Arthur global warming

Arthur global warming.
Join my team Arthur.
Humans caused global warming Arthur.

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Carbon levels in the atmosphere were higher during the Roman Empire than they are now. Earth is hundreds of thousands of years overdue for an ice age, which are preceded by warming trends. Climate change is real. Man made climate change is not.

>t. My country is entirely dependent on car culture because we fucked over every other form of transportation investment on a whim
>And despite the cheap fuel we get, the distances we travel are so ludicrously impractical that if petrol rises in price by five cents, everything is fucked.

Koch sucker.

To be fair, he'd be more pissed off about the acidification of the oceans than the warming part. The warming part is bad for us, the acidification turns his home into an eczema simulator for the next forever. Only difference is sudacrem is a bitch to apply underwater.

He's not wrong.

I'm sure you were there to record the carbon levels.

>Climate change is real. Man made climate change is not.

And 25 years ago you'd be saying that climate change wasn't real. The common thread is that you don't want to believe that anything should be done about it, facts be damned.

>if petrol rises in price by five cents

it used to be like a dollar more expensive than it is now

assuming you're mocking the US

>Man made climate change is not.
97% of the climate science reserach census dsagree

>Carbon levels in the atmosphere were higher during the Roman Empire than they are now.
How do we know? Did Romans keep records of that?


>Carbon levels in the atmosphere were higher during the Roman Empire than they are now

Wouldn't Arthur be happy with global warming?
More water from the melting ice caps.

97% is a lie.
The people who ran the study lied at every stage.
The number is closer to 30% that the climate is drastically changing.
Maybe less than 10% even consider humans having a beyond negligable effect.

Trump has said that research is fake news. Are you implying our president, the smartest man on the planet who knows more than any scientist, is wrong?

Earth's in an ice age right now, brainlet.

Look up the Roman Warm Period.

So you believe the science that confirms carbon levels in the atmosphere were higher during the Roman Empire but you don't believe the science that man has a large effect on the atmosphere?

This is literally a textbook case of cherry picking whatever fits your narrative

I don't get climate change deniers, like what do we get from not changing to a more sustainable energy source? Oil is going to run out one day, that is not arguable. At what point do you go "oh ok, now is a decent time to switch over" if energy technology adoption risk is the only thing you care about?

Yes. Because one of those "sciences" is the basis for a billion dollar industry, the other is not.

>Man made climate change is not.
Go back to Sup Forums you regressive cunt

What industry is the science of "we somehow measured the carbon levels of the roman era" the basis for?

CLIMATE CHANGE is the industry, not the denial of man' blame for it. But I did make a mistake, it's not billions. It's trillions.





FUck fuckald ocf FUCK

Do you seriously believe

Genuinely, honestly, and in all seriousness actually fucking believe

Jesus fucking christ.

This is how 'conservative' politicians get into and stay in power. Fuck. Fuckety fuck fuck FUCK. I wish I could hate you to death.

>implying getting air from a mere 2,000 years ago si even hard

Yeah, about that?

>three different Trump/climate change denial threads on the front page
the fuck is this shit
fuck off

Dang, so eager to make you all look stupid I forgot the link.

>niggas don't know what paleoclimatology is

>Renewable energy is a profitable business
Well why the fuck isn't the government tapping into it instead of pursuing coal, let our working class get a bit of that.

>he doesn't China smog

>say anyone who doesn't believe in global warming is anti-science
>never provide any scientific proof for global warming
What did they mean by this?

>provide evidence
>whatever the science industry is all FAKE
people value their time

no dude that's called winter

>Arthur, what's your parents' names?
>My dad's Thomas-

What’s more interesting is how many of the deniers are more or less outright paid shills.

Are the mods blind or just dumb?

Careful, you're gonna trigger Namorfag