Honestly, I think we got this. Trump's going to win in such a landslide that I'm not even going to bother voting.
Honestly, I think we got this. Trump's going to win in such a landslide that I'm not even going to bother voting
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I feel the same way, fellow Trump supporting POL regular.
>CTR's increasingly nervous last ditch effort
Same here guys, I'm also a /Pol regular and I'm pretty sure I don't need to waste my time tomorrow.
its pretty much a waste of time at this point because its already projected to be such a massive landslide. we dont want the mainstream media to start suggesting that the polls were rigged in favor of Trump now would we? :)
>Happy 4-Chan Lizard.jpg
>Fellow trump supporter
Cant tell if this is a joke or really bad CTR
wtf i'm with her now
Yea I won't be voting either guys. Trump has got this, there is just no need to go outside tomorrow. I already have my hotpockets and mountain dew so I can game while others vote for me.
Just talked to my friends and family. All massive Trump supporters. We all agree that since it still be such a landslide none of us are voting.