Anarcho capitalism

>Anarcho capitalism

>fair share

>fair share

>maintain society

7/10 Made me laugh.

>maintain society
>Nice business you've got there. Be a real shame if something happened to it...

Oh, and also
>fair share

>(((fair))) share
>maintain (((society)))

He should be saying "Pay your "fair share" or we'll shoot you."

>muh NAP

Just because it isn't practical unless perfect conditions are present, doesn't mean that it isn't interesting and useful to have an Ancap perspective on politics.

Having a group passionately argue for their position, however untenable it may be allows you to see the strengths and weaknesses in your own opinions.

You don't have to stick to one political ideology and tell everybody else to fuck off, politics isn't football.

>give me your money or ill kill you

Lmao libertarians have a problem with this

Fucking moralfags hahaha

There is literally nothing wrong with using the threat of force to extort money from other people

The weak should fear the strong

Anarcho-capitalism is an oxymoron.

Pay your fair share goy and we'll spend it wisely don't worry lmao

Let's just give up private property altogether and make everyone's share fair.

>No, you can't kill me! That violates the NAP! Without government, there's no monopoly on violence so I, scrawny weakling and aids ridden homosexual, can defend myself against your armed gang!

>Fair share
>Maintain society

>for you

Blow away, leaf. I hope you're robbed first.

>pay your fare share or we'll throw you in a jail cell and take it

but natsoc is the opposite of anarco capitalism. nomad jew loves the society with no border and no regulations

Americans are rootless, same as Jews.

based finland

>maintain society by importing 3rd world immigrants


Didn't your country fully embrace this oxymoron after 1980?

>Dude do all the work and then I'll take an increasing percentage of it every year to pay for autistic teen moms lmao
>Dude jail lmao

No. Socialism until 1990, then we go full neo-liberalism.

Well, how did it work out?

anarcho anything is autism manifest


>Fair share
>Maintain society

You're an adorable kind of newfag. Go shovel snow. It builds character.


Socialism is crap. Left us in the worst economical crisis of our history, the Shining Path appeared and the military started to kill everybody.

After we embraced neo-liberalism things are getting better.

Welfare spending on the non-elderly in the US is 2.5% of the GDP, three times below actual first world nations.

>Peru embraces Krugmanology

What a fucking surprise

Let me know how that goes in 10 years when your inflation rate is 10000%

Almost everything's better than Communism.
As far as I know, there's not even reliable economic data on Peru, since 60% of the jobs are unregistered.


good fucking job


>aynarcho crapitalism

There was never socialism in Peru, you silly boy.

Wonderful for migrants, not only making it easier to travel, they even lead directly to the cities with their bountiful welfare departments

Merci Monsieur Trudeau!

the prosperity of us japan was the result of social capitalism though.
and our downfall is the result of neoliberalism.
fuck free market or free trade or free anus or whatever



> fair share

Flamin Galah

>Just because it isn't practical unless perfect conditions are present, doesn't mean that it isn't interesting and useful to have an Ancap perspective on politics.

That's literally exactly what it means.

Would you like to hear about my belief that society would be best run by robot unicorns?

> You don't have to stick to one political ideology and tell everybody else to fuck off

Tell that to the anarcho-capitalists. They don't have an ideology, they have a religion.

>The weak should fear the strong

People not wanting this is exactly why nobody except a few beta lunatics subscribe to ancap beliefs.

If it's not optional it's theft.

so will you let your son starve and die if he has no money?

Your conception of terms like "optional" and "coercion" are too narrow.

It's one of the sources of all ancap misunderstanding, the other being that ancap thinking endorses violence, it just distributes it in a different way than other systems.

How are they narrow? All I'm saying is paying taxes isn't optional and you're not even given the option to opt out of society and live in the woods somewhere. Feds own the woods for what can only be described as decorative purposes. There's no misunderstanding about that for both parties.

You aren't even asked beforehand if you want to be born into the country you're practically the property of.

>everyone who doesn't subscribe to my god awful, contradictory ideology is a gommie!

Why claim an ideology then?

>Be a real shame if something happened to it...
>something happens to it
>every time, each time
You have described Russia.

lold hard af