Singing song about Jews that I made up

>singing song about Jews that I made up
>"he's a merchant Jew, nothing new nothing new"
>suddenly look back and my roommate is looking at my from under the covers and just laughs
What has this place done to me seriously fuck you guys

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What does the melody go like?

Kind of like this

At least hes a nerdy fob Asian but fuck me I thought I was alone.

Poo in the loo
Cuck the cuckatoos
Kel is green and blue

Kek I do this too

Mate my hipster left wing gf walked in on me singing SS Marschiert in Feindesland a few weeks ago. And I'd just got to the 'Wir kämpfen für Deutschland, wir kämpfen for Hitler' bit.

It's not funny I've never been more embarrassed in my life

>under the covers
uhhhh, explain..

what happend then?

I sometimes hum Giovinezza to myself and my gf is non-white

choon 2bh