My mother says "If that racist Trump wins, we're moving to Canada". It's even possible, with herself being a Canadian citizen, living under a green card. I do NOT want to become a leafposter.
Send help.
My mother says "If that racist Trump wins, we're moving to Canada". It's even possible, with herself being a Canadian citizen, living under a green card. I do NOT want to become a leafposter.
Send help.
kill her and wear her skin to steal her identity
kill her and then yourself.
why not mexico?
or this
Why not Syria or Pakistan? Seems to be her thing.
Not gonna KILL her, but I need a way out of this without moving out.
If under 18, GTFO underage b&
If over 18, kill yourself for being such a spineless fucking cuck that you would listen to whatever your mommy tells you and move with her. Get your own house/apartment you fucking manbaby.
Do this. You can just tell anyone who asks questions not to worry about it.
>living at home
>posting on Sup Forums
There is no situation where these two things simultaneously exist and should also be tolerated
Canadians are more racist b/c being racist is taboo everywhere in this country if people aren't 100% white and loyalist (Crown or fleur-de-lis).
we are more nativist, as this land's history, heritage, and identity was for 350 years was dominated by pioneers taming/settling the land. we were never described as a nation of immigrants until leftist revisionists in the 70s
>Being underage
Move in with a friend.
Ehh, sounds about right. 19 though, I'd like my own house but I want to be near my family.
Ask her why she wants to move to a rich white country instead of a somewhere with more brown people. Isn't she being racist
Fuck off we are full
She won't leave. Before both Bush wins, libs all said they would leave (hilarious that they think they would be missed). However, they stayed, and continued to fuck up America.
find a flatshare in your town. perfect setting for a young man your age. I moved out at 18.
It's ok user you can come to my house and we can eat poutine and post together
1. Fuck off we're full
2. Canada is always three months away from whatever America is doing
3. See 1
>send help
First you send naked pics of your mother.
just move to sweden alone, no questions asked welfare for life
Start screaming and nervously laughing any time you hear about canada and act like you are having a mental breakdown involving canada. even go so far as to eat her poop to convince her you are that scared of canada.
I'm pretty sure everyone lives at home.
Except homeless people, I guess.
>Live five minutes away from university
>already being charged out the ass
>they want 3 grand more just to put me in a small ass room that will let me walk to class in fifteen minutes rather than drive there and walk in ten.
Think I'll stay home and save the strain on my finances till I graduate, m8.
Don't worry about it, Trump isn't going to win
fuck off, we're full
you're no better than the mudslimes bailing out of their shit hole countries
frame you mom up in a felony
Just move out you fucking sponge.
>not wanting a Sup Forumsack to come back to your country and accepting minorities
it's like you want to be cucked you stupid leaf
Tell her to move to Mexico, if she balks tell her she is racist for only wanting to flee to white countries
Come and help get rid of weedman famalama.
I'll adopt you. How old are you? Male or female?
you better apologize now
Who said I want the minorities here? Americans fucked up their country and now they want to come here.
Just like the muzzies.
>living innawoods
>I has internets
Now that's a good magic trick.
Empty the savings and checking to the point where you'll both be living paycheck to paycheck until she realizes it's not that bad and just hide the cash
What's wrong with canada?
Donald Trump isn't a racist. He's never said anything racist, ever. Your mother is the victim of a propaganda campaign.
On the other hand, he is a misogynist.
>My mother says "If that racist Trump wins, we're moving to Canada". It's even possible, with herself being a Canadian citizen, living under a green card. I do NOT want to become a leafposter.
>Send help.
Apply to be a political refugee.
Canada will emasculate you. It's their version of assimilation.
>move to Canada
>avoid toronto, vancouver and montreal like the plague
>you're surrounded entirely by white conservative people now
I don't see the problem with this.
>herself being a Canadian citizen
Make like your flag and get the fuck out of my country dude.
It's not that bad.
Besides, you can help us work toward getting annexed by Daddy.
so move out
what are you, 12?
You need to slip her some redpills.
Get used to putting mayonnaise on everything.
Fuck man. Its commie central up here. Head for the hills and sign up in one of those white militias.
>Canada will emasculate you. It's their version of assimilation.
I don't understand this at all
what's wrong with canada??
This. It's a one way ticket to the insane asylum. A nice meal 3 times a day and color coded pills to collect and use as bargaining chips. Real comfy American institute.
maybe she should move to mexico.
Has your dad ever walked in on your mom and her boyfriend?
You're 14. Get out.
The sanctions that Trump is gonna put on weedman is gonna make canada a barren shithole, by the way.
When crossing the border, make sure to tell the border agents that your mother is smuggling drugs up her ass. That will teach the bitch a lesson.
Get a fucking job and move out of your mom's basement. Or else underage ban&
come home white man