Why does the world's only superpower and richest country in the world not help its troubled neighbor with nation...

Why does the world's only superpower and richest country in the world not help its troubled neighbor with nation building instead of building a wall?


Because they won't help themselves. They'd rather run away and blame their problems on others instead of taking the initiative to prove that they want to improve.

Societies shoud solve their OWN problems

That doesn't stop you from dumping tens of billions in aid in Africa and so on.

what do you think NAFTA was?

Because neighbor turns into neighbors

Give a man a fish vs. Teach a man to fish

Why should we? They're not our problem, as long as we can keep them over there.


Gonna let the cartels soften them up a bit before we take it for ourselves

Eastern Europe has been receiving free money from you and USA since before 1991 and it's still increasing to this day. And it wasn't just money but comprehensive help with governance, building institutions and fighting crime and corruption, etc.

Our house is currently falling down. We're preventing the neighbors from coming over to live inside our house rent-free while we fix our own house.

But we do

We give them billions in federal aid and we work with them to try and root out their biggest problem, which is the cartels.

Mexicans started shit too many times throughout the ages. Africa on the other hand has always been dealt shit.

You don't ACTUALLY think we don't do anything to help Mexico, do you?

Fucking honestly

You think we got this way by giving money away for free?

>nation building

drones and cameras are a more efficient than a wall



Mexico actually has plenty of resources to fix their country on their own. They just don't. The country is run on an oligarchal system of haves and have nots where all developmental funding is funneled into the cities said oligarchs favor while small towns south of Tijuana or other similar places can rot in hell for all the Mexican establishment cares.

Mexico doesn't bother to fix their broken system not because they can't or because it would be difficult, but because they legitimately don't want to. Instead, they take advantage of their proximity to the USA and actively encourage the have - nots to illegally come into our country and use our welfare resources instead of theirs. So instead of having any sort of gibsmedat programs, they instead make the laws on their side incredibly easy for people to leave if they want to. "Go leach off the United States" is literally their official welfare model.

This is why the wall will actually be beneficial to Mexico as well. Their government will have a harder time sustaining their model of having their citizens leach off foreign welfare and will be forced to actually do something or risk collapse.

>Implying a wall doesn't help to your country mate.

Seems like you don't understand how latinamerica works mate.

We can't help those that don't want it, plus Mexico doesn't have that much oil.

>give a man a fish, feed him for a day
>teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime

>give mexico aid, waste money and pay the corrupt
>teach mexico to fend for itself, maybe they can fix ther shit forever

Because it's a fucking shithole. There's nothing you can do for them apart from preventing them from spreading.

Unless you can mandate the developments your own money is being spent on, which is bad because muh colonialism, the leaders of nations who get aid money almost invariably just take the money and run.

>Our house is currently falling down. We're preventing the neighbors from coming over to live inside our house rent-free while we fix our own house.
You dumb nigger! If the house is falling down, we need some Mexicans to rebuild it

Every country in the world is corrupted.

>building another country's nation
>puppet state with no independence

>import their population to assist their poor
>country is never build and a population becomes dependent on handouts

The best option is to tell them to fuck off and fix their own problems. People complain about not wanting the US to be the police of the world yet they constantly bitch that we aren't the savior of the world.