Beast Boy

What is Beast Boy's best form?

Probably one of the mythical ones

I own a pet Hedgehog.

it vomits alots and make high-pitched noises when Itry to grab her

That one fish in Amazon that can swim through men's urine and crawl inside of their urethra.

Stills makes more than my dog

This one

post pics, dude.

>what is beast boy's best form.
His nude form.

The one that gives him the bigges shlong

Beast boy doesn't need to turn into a horse to have a throbbing horse cock.

I don't really understand his power set (never read Titans comics). Into what kind of "beasts" can he transform himself? It's basically transfiguration but that isn't really limited to animals. If he can only transform himself into animals, shouldn't he NOT be able to transform into mythical beasts since they never existed? If he's able to transform into ANY kind of animal, including mythical beasts, shouldn't he be able to transform into people as well because of all the biology shit?

Beast Boy is limited only himself, the guy could change in whatever he wants if believes it, the only reason BB is not using his power to his full potential is because he clings to his humanity, because he fears the power in him, but that the pre-rebirth BB i don't know how powerful he's now

so is there any evidence as to him being able to transform himself into a human? he obviously shuoldn't be able to turn into a fire-spouting dragon, right?

can he turn into a gril?

oh gosh that's how he looks in the comics?
sauce me dude on the issue then

BB should be capable or at least he was before rebirth of turning into anything he imagines, but he dosen't do it because that would be too powerful, so the writers depower him either ignoring previos develpment or saying he's to scare of his powers or dosen't want to lose his humanity. BB should be living omnitrix if the guy can turn into anything he sees, because i doubt BB has seen a dragon before or a yeti


He can change his gender if he transforms into an animal that can (like clams or clownfish)

Well many mythical beasts DO exist in DC, given that Wonder Woman brings in a lot of those Greek myth things into the DC universe.

Mythical beings exist in the DC universe, there's also that time he went to hell and transformed into a werewolf demon or whatever

It's Titans, first issue.



I know it's kinda rude to ask this, but how much does you dog make? Is it at least five figures?

Don't forget when he became an ekder god.