Do you think Romney would have done better against Hillary than Trump is doing right now?
Also how different would America be right now if Romney beat Obama in 2012?
Do you think Romney would have done better against Hillary than Trump is doing right now?
Also how different would America be right now if Romney beat Obama in 2012?
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It doesn't even matter if he could, he STILL would have amnestied all the mexicans and probably cucked on getting rid of obama care. May as well vote for Hilary desu.
Trump is literally our last shot at uncucking ourselves. If we don't send the god damn illegals back their kids will turn Texas blue and we're fucking finished.
It's easy to think positively about the people who aren't running.
Hillary and Romney are the same agenda, though.
Where would they differentiate?
No, Romney does not give me a hard-on. I'm sure the electorate who voted for him in 2012 will agree.
You are a fucking moron and I am so excited about how sad you are going to be tomorrow.
No. Republicans can't afford to run anyone but populist candidates due to how the media is. Romney literally got hung up on fucking tax returns and muh 47%. These things aren't even on the radar for a populist
Had you put Romney in the primaries he would have been eviscerated by Trump like every other middle of the road candidate was.
This guy is so full of shit. More shit than Hillary's diaper .
Trump wins tomorrow
This guy has it right. I didn't vote in 2008 and 2012 because both of the cucks running were pretty much Democrats by any other label.
Can't wait to drink your CTR tears shill.