Intelligence negatively correlated with support for Trump

How do you reconcile the fact that the higher the IQ an individual has the more likely they are to not support Trump?
I am a STEM grad student and even in Australia most professors in the sciences openly mock Trump, when I have been to the USA for conferences it was worse. It seems that the only way an individual can support Trump is if their IQ is sub 130. I am not implying that there are no competent reasonably intelligent people supporting him, that is clearly not the case, but truly gifted and talented individuals invariably do not.

If I was American I simply would not vote tomorrow.

True souls vote for Jill.
Only sane person.

Anyone with a three digit IQ that isn't a subverted sodomite would not support democracy let alone clinton or trump

People with low IQ aren't bad at heart. High IQ is also correlated with college//University attendance, which are breeding grounds for far left ideals.

A lot of the lower IQ population are just hard-working people who have been fucked over by globalist agendas, and they're suck and tired of it. It's the lesson the remainiacs failed to learn from the Brexit.

A bin-man you may be, but an honest day's work for an honest day's pay makes you an honourable man in my eyes.

That's a great source you have there OP

If you just wanna throw away your vote and let Trump have it, go right ahead. But if you ACTUALLY want a woman to be president, there's only one choice: Her. Any other vote, even for Jill, is misogynist.

High intelligence correlates with likelyhood that ur the unibomber you fucking asshole

because Universities are brainwashing you

First, intelligence doesn't mean shit. Intelligence is like a tool. If you use it badly it just doesn't matter.
And intelligent people aren't immune to mistakes.
But if you SUPPORT Trump you are a fucking idiot. He's a sleazy semi-literate billionare from NY who was born into wealth.
What matters is that he picked a role and stances that will lead him to White House. It doesn't really matter if he believes what he says.
This is about Hillary and what she stands for losing, not about Trump winning.
That's why some smart people support him.
But if you worship him like some idiots here you're obviously either not very intelligent or not very educated, or you think life is like a movie so you suspend your disbelief.

>higher IQ people are more likely to not support trump

It's just because American universities are Marxist breeding grounds

so much CTR concern trolling, Amerifats pls don't pay attention and get out and vote Trump tomorrow

Referring to majority college grads supporting HRC. In USC/LA Times Daybreak Poll

Then why do you cry and scream when we evil Republicans want to take the vote away from the people too stupid to get an ID? The uncivilized savages vote left what does that say about you?

If the Clinton Foundation received any money from the U.S. government, they defrauded the American people by misusing tax-payer money with their funding of Chelsea Clinton's wedding, among other things. Simple. Has anyone discussed this?


>Be intelligent
>Be privileged enough to examine life through a looking glass while living a life of luxury not experienced by 99.99% of the Earths population since the dawn of mankind
>Get upset when "low IQ rednecks" don't vote for your candidate

I am in the exact same situation as you, OP.

Here are my thoughts :
Trump said a bunch of retarded things when it comes to science. Climate change denial is already pretty disqualifying for scientists and engineers, but his anti-vax stance is retarded as fuck and I perfectly understand any scientist mocking him after that. Even I mock him for that. The vast majority of high IQ people are working in STEM. Some do not work in STEM fields all their life and move on to finance, economy, politics and so on (such as Merkel, Monti, Musk, etc).

Trump is scientifically illiterate, and my support for him only holds to the fact that he is not an ideologue. If scientists manage to contact him and explain to him with rational arguments why he is wrong, he will change his mind (except for the coal miners, he won't let them down, even if coal is a shitty energy source).

The first thing Trump's cabinet should do is to invite some very talented physicists, chemists, physicians, biologists, geologists and climatologists and make them give him lectures about science and the current state of research in STEM fields. Trump is ignorant, but not stupid. He will understand what they will tell him.

The only thing I like with Trump is that he will fuck PC culture to death (and the memes). Other than that, he is a fucking terrible candidate. And I swear, if his scientific illiteracy influences his policies, I won't support him anymore.

Smart people vote for Trump.

Check you premise.

And 90+% of the black population are voting for Clinton. Really makes you think. Hmmm.

I seriously despute that. If latinos and blacks where the only one that could vote, then Hillary would win every state by +80% of the votes.
If whites where the only one to vote, then Trump would win virtually all states - with the exception of some in the north west coast and perhaps California.

If there is a negative correlation between IQ and voting for Trump, then the racial IQ difference should first be substracted, It would almost be impossible to gain a higher average IQ among Clinton voters, Especially because the bell curve place 50% of the people within a very narrow field + - 5 IQ points.

>College Grads
>130 IQ

I'm pretty sure the average IQ for college grads is less than 10 pts higher than for the population as a whole, which is like less than 1/2 a standard deviation. Meaning there isn't actually a huge difference in intelligence, at least in terms of being considered "smart," as that requires an IQ 20 points, or a standard deviation above the norm.
The point is the difference in IQ is minimal, and it really does come down to academia being liberal as fuck and using that platform to influence college students

>assuming college grads have high IQ
>liberal art majors have high IQ
>college degree requirements haven't been dumbed down to help more people graduate
>degree necessarily means you critically think about politics

IQ 130 is possessed by 2% of the population, but online tests commonly give that to you.

I have an IQ of 35,000 and I'm both-fucking-barrels MAGA. 2,327 standard devs. All pseudointellectuals can fuck off.

Are you trying to tell me my online IQ test is inaccurate? It is true though. Your statement that is.

There's a lot of factors at play for where you want to lean politically and most of it comes from what motivates you. Just because people who disagree with you call you dumb doesn't mean you are and is quite a standard response. You could be stupid don't get me wrong but in terms of how you wish to align yourself isn't the be all and end all of it. If you vote trump and your reasoning is in line with your motivation to which you took the time to understand then there's no reason to assume you're beyond salvaging in terms of IQ

High IQ does not equal sense. I have autistic friends who are very intelligent and college grad, yet they take everything they see on TV to be fact. The TV says Trump is racist and a sexist, so they need to stop him. They cannot fathom the problem with shipping thousands of undocumented refugees into the country. Today's college is just an expensive echo chamber. t. 138 lol that changes something

What are the averages for professionally administered tests?

But realistically, no IQ test is able to accurately determine an adult IQ