like to believe it no one is equal , human beings have no rights outside of those we create for ourselves.

Therefore communism is a silly idea. Power belongs to those who have the courage to take and keep it , being alive and human doesnt entitle you to anything more than being dead.

UBI wont happen until your entire workforce is non human , either way once that happens you dont need currency anymore.

Your ideology is silly in its entirety , just because it sounds good in theory doesnt mean itll work in practice.

Grow up.

>forum sliding with shit bait

CTR must be getting tired of (((George Soros))) by now - did he withdraw their payment in gooey extra-cheesey pizza?

You know, they cant uphold their fun times if a communist economy would reshare the Fish 14 [Podesta and them broken bones in Little Finger], that is if communism would actually work in practice

>200+ million dead and counting
>marxists claim intellect; proceed with destroying libraries and imprisoning academics

good job

>If people really did willingly conform their taxes would be 0%, not 40% on average.

How is this logical in your head? Conformity is to authority. Authority is government saying this and that, and people agreeing.

It doesn't matter Capitalism and Communism have the same end result

Communism is the past.
Stop living in 1917.
It's been 25 years

Equality snuffs out competitiveness and growth. If everyone gets a paycheck whether they work or not, then what point is there to working?

It has been already implemented and it failed miserably. Props for trying tho.

Hmmm... I wonder if you can solve scarcity with a liberal arts degree

>too unstable
>has worked fine except when government meddles with interests rates

>it's another "lefty/pol/ pretends marxism has nothing to do with social justice" episode

"But it wasn't REAL communism"


Everytime delusional minds come with this.

Every single mammal is genetically capitalistic. If not, the certain mammal would lose sense of reproduction.

Communism goes straight against the nature of our species.

Yea... that worked out real well.

The government can't make everyone conform, there's always many people who lose out tremendously in exchange for everyone else winning out, and the system requires that.

>will never be truly equal
>Communism is good
What are you doing right now.

>welfare state
>import 1 million refugees
what could go wrong?

Not even ants are communist.

Can't you commies just fap to Marx's glorious cumbeard instead?

The man was a NEET who was literally kept by his gay lover his entire life. Must you always pretend he had something relevant to say?

It only works in small communities with large swathes of land, or in a post scarcity world like star Trek where all needed material is created from raw energy from the sun or something similar, the reverse of e=mc^2

>Marx reading the paper upside-down

nice cartoon commie

Cause they are the ideology of thieves. They steal all you own "for the collective"

If everyone conformed, there would be no need for taxes as all the money needed for these various programs would be donated voluntarily.

Real communism has never been tried.
why would you trust a system that has never been tried?

>will never be truly equal
Why the FUCK do we want equality? We believe we are above negroids. THAT'S EXACTLY the flaw of communism, it ignores the reality that some humans are better than others.

class is to heterogeneous to have a revolution. Capitalism is stable, we have a linear system to ensure that.

Yeah I bet it's really nice living off the backs of the capitalists before you. I bet it's really nice to have a meme military because the US does all of your defense.


>1870: the worldwide socialist revolution is at hand
>1895 the worldwide socialist revolution is at hand
>1917 the worldwide socialist revolution is at hand
>1932 the worldwide socialist revolution is at hand
>1959 the worldwide socialist revolution is at hand
>1979 the worldwide socialist revolution is at hand
>1993 the worldwide socialist revolution is at hand
>2016 the worldwide socialist revolution is at hand

Someone really needs to clean up all of that graffiti.

Hegel is a cunt and a liar, Marx is also these things and what's worse he doesn't even interpret Hegel correctly despite basing his entire philosophy on the man.

Also dialectics is woo. "T-the revolution wil happen any day now, declining wages and increased division guarantee it"

Actually, "Socialism" is only ever used as a scapegoat by the plutocrats in power to consolidate all wealth and power in the nation.

By making everyone the same level you must necessarily force everybody down to the lowest rung, because there just aren't enough resources otherwise

Furthermore even on an individual basis humans are extremely rarely "the same" anyways, and trying to force equality of outcome is absolutely retarded because someone who would otherwise be better off dead is now being supported while someone who would otherwise have made revolutionary advances in literally any field of academics is now both too impoverished and also probably too working themselves to death for the state on a farm to do so

or perhaps they were just killed off outright in camps initially

Why is being equal a concern, anyway? After all, people sure as hell aren't equal; there are tons of folks objectively and inherently better than I am, and so there's no issue with them being in higher positions and reaping greater rewards.

"Equality" is the dumbest meme of the past few centuries.

Something something RULES OF NATURE

They just seized them comrade.

It started off being equality of rights, which is perfectly reasonable. Now you have worthless, lazy shits demanding the wealth of people who could actually be bothered to create it.

The fact you have to confiscate memes and reuse them because you are incapable of making one yourself should be an indicator why it will never work. As Thatcher put it:
Eventually you will run out of other peoples memes.

Shameful edit, also if communism is so great why does the proletariat always try to flee that system?

This guy already did all the work.


Can anyone explain to me what a car manufacturing plant would look like under socialism? How much do people get paid? Are there bosses? What happens to all of the profits? Can you be fired?

Bitcoin is everywhere.
You lose.

Read "Harrison Bergeron" you ignorant cuck


saged for shitty b8


I never understood why graffiti survived this far, sometimes you'll see some cool ones but most of the time it's just a mess of 28 different "crew signs" (or whatever they are called) overlaping, it's just ugly.

>that picture
Stalin was a cunt m8. There's just no way around that.

When the people outside know you've had a stroke and are literally dying in your own urine, but they're just waiting it out, you've fucked up somewhere. There's just no way around that one.

we need to achieve post scarcity to enjoy communism. So its not happening because capitalism perpetuates scarcity.

>disprove communism is the future
>free markets will never be truly equal
Humans aren't equal. Equality shills will be executed for theft and treason. There will be no future for communism.

>will never be truly equal
This is a fallacy. You cannot achieve true equality because humans are not equal. You are chasing an impossibility.

state capitalism will inevitably always be the end result

Not sure about this. Certain insects are following a path that is parallel to the communistic ideologists but this is because they are differently programmed


I think I'll just take 5 fucking seconds to look at the past for my answer.

>unironically defending Stalin
Stalin was literally a worse person than Hitler.

Effectivement...le communisme est la vie des rois...

>You cannot achieve true equality because humans are not equal.
That's why leftists are so much into racemixing and taking over every aspect of a child's development. They'll make them equal by bringing everyone down to the same mediocre level both genetically and environmentally. When you're a relativist, the mediocre is excellent in its own way.

Ants are feudal if anything.

id argue that communism is the default method of governance for our species... the issue is that it falls apart when tribe size grows from ~60 people to 300 million. The wellbeing of the individual becomes disconnected from that of the tribe when the tribe size grows to that of modern civilization

in a word

""The Soviet Union"""

>1 post by this ID

you're all retarded

>To unstable, will never be truly equal

Equality is a fucking myth faggot nigger

Yeah go ahead, be a moron. Even the communist states have abandoned communism. You're on the wrong side of history, the only place we're going now is toward the truth.

There's no proof whatsoever of Stalin or his policies contributing to the deaths of millions of people. This has always been the invention of Western reporters working in the interest of their imperial master: the United States.

>Try and disprove communism
by definition, individuality and equality are mutually exclusive.
since we live on a planet of aprox 7.5b individuals, what does this us about equality?

Stalinism was awfully similar to NS, and some early Nazis advocated alliance with USSR.
NS is communism with racial aspect.

You're so stupid.

Except Soviet archives. Stalin and his cronies meticulously documented their actions (just like Nazis) because everything they did was "legal".
Stalin himself personally signed executions.

Again, when he had a stroke and was literally dying in his own urine, everyone just whistled and waited outside.

That doesn't happen unless you fucked up somewhere.

NS is actually fascism + racism

After an Allende comes a Pinochet.

Read about Strasserism which was "pure" NS. Hitler was a compromiser who made a deal with traditional powers in Germany (capitalists and army). That's why Night of the Long Knives happened, SA was advocating for socialist phase of NS revolution.

Communism/socialism can never work; they suffer from the eoconomic calculation problem. Also, they destroy people's motivation.

No country without means of production memes is communist

> Hitler was a compromiser
No shit, he was a faggot that was butthurt that imperialism was over, Germany came late into the party, just slaughtered a bunch of niggers in Namibia, he really wanted to be just the new Kaiser of an absurd Wagnerian-Nietzschian Empire.The opposite of the liberal and progressive France of Napoleon

Its also the natural form of capitalists to bleed when they're shot

Communism is basically a degenerate Theocracy. We need the Church to fix our lives, not an Atheistic government.

I just meant that NS and Stalinism are similar.

Communists believe that all art and expression are means of disseminating propaganda and therefore it must serve to forward and promote communism.

If communists actually fucking read marx they'd all be ultra-capitalists

No one would get paid because communism is by definition a money-less society. Everyone has a right to enough food to eat and the necessary acoutroments to carry out their life.

Therefore there are no profts you are simply making cars for the betterment of society.

The great profit generated by a capitalist system comes from the bosses taking a large amount of the workers wage because they 'own' the equipment with which he works. Under capitalism since the means of production is collectively owned your wages won't be undercut. So a boss is not really a boss who can tell you what to do and fire you on a whim. He is merely a fellow worker who helps organize and deal with the logistics of running the facility at which one works.

If you're a real asshole you could be fired and re allocated to another job because everyone has a right to a job. Obviously refusing to work and taking advantage of the system would be dealt with harshly because it undermines the very fabric of a communist society.

>If communists actually fucking read marx they'd all be ultra-capitalists

Quite the opposite, It is capitalists who don't understand how their system oppresses them. After almost a century of being indoctrinated with anti-communist ideals, capitalists think that the system is hopelessly flawed with little evidence. They often cite that 'communist' nations (even though a communist system would be stateless) fail miserably. 'Communist' states around the world fell mostly due to reformists like Gorbachev undermining the system with capitalist ideals, and the fact that the west was using any means possible to try and bring communist states down.

If everyone understands that they are working for the betterment of society rather than selfish desires to get ahead at the expense of others their motivation will not be lost. This understanding requires a highly educated population that understands the communist system and its fundamental principles. If people don't understand how the system works then they may try to take advantage of it to the expense of everyone. to achieve perfect communism universal free education to university level must be implemented so people can realise that working together as equals will be the most beneficial to society.


Blown the Fuck Out

Stop embarrassing your self nz