SJWs as Fantasy classes

Working on webcomics to trigger SJWs. Need help thinking of RPG classes for the characters.

So far I have
"white knight" a beta male
-an "otherkin" which will be like a Druid
- a thief (BLM racist)
-a "paladin" that's a Muslim who rapes everyone while the party excuses his actions.

For enemies:
-trolls (anyone who disagrees with them
- shitlords which are like necronancers
-Educated scholars (like mages who fight them by disproving their claims

Any other classes/class names or spell/ability ideas greatly appreciated

SJW's are inquisitors (subset of the Priest class)

One spell idea I have is "male gaze" which triggers the female SJWs.

A noun.
Inferior so can't be a priest.
Always grumpy as fuck and love to yell shit at little boys because they are miserable as fuck and hate pretty ladies because they're fugly.

The most obvious, REDCAPS, a kind of murderous fey that dips their hat in blood.


amazing idea, looking forward to hearing more about this.

Fuck off with your anti-Christian rhetoric.

Enemies copy sjw attacks called "cultural appropriation"

>anti-Christian rhetoric.

>stupid religious man
It checks out.

If you're planning on breaking the 4th wall, nigras have an unfair advantage because of their natural predisposition to rolling dice.

With a Jewish DM.

There's a thieves guild responsible for over 50% of the murders in the land despite making up 6% of the population.

Pointing that out makes thieves do extra damage to city guards.

Feminazis can be sirens or harpies

if you build in something like a bar for powermoves, a ragebar or something like that make it go from 1 to CAN´T EVEN

Or fugly harpies that see themselves as sirens lol

Yeah and there's one that's too fat to fly so they all stop flying to prevent it being offended.

What's their overall goal for their adventure?

so the muslim "paladin" would be a blackguard

Right wing death squads = true paladins

nice thread

a diabloII like merc system.
small male units called "orbiter" that fly around the female charackters

Technically yes, but it's funnier IMO if the noble holy warrior is a jihadist getting praised for his peaceful religion

Social Justice Warlock

this. the game should just reflect SJW views as accurate as possible.

source of the original pic?

Jewish enemy/class, dedicated to trickery, kinda like illusion magic in skyrim. Also they get 100% more shekels.

I googled "God emperor Trump" and saw it. I have no idea what the non-trump version is from though

daemonhunter codex

Final boss is Trump, his lair is Sup Forums

Chris-chan is a shopkeeper, who sells various sonichu medallions that grant bonuses to things like defense, or attack, or magic powers or some shit

warhammer codex deamonhunters

Sup Forums is a Kekist board

praise the Ogdoad

Enemies leading up to trump have a devastating attack where they just write "trump" on the ground in chalk like at that one college

>implying trump isn't our maker
>implying Sup Forums isn't our heaven

The final boss is unknown at this point. The boss for vanilla is Clinton and when the expansion comes out it'll be soros.

Also kek needs to be a resource, like mana.

can't believe no one has mentioned using the KKK Grand Wizard / Grand Dragon
their power is a shout (like in skyrim) that triggers all other classes so they have to roll a saving throw or miss a turn

Being a nigger grants 20% bonus to stealth during the night, yet take double damage from being shot by guards with crossbows/whatever

70 years ago there was a world war in which almost all the gnomes were genocided. Today we are constantly reminded to honor their sacrifice, and speaking ill of gnomes is forbidden or frowned upon depending on your location. It's just a coincidence that all the nobels, embassadors, etc. all happen to be half-gnomes. In a surprise twist, the penultimate bosses are full gnomes.

I thought of that at first, but SJWs seem to rarely focus on actual issues of racism lol

enemy is a charismatic bard who speaks hate (in their opinion) but isn't considered a criminal by actual law.
Entire adventure is the party constantly trying to get audiences with the king so they can convince him to create new censorship laws.

As well as this, they can recruit apes and monkeys as minions, and if there are enough minions, can get away with any crime by using the shout- "he dindu nuffin"
They have a bonus perk, known as "WE WUZ KANGZ" which provides temporary immunity from trolls using historical facts against them.

Add frog god cultists to enemies. They are mages who work like FF calculators (number magic).

lol this

Lol. Grow up, nerds.

ok another idea
pic related class is mad alchemist
he lives in a deep cave that has the purest water in the land
drinking his water removes all spells and gives +5 resist to globalism

An SJW on the tabletop should be more like a commisar from 40k...except because of smugglypuff's smell or trigglypuffs flabs they dont join units.

basically, they should only be there to appease and are useful for nothing....they give morale boosts in cover and in hiding places or when retreating but in combat always hide in the back.

in melee, they dont inflict fatal wounds but instead disorient and distract enemy units with retarded rhetoric "I'M A RHETORITICIAN!!!!"

Genderfluid - Has some really hefty, yet disturbing shafeshifting powers.
A feminist - High charisma (good looking) character leading witch hunts.
Body positive - 500+lbs walking tank, that devours its enemies with extra mayonnaise.
The triggered - A bright haired berserker with multiple facial piercings.

you could work in "women who are better looking than them" maybe.

Have all male characters get +1 strength. Yes, humans have sexual dimorphism.

Also - the Cuck - a support class with no combat efficiency with a blonde blue eyed pet capable of buffing the other characters.
Special ability - Prep the bull - Mends wounds and gives strength bonuses to whomever is currently being supported by the cucks pet.

You brilliant fuck! I was trying to work cuck in there somehow and you delivered!

Glad to help:
Work a meme wizard as well as an elite enemy.

And make pepes the goblins/greenskins.

To smash the patriarchy ofc


>soldiers are mixed between whites & "traitor" pocs/woman
>His domain is a massive wall with smaller walls within
>He's gained his power by helping the community & stopping the advancements of a barbarian hordes *dindu kebabs*
>The goal of the campaign is the PC's to kill the leader for his "hate crimes" & place in a leader they were paid for
>If they succeed do a fast forward of a shithole with mass rape,murder,etc... of the citizens with the PC's either walking into the sunrise or part of the chaos

here's the basis for a possible campaign if you want


>pepes the goblins/greenskins.

the tank hambeast could also have special effects like enraging all surrounding units that get triggered when she drops to 75/50/25% health

Natural enemy of Aryan NPC's, who are farmers and foot warriors.

Nah, banshees.

Niggers - can shoot and loot but can't into stealth, cause smell.

On the other side - black man. Sort of a monk.

DESU senpai - think Darkest Dungeon with the characters becoming triggered after their Harrasment Meter [TM] fills so they may get tilts like - Stare Raped, PTSD, Triggered (may buff certain classes like the hambeast) or the worst of all: Internalise the misogyny and join the enemy side.

There's so many ideas and only one poor op to deliver. GL glorious faggot

>eastern european vampires who drink exclusively muslim blood and are baldly nationalist

>werewolves who live in an idyllic homogenous white community and transform once diversity fucks them over and provokes them into rage

Nah, leftists should be represented by traditionally "good" races and classes.

Have Moonman as a an elite minion or as a lord of his own domain.

He deals significantly more damage and has a higher crit chance and multiplier against people of color, and passively emits an aura of white supremacy - that is, White characters must constantly make a Will save as long as Moonman is within earshot or fall to his rhetoric, turning them against their social justice comrades. Duration and severity of the turning depends on how badly the character fails the saving throw.

don´t know how many ideas for a priest class are already in this thread but liberal university prof would make a fine one


If you're looking for priest, as in healer, then we already have the cuck: Though the cuck as proposed by that user sounds to me more like a druid.

well, with many classes the game could actually end up getting pretty good.
i hate having 1 default tank/offtank/dps/dpsranged/healer

Needs some kind of injun equivalent.

Fat Body Acceptance chick - Witch class, specifically the one that eats babies.

Ranger - slutty girl who's animal companion is a wild cuck orbiter.

I think I'm getting your catch now.

Liberal university profs, aside from proselytizing, can draw and direct their ideology's energies as well, allowing them a set number of casts of abilities like Safe Space (better resistances and allows characters within the Safe Space to ignore the penalties incurred by status effects such as Triggered) per day. They can dedicate themselves to different ideologies like LGBTQ, multiculturalism and atheism, each conferring upon them different unique abilities (such as Rebuke God, Smite Nationalist).

If your party chooses to play as monstrous or villainous classes the difficulty goes through the roof.

To clarify my tripdubs:

This is a class that gets privilege points.
You recharge your privilege points by oppressing women and minorities.
With your privilege points, you can accomplish various things ONCE such as have a +10 bonus on rolls to haggle for your wage, a +10 bonus, a +10 bonus on AC, a +10 bonus on an attack roll, a +10 bonus on damage roll, or using a magical spell from a different class with its cost being patriarchy point/level to the max level of your current level (this makes it important for you to level-up regularly), and the prices of all items you personally like are reduced by 50% for you, and anyone trying to attack you can be instantly redirected to hit the nearest female, and any male is automatically friendly or better disposed towards you.
Most for one point each.
Additionally you always have a permanent +10 bonus on trying to rape someone, and a permanent +10 bonus on influencing people politically, or any roll involving your career progress as a politician.
You also start with the wealth of the wealthiest class on the board, and don't have to roll for it, but automatically take the maximum roll.

>slutty girl who's animal companion is a wild cuck orbiter.
Is is bad that i wish to be an orbiter male?

To get mechanics tricky you can have everyone choose their class, then rechoose their class based on what they identify as

Bard - maybe something like Carl the cuck. Some sort of protester.

Alchemist - Poo in loo Indian who thinks that his poop and cow poop is magic.

if darkest dungeon like debuffs are in the game like suggested the mental wounds of the SJW´s could be tended by the prof.
shielding against hate-facts or some shit like that

and yeah safe spaces have to be in the game. if they´re not an in game ability or buff maybe a camp mechanic between battles. kinda like darkest dungeon again.

>Carl the cuck
Carl Benjamin?

Whatever floats your boat. We all orbit at some point. It's the types that bitch that they can't get past "muh friend zoned" that piss me off.

Benjamin Fischbein?