Why do liberals steal signs and conservatives don't?

Why do liberals steal signs and conservatives don't?

because they all fell for the robin hood meme

They're children who never learned how to deal with having their beliefs challenged. I know I don't know if that's really the case but it sure seems like it with how a lot of millenials act.

Liberals gave all their money to bernie sanders or a dope dealer.

Conservatives probably have better things to do

We'd have to drive around for six hours to find one Hillary sign.

Because Conservatives are like little children that can't handle that their candidate is loosing

Because redpill: liberals are the bad guys.

Democrats formed the KKK. Liberals of today keep their message alive by stating only whites have privilege.

Imagery is everything to liberals because they lack substance

Look at how they dress, how they colour their hair.

Is that Arin from game grumps?


your "god" agrees with me xD

checked and /thread

Because there are no Hillary signs anywhere.

They're just being responsible and clearing the trash from their neighbors' yards.

Driving around Missouri and Kansas for the last few months and had never seen a Hillary sign. Not a single one.

If it weren't for internet images I wouldn't even know what one looks like.

Because liberals have very liberal concept of private property and ownership

Because they're niggers

Work and bills.

It's a popular thing to do; it's something rebellious that has been popularized recently. It's the same mindset, same people, that would be interested in graffiti.
They only do it because it's popular and edgy and will reaffirm their position in their -INSERT LABEL- group.

I live in Missouri and literally only see Hillary signs in the nigger parts of the city. I seriously doubt the owners even put them there.

Easy there achmed


Back in 2004 my dad had a huge Bush sign on his front lawn which is basically a hill. He woke up one morning to find that someone had driven up and across the hill to run over his sign.

Nice. I avoid the containment zones.

Nig turnout will be way down tomorrow, it seems.

Fun fact. The democrats pay them to put the signs up in the yard. My grandpa made a killing every election that way. Well that and buying votes for democrats. He would bank a couple thousand easy.

Thanks for the info, quadroon now get off my white man's board.

dem bantz

Because Marxists don't understand the concept of private property.

Conservatives are too cucked to fight.

Arin has ballooned

Because children are scared of things they don't like.

>conservatives don't steal over political disagreements therefore they are children

>Why do liberals steal signs and conservatives don't?
conservatives usually work for a living, so they can afford to buy their own trump signs instead of stealing them from their neighbors

>Robin Hood

>"“It is said that [Robin Hood] fought against the looting rulers and returned the loot to those who had been robbed, but that is not the meaning of the legend which has survived. He is remembered, not as a champion of property, but as a champion of need, not as a defender of the robbed, but as a provider of the poor. He is held to be the first man who assumed a halo of virtue by practicing charity with wealth which he did not own, by giving away goods which he had not produced, by making others pay for the luxury of his pity. He is the man who became the symbol of the idea that need, not achievement, is the source of rights, that we don’t have to produce, only to want, that the earned does not belong to us, but the unearned does. He became a justification for every mediocrity who, unable to make his own living, has demanded the power to dispose of the property of his betters, by proclaiming his willingness to devote his life to his inferiors at the price of robbing his superiors. It is this foulest of creatures — the double-parasite who lives on the sores of the poor and the blood of the rich — whom men have come to regard as a moral ideal. And this has brought us to a world where the more a man produces, the closer he comes to the loss of all his rights, until, if his ability is great enough, he becomes a rightless creature delivered as prey to any claimant — while in order to be placed above rights, above principles, above morality, placed where anything is permitted to him, even plunder and murder, all a man has to do is be in need. Do you wonder why the world is collapsing around us? That is what I am fighting… Until men learn that of all human symbols, Robin Hood is the most immoral and the most contemptible, there will be no justice on earth and no way for mankind to survive.”

Liberals are usually atheists with no morals. Think about it, they believe that killing babies is good, so stealing a sign is nothing to them.


This is what happens when you tell children that they are special and deserve just for existing. When you raise them to believe that all of their actions are worthy of praise and participation trophies.

Wow! Great point Ahmed! Hows your daughter's raping going?

Because it's ok if they do it.

because libs are emotional faggots

same reason they're for higher taxes.

A misguided disrespect for personal property

Generally speaking, liberals believe the end justify the means. Conservatives wants things done according to the law.

For example, conservatives want Hillary prosecuted in court and thrown in jail.

Liberals want someone to shoot Trump despite claiming there's evidence that can land him in jail.

Crooks lean left.

there are no Hillary signs to steal lmao


0.3 dollars have been transfered to your bank account thanks for ctr - satan

You can always tell its a liberal burger if you can't determine the person's sex from an angle like this.

Is it an effeminate man or a masculine woman? I can't tell.

This is probably as good an answer as you till get.

Liberals are shitty people. Are you just now figuring this out?

Words hurt them.

For real. They are wounded by words themselves.

Like how little children can understand irony but not sarcasm, so flip out and take the latter personally.

>how could these professional beggars be one step away from thievery!?

>Why do liberals steal signs and conservatives don't?

Why do conservatives gerrymander districts and liberals don't?

Why do conservatives engage in voter suppression and liberals don't?

Why do conservatives shut down government and liberals don't?

Why do conservatives refuse to vote on supreme court nominees and liberals don't?

Why do conservatives attract the Ku Klux Klan and liberals don't?

There's all kinds of interesting questions like that one could ask.

That's incredible.

Why do liberals commit voter fraud and conservatives don't?

Reminded me of Atlas Shrugged

Best answer so far. Muh feelings.

That's dumb, Robin Hood did earn everything by stealing it. This was in a time where there was no concept of national duty instead it was rule by force and duty by choice. If king can't provide for his subjects let alone protect his own shit from a them then it isn't his and he doesn't deserve his authority. Who ever wrote that is a fag and shitty pseudointellectual

Entitlement indoctrination.

Government funded schools instilling the sin of Pride from day one.

Pride, the original sin of Lucifer that can keep you from accepting God through obedience to His word.

Why do Ameritards call socialists liberals and liberals conservatives?

>Why do conservatives engage in voter suppression and liberals don't?

The black panthers literally go on voter intimidation patrols (doing it, not preventing it) in my area.

By all means, continue bitching about the atrocity of demanding an id that can be gotten for free.

Well said Brother.

Blessings of Yeshua and Elohim upon you.

because if cuckservitards did shit that libcucks do they would be destroyed professinaly and charged with crimes. when a libcuck does shit like this they are called (((community activist leaders and are just expressing there inner feelings about white privilege))), in other words they are hailed as hoers and the MSM and the government backs them up. if i rip up a hillary sign i am called a criminal and publicly flogged. mean while the truth is both are criminals. no one should rip up anyone's sign

Leftists are totalitarian and have always been

The degree to which they get violent is the only thing that fluctuates

FYI totalitarian is worse than authoritatian. It's not enough for them to have power, they want you to conform as well

>Why do conservatives gerrymander districts and liberals don't?
california would like a word with you

And the answer to every single one of those save for OP's is:
They do.

Stay mad CTR manlet :P

Because liberals, in their core, don't believe in respect for private property and do not tolerate opposing views.

it is atlas shrugged

wow this made me lol

I hate these faggots. I can't even stomach the idea of playing games anymore let alone being associated with ugly fucking losers like this.

>Why do conservatives gerrymander districts and liberals don't?

Illinois's 4th congressional district says otherwise.

>Why do conservatives engage in voter suppression and liberals don't?

Proof of identity to ensure election integrity is not voter suppression.

>Why do conservatives shut down government and liberals don't?

What is wrong with this? Conservatives use constitutional power of the purse, while liberals believe in continuing to spend money that doesn't exist.

>Why do conservatives refuse to vote on supreme court nominees and liberals don't?

You mean like the 1960 bill passed by Democrats to stop election year recess appointments.

>Why do conservatives attract the Ku Klux Klan and liberals don't?

Because liberals attract the Black Panthers, La Raza, CAIR, and other racial supremacy groups.

Because Liberals are emotional creatures who believe only in their own farts and when challenged or criticized they instead double down.

Liberals do not believe in free speech because they steal peoples signs of who they support as well as try to silence anyone who does not agree that trump is the next hitler.

Liberals also do not believe in the right to due process because of this enigma that is "rape culture" see Rolling Stones fabrication article, gamer gate, Black Lives Matter and 5guys.

They do not believe in the second amendment and I do not need to explain further because it's obvious

They do not believe in states rights NC Bathroom retardation

They do not believe in the 10th amendment because they believe big Fed needs to consistantly run more. See healthcare, college, welfare, etc.

My question is, "if they do not believe in these thing, why the fuck are they here then?"

>I seriously doubt the owners even put them there
In one of the Wikileaks emails they were talking about doorknockimg GOTV and they said to just put yard signs out of the owner was registered Dem and not even ask. I suspect that's why the only Hillary sign I've seen was in a field right off the highway.

Because conservatives respect property

Most of the time they have him robbing tax wagons. Literally just giving back what was taken from the peasants hours before. He does not steal because there is need, he steals because taxation has become theft, and the government has become organized crime. I have never seen any Robin Hood story where the primary motivation is to feed the hungry. The primary motivation is always to destroy the unjust rule of a traitor.

This is because to a liberal, language creates a social reality. To them, normalizing words they don't like literally causes them to believe that they have been shackled to the insult. It is the final form of asshurt.


>robbing taxes
>leftist want endless taxes
>get rabid when somebody wants to cut taxation
>froth at the mouth when somebody pays as little as possible
Hmm really makes you think

this leaf is right. he basicly only robbed goverment.

>tfw Robin Hood is libertarian and not a socialist

That makes sense. It's odd behaviour, but it must be learned behaviour?

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Because they believe they are not only smarter than you but they are more right and that moral Authority give them the ability to assert themselves over your freedom