Is anyone else likely to leave the EU?

who would you say is more likely to get out, pol, and when?

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Denmark is a candidate and also the Netherlands.
France, well I don't really know. Can't guess their state of mind most of the time.

Italy, dec 4.

Denmark is not a Candidate.... they are super pro eu

I france leaves it kind of end the contiguous aspect of the EU, it would have a pretty weird shape

some articles mention greece, hungary, finland, italy and austria too.

Is it likely?

None of those could survive without the EU

France is the only country that could

Likely, no, i would not say so. Sup Forums seems to overrated and overthink the hate of eu.

Part of my hope, if Trump wins, which he will, that right wing Euro's and QT's will come to US in record numbers.

France will leave if Juppé proposition aren't accepted

That's not true.