>post 2012 election >ok we lost massively among women, Latinos, African Americans, young people, etc. >we have to figure out a way to win over these voters >we have to be more inclusive >oh I know let's nominate Donald Trump!
Name one party that has went more full retard than the modern GOP. Pro-tip you fucking can't.
The funny thing is, trumps doing better with women and latinos than recent gop nominees.
Josiah Butler
>doing better with women and latinos than recent gop nominees.
Said nobody ever. He's doing historically bad.
Sebastian Watson
>mfw I have to share a political wing with these retards
Why must we have to vote for the stupid party all the time? Politics is not that difficult.
Isaiah Young
>my priority is to vote for someone who represents the interests of people who don't love this country or its interests
Elijah Rodriguez
Holy shit you people really do live in an alternate reality.
Henry Ramirez
I gather that's what they're reading from Breitbart or picking up in those talk radio networks that issued decrees that none of their hosts would say anything negative about Trump.
Bentley Cox
fuck you spic ill enjoy building that wall to keep you roachs out
Nolan White
What are they gonna do, pander harder than Democrats?