Really love it, but it's kinda slow in some parts.
Really love it, but it's kinda slow in some parts
Other urls found in this thread:
Awful Hospital? It's alright.
The man himself? Complete scum.
Why's that?
He took the work of another writer and claimed it as his own after he had a falling out with said writer.
That literally didn't happen
It literally did
the premise reminds me of that one comic with the rabbit(?) and cat(?). I think it was made on Sup Forums or /tg/, I forget.
So give us the deets. what's the name of the other writer? what parts of Awful Hospital were ghostwritten? what was the falling-out over?
Don't tantalize us with drama unless you bring the meat we can chew on
Basically this. Awful Hospital could even be better than "alright", but there's just enough times where he couldn't keep his sociopolitical views from getting too heavy-handed in the comic.
He also tried to argue that free speech was a bad thing, and then backpedaled frantically when he received a response other than mindless echo-chamber nodding from his hugbox.
Go back to Tumblr, Wojcik. Or maybe dA, where you can get baited by more people about global warming.
I like his creature designs. Should stick to it and nothing else.
RubyQuest. nigga. Can't believe it's been like 10 years since
I like his perspective, he has integrity.
Used to talk to him on the old X-Entertainment board. Odd fella, but cool.
He's an unwashed nice guy manchild who loses his mind whenever someone says mean things about him, and I guarentee you he's in this thread right now just because someone mentioned his name, assuming he didn't start it himself.
Awful Hospital, his original site, and his Halloween stuff are amazing.
He's spooky mutated Pokemon-clo e is hit or miss.
His tumblr's a fucking mess. And that's coming from a black bi liberal. I've unfollowed him several times because I just want to hear him talk about bugs abound scary stuff; not political shit. He even promised to make a second tumblr for it, but never did. At least he mostly keeps it out of his actual site.
I agree with his politics but don't get anything out of seeing him post about them and his love of mayonnaise almost made me unfollow him because that's just crossing a damn line.
>At least he mostly keeps it out of his actual site.
He's had numerous articles that were basically thinly-veiled excuses to rant about various "-isms", and even when they're not the focus of the article, he seems incapable of passing up any tenuous opportunity to slip in some kind of societal remark. The guy couldn't talk about limited edition horror DVD covers without veering into commentary about gender roles in fiction.
More than a few times he's talked about how religious fundamentalists used to get toy lines and card games in hot water because of some perceived offense against their beliefs, and he's basically become that exact sort of person. Except instead of God, he's made his sociopolitical views his infallible deity, and reacts about as well to people questioning/disagreeing with them as Bible-thumpers do.
I suppose I should have said "usually"; modern politics can't creep up in an article about brain eating fungi.
But, yeah; that's what put me off of his tumblr for a while. His insistence of just bringing it up ALL THE FUCKING TIME. I don't mind knowing someone's beliefs, but its when they do nothing but talk about it all the time that I get irritated.
Because you should be able to disagree with the idea that women are people as if you were disagreeing with the idea that chocolate is the best ice cream flavor.
A couple years ago, Bogleech did a sort-of ARG with the Burgrr universe with a fellow named Slimebeast. Together they made a phony website that was the hub for the ARG: Slimebeast did the web design and wrote the overarching story (both the true story that was the reward for the ARG and the premise for the faux Burgrr restaurant itself), while Bog provided the art and included ties to his "Noisy Neighbors" universe.
Some time after this, GamerGate happened. Bogleech, being the insane SJW he is, was violently opposed to it and bought into every negative anecdote and exaggeration that went along with GG. Slimebeast, on the other hand, was more grounded in his views of GamerGate, and casually made some observations on his Tumblr that were basically primers on why GamerGate had some merit. Bogleech responded to this the way you'd expect, claiming that Slimebeast was wrong and that GG was literally evil and all that, and private messaged Slimebeast to not promote GamerGate on his own Tumblr (literally demanding that he not do so). Slimebeast said no, and Bog explained that Slimebeast "apparently didn't understand anything about what GamerGate is if he's willing to give it the time of day" and that he "thought Slimebeast was smarter than that". Long story short, the two stopped being friends because of Bogs insistence on being a holier-than-thou jackass about GamerGate.
After this, the Burgrr site was shut down. Bogleech continued to use the Burgrr characters, most notably in Awful Hospital, without giving credit to Slimebeast (someone actually brought it up to him on Tumblr, to which he responded that Slimebeast had nothing to do with the inception and creation of Burgrr, only that he did the technical side of the site and that all intellectual ownership of Burgrr belonged to Bogleech).
>Bogleech continued to use the Burgrr characters, most notably in Awful Hospital, without giving credit to Slimebeast
So what? If he washed his hands of the site then whats the problem?
Bogleech says he is the one who created the burgrr characters so he is perfectly in the right to continue using them:
Do you have proof Slimebeast created them? Has SB ever complained about Bog using the characters? If not why the fuck are you whining about it.
Did he once draw Velma porn or did I imagine that?
>Bogleech, being the insane SJW he is
You don't sound biased at all
Man, people like you need to fuck off and stop trying to discredit people you don't like with obvious bullshit. Bogleech has done nothing wrong and the fact that you're trying to get people to hate him solely because he has different political views is fucking pathetic
Bogleech detected
>literally defending gamergate
same here
His detractors have clearly never actually seen his tumblr. It's basically 99% biology/monster stuff and 1% "political" stuff. The most recent "political" thing he posted was about midwestern conservative towns, and it was mainly about how over-the-top they can be. Everything else was monsters, zombie parasites, conches, and the like.
If you know about that recent post you should know about the giant fucking thing he had with pro-lifers.
I like his comic and mortasheen.
Most people on here say they quit during the body arc, but I think it gets interesting after that.
>not a new ip
Fuck off wojck.