So if Trump loses, Western Civilization is basically kill. Who else will stand up to the libtards? Yurocucks? Leafposters? lel
So what is your contingency plan? I intend to fuck off to South East Asia.
So if Trump loses, Western Civilization is basically kill. Who else will stand up to the libtards? Yurocucks? Leafposters? lel
So what is your contingency plan? I intend to fuck off to South East Asia.
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If Trump loses all of civilization takes a step forward.
Another question is, IF Trump wins, what are the chances he will get assassinated right off the bat? With all the shit on dems that is coming out over the last few days it wouldn't surprise me at all
Taking my filipino gf and getting off this rock
That window of opportunity has passed by now. Keep in mind that 50% of the country is on his side. If he dies any time soon there will be a full blown uprising.
Okay I'll bite. How?
Duterte's Philippines is where I'm headed.
Then Geert Wilders is basically my last hope.
Or perhaps Iceland, shitskins think it's too cold there.
Mike "Stand Against" Pence will personally pound every illegal, terrorist and criminal into thin red paste
>So what is your contingency plan?
Race war or white man is over
East Asia sounds good to me, hopefully I can get work there
The fact Hillary isn't behind bars, or was even allowed to run, is 100% proof that justice is dead in this country.
We do not have a rule of law, and if such a thing existed, its only used on the poor and the weak.
Hillarys election is proof we are just slaves, pawns, tools, and like a tool, we have an owner, a master and they can pick and choose as they see fit what to do with our bodies and future.
The American system and its way of life has been degenerated, shamed and shit on by the radical left and their final nail for the coffin arrives tomorrow unless we show up to stop them.
Tomorrow will decide if we still have a pulse or this country flat lines.
Singapore mothefuckers. I have dual citizenship. Am honestly looking at Japan if I'm lucky (or perhaps not).
learn spanish, plan escape to south america. it's gonna be more white than europe in a few years, and far away from islam
dunno where to go. maybe I'll watch the trends and go where everyone else is going. I dont want to be the only whitey in asia-land
>not defending your homeland
That's how I know you're a cuck
Come to Russia, friend. We can watch nukes go off together.
nothing is kill. only bongs sink with the alt-right wet dream
you gotta appreciate them or commit sucicide with them, coz at least they single handedly will carry out part of what drumpf and you drump shills wanted to do
If shit hits the fan tomorrow (and it will) all red-pilled, armed and straight white males will be off to fend for themselves
Edgy Sup Forumsros being for Hillary cus so many edges.
Never change!
You think trump will save "western civilization"?
aliyah to Israel f-a-m
Can I come too? I still have a russian citizenship from when I was a young lad.
They wouldn't do that. Mike pence would be 10x worse than trump for libtards and they know it
my homeland died in 1945 and was replaced by an american vassal state that would literally throw me in prison if it could connect my Sup Forums posts to my IRL identity
should the opportunity arise, i will gladly join an uprising or fight in a civil war. but until then i'll be living in a place where you can actually live your life for yourself instead of being taken advantage of on behalf of muslim invaders by the state.
Sure! The more the merrier!
>what's the plan
we take matters into our own hands...
If you want off this rock, meditate
There is no other way, Prometheus
can we just human instrumentality ourselves already lads
if trump doesn't win we deserve it.
I intend to stay in my yurta
We left your nation not a decade after the war
You being cucks is your own fault
This tbqh is the best chance we have. We can only save this gay earth if we do our best to keep Russia from being nuked and then go over there to help take on the globalist cabal and their army of homogeneous brown people of indeterminate racial, ethnic and gender identity. Пopa вoзвpaщaтьcя дoмoй, poдинa зoвёт.
If trump loses we well have civil war.
Nah, everyone is docile. No one wants to lose access to quality tendies.
I'll wait about a week after to see if anything happens because I'm a hopeful fool, if not I'm going to run off into the woods and quietly an hero. If people are willing to bend over and accept such a corrupt witch just because she has a cunt, then I don't want to exist in the same world as them any longer. We all know how a Hillary presidency will look, that's not the sort of world i could live in.
Lucky for you cucks in the rest of the western world, Americans will actually pick up our guns and fight if and when the time comes. It's in our blood to fight tyranny. We'll save your sorry asses
Glad low IQs like you won't be making the trip
>if not I'm going to run off into the woods and quietly an hero.
if you've given up on hope, why not go out with a bang?
go take down some higher up libshits with you
thank you based americans. Smuggle us some Rifles so our uncucked can join.
I kinda wish this whole planet drowns in the glow of atom. Just enough, we had a good ride, time to end it with a bang, don't you think?
Maybe next generation of sentient creatures finds remnants of our civilization and corrects our mistakes.
V4 stronk
>low IQs
eheh You believe in IQ tests as well, I see.
They'd just use it against us. Could you imagine the how hard the media cry if a straight white man committed a massacre because trump lost? There would be nonstop coverage for at least two weeks.
And myers-briggs you smelly brown hippie
>libtards? Yurocucks? Leafposters?
Stage way to spell Globalists
More accurately, if Hillary Clinton wins western civilization is kill.
But let's be honest here: All she represents is the kill shot. Leftists have already beaten it to a bloody pulp over the last few decades. A Trump presidency represents little more than putting it on life support before someone else puts it out of its misery...
The only ones taking a step forward if Hillary wins is filthy jihadists.
They won't try to kill him, what they will try to do, however, is everything in their power to make his presidency look so incompetent and horrible that it will guarantee the DNC the white house for many elections to come. Even if he wins our work will be far from over.
Imma go to New Zealand if WW3 breaks out, they won't waste a nuke on NZ
Trump must win
Hopefully one of his based sons (who will both be old enough to run come 2020) wins in a landslide.
Nigger you literally have no reason to not have a rifle, there's no rifle registry in Canada and you faggots get 200 dollar Ruski SKS's.
Buy two so you have one to bury and one to practice with.
>So if Trump loses, Western Civilization is basically kill
>So if Trump loses we won't fight WW3.
Last time around Romney honestly believed we lived in the end times, and it was his job to lead America in supporting Israel during the final days.
This time, Trump wants to use U.S. troops to help Russia secure control of Europe's oil supply.
It's like the rational majority is saving civilization with each passing election.
People throw a revolution and take over the world. Shit gets a lot better after that.
...oh, but if Hillary wins, then drag queens will be able to use the ladie's room.
I guess that was what you meant.
I will convert to Islam if Hillary wins.
Because that will be the time to leave western civilization behind, and move on.
To move on with a civilization that wants to LIVE.
Trump better wins this motherfucker.
Same plan as you.
We need to ELECT DONNIE!
>The fact Hillary isn't behind bars, or was even allowed to run, is 100% proof that justice is dead in this country.
Don't forget: Bush illegally deleted 22 MILLION white house emails off a private email server.
Did you call for his impeachment?
I go back to Russia, if he wins I apply for citizenship and renounce my Canadian one when approved.
most of us weren't on Sup Forums then
>le false dichotomy faec
Bush, Obama and Clinton (both of them) are all human garbage and deserve to be lined up in front of a firing squad.
Things won't be any worse under Hillary than Obama?
Or, blue paste;)
Threadly reminder
Not after he was subpoenaed to release them. His was just routine maintenance. Hers was destroying evidence which was requested as part of an investigation. His e-mails were properly secured, and deleting them was also in accordance with proper security protocols.
Barack was the only President who did not have a single year of 3% GDP growth.
>I intend to fuck off to South East Asia
>Thai women will fuck me because I am bigger than their males
You're basically a nigger.
What? No it's not it just means we try again or begin to actually fight/breakaway
The movement of civilizations are slow and flowing
>It is in the United Kingdom that we must place our hope.
Sure send them all to jail
I'll probably stay, but if Muslims go beyond 50% of the population, I'm moving
Probably south east Asia like OP
>If Trump loses all of civilization takes a step forward.
he won't lose, shill. Just go out and vote!
>The United Kingdom?
>The United Kingdom is weak
>"The Anglo Race is failing. The blood of Mosley is all but spent, its pride and dignity forgotten. It is because of the UK the jew survives.
If civil war breakes out, where can a euro go to support you burgers? I mean if iwent across the border of leafland to burgerland...what would be the best place to go and find those militias?
>There is one who could united them
>One who could reclaim the throne
>He turned from that path long ago
what the fuck do you care about the fallout and blowback from your assassination? you'll be dead by then anyway.
The MBTI questionnaire, first published in 1943,
Mate this is current year, our current knowledge of psychology has been stuck in the 50s for over 60 years now. This is a prehistoric science compared to our other modernized sciences.
You shouldn't assume our understanding of psychology is 100% accurate just like any science.
Our knowledge of psychology, or rather, the people's knowledge of it is... ridiculous to say the least. We live in a secretive world.
If Trump loses Western civilization is saved. Do you really want him to turn us into a degenerate 18th century slum like Russia?
Michigan, from the Ontario border
ty all i needed to know. GL tommorow
>tfw after tomorrow I'll never have a reason to post pic related again
Gonna lock it away in the meme cabinet. In 40 years I can reminisce about the great meme war of 2016.
The question is, who is gonna be placed in FEMA camps?
trumpets in action
>Americucks will continue to be the most cucked nation on earth
The west died when you cucks decided to team up to bring your cuckdom to germany.