What's the point of voting if it's rigged?
Might as well stay at home...
What's the point of voting if it's rigged?
Might as well stay at home...
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this message only applies to democrat voters
Why take the risk?
I can't believe someone else watched Legend of the Seeker.
You get to listen to either Kang or Kotos. Up to you.
Literally this election.
I feel the same way, but I am still going to vote. They want us to doubt and not bother going to the polls. Fuck them.
The thing with rigged election is that a massive lead can still destroy the rigging. I live in a country where all elections are rigged; the reason so many of us sound so hopeless is that we'd need something like a 40% vote allocation shift across the whole country to ever change anything. But with Trump, with the support he's getting - such a lead is possible. America has the historic choice to blow the global junta out for good. And so every pro-Trump vote is all-important.
I am hoping Trump wins the popular vote by a wide margin, even if Clinton wins the electoral. It will create a great tension and hopefully people will become more and more restless.
This is my hope too in case it won't become a clear Trump win in both. I've been researching and taking notes for two years now. With such a climate as you describe I could possibly fix things here, or at least actually do something. And if he takes it all then I'll barely have to. This last day is such a torment, with the waiting and all that.