Remind that this man could have become President tomorrow, but you guys threw a tantrum and nominated a meme controlled opposition candidate.
Let this be a lesson for future elections. Extremist candidates never win in a Democracy.
Remind that this man could have become President tomorrow, but you guys threw a tantrum and nominated a meme controlled opposition candidate.
Let this be a lesson for future elections. Extremist candidates never win in a Democracy.
We didn't listen
We don't care. Try reddit, maybe.
You don't have to pretend anymore, Jose. We now Trump is your plant.
Enjoy your amnesty, I guess.
So we nominate a neocon, pro-amnesty globalist that wants war with Russia to run against a neocon, pro-amnesty globalist that also, coincidentally, wants war with Russia. Sounds like a good plan.
>neocon warmonger
>pathway to citizenship
Yeah no thanks. He would have just been democrat lite.
Just as bad as Killary. Except perhaps stupider. What would be the point
Literally who?
Look, we know you're just mad nobody is giving you free food anymore Johnny
how so?
I actually believe the Wall will be good for Mexico.
because he said something mean
he wasn't one of us
>Potential path to citizenship for illegal families who have committed no crimes, lived in America for years and they have to pay the IRS money they owe
>Open-borders and automatic citizenship for all illegals and criminals and active importation of Muslims
Yes, I guess from the prospective of an extremist who wants to deport all the illegals and build a giant wall, both of these would be the same thing.
>not an open borders globalist
Okay buddy. Just a reminder that Dubya failed on immigration as well. Kasich also would have signed TPP, so he can go fuck himself.
>trusting the establishment to fix a problem it's been ignoring for decades already.
Is that jeb?
Kasich looks like an old lesbian
>illegal immigrants who have committed no crimes
>Mah Establishment!
You have to win the election first before you can tackle policies, friends.
And guess who wins elections?
I'll give you a hint that will spoil tomorrow.
[spoiler]It's not the extremist candidate.[/spoiler]
>just elect the puppet with an R; it'll all be okay
It was pretty much Trump or nothing. Kasich would not have reformed trade policy, had sane foreign policy, or secured the border.
Trump supporters are like people who throw all their money away on lottery tickets with the hope of winning big even though the chances are laughably low instead of investing it in good but lower return options. If not for Hillary having so much shit, Trump would be doing even worse.
There's also the fact that Trump is a self-promoting hype man, so chances are he won't even bother with a fraction of what he's promised and instead be just another "neocon" if they're lucky.
You do realize that your stupid Sup Forums and leddit bullshit had next to nothing to do with his nomination, right? You do understand that actual voters nominated him, right?
You do understand that there are literally only 2000-3000 fucktards posting on this shit board right? And that nobody reads this shit except for those neckbeards?
You do understand that 50% of these retards are from some other shithole country, right? And that the rest of Sup Forums probably aren't registered to vote? Or old enough to vote? Right?
You do realize that memes are amateur tier advertising, right? And that Trump and Hillary paid multi-millions of dollars to have real advertising produced? And that that advertising was vetted in field testing in focus groups for maximum impact? Right?
And you do realize that the FBI doesn't give a shit about your retarded private investigations into the emails?
I think I like Jeb! more than this wimp
>G-Guise r-really we're good! T-The Establishment can help you! W-Wait why are you guys leaving us!? G-GET BACK HERE AND VOTE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT!!
old media pls go
Who the fuck is that?
>Mah establishment!
You gotta win the election first, friend.
These guys are only doing so well in the polls because they've got barely any media coverage.
Cruz got a decent share of media coverage and he is doing only marginally better in the polls right now compared to Trump.
Dear god, anyone but K*sich. Even Cruz was defeating Hillary in the polls why post this fuck?
>if I keep repeating it I can convince them!
>w-wait w-why are you guys l-laughing at me? I-If we win with t-this puppet we'll get what we wish! G-Guise its not f-funny, s-s-stop laughing at me!
Cruz is too religious and sleazy to be a serious candidate. He was the only one beside Trump, other than maybe Palin 2.0 Fiorina or Carson if they dig up more scandals on his exaggerated autobiography, who would have lost to Hillary.
LIterally nobody in this thread has ever heard a thing Kasich has said
Kasich was
-> against nation building
-> wanted immigration enforcement including drones/sensor/fence, which are way more effeective than a retarded wall
-> wanted a pathway to LEGALIZATION, NOT CITIZENSHIP
>against nation building
lolno, he wanted to overthrow Assad
>wanted immigration enforcement including drones/sensor/fence, which are way more effeective than a retarded wall
That's what they all say. Doesn't mean it would happen. A wall would be effective though.
Oh whatever. That's still bad.
>I'd rather lose the election than vote for an establishment politician that more closely aligns with my beliefs than the establishment politician who doesn't
So, instead of getting some of what you want, you decided to get none of what you want.
That logic going to work out so well for you in life.
>"punch Russia in the nose guy"
no thanks
>could have become president
>couldn't even beat Rubio in the primaries after he dropped out
You can keep your TPP-shilling faggot Hillary
I remember you morons saying this with Dole, Bush, McCain and Romney, and none of them did shit.
Kill yourself.
No you dummy there is no room for compromise here. If we don't get someone that will turn back immigration, Texas will go blue and Republicans will never win ever again. You go all in when you have the best chance. It's now or never.
>vote for RINO Clinton-lite vs Clinton!
You remind of those retards who think that Trickle down economics will surely get what you want
He would have easily beaten Hillary. Sad to say, even Jeb would have easily beaten Hillary.
Trump and Cruz are practically the only candidates who didn't have a chance. The Republican electorate isn't very savvy though.
He would have gotten destroyed just like McCain and Mittens did.
The media would have torn him apart as soon as he got the nomination, and many on the right like myself wouldn't have supported a globalist cuck.
"I don't believe the United States should involve itself in civil wars. Civil wars are not in our direct are interest. The fact is, is that we should go to war when it is our direct interest. We should not be policemen of the world, but when we go, we mean business. We'll do our job."
"I would only go to Syria to destroy ISIS. I would not use U.S. troops to depose Assad. But I would support the rebels there. It's okay to support those people who share your view. But for the United States to be embroiled in a civil war in Syria against Assad I think is a big mistake."
He hated Assad, but everyone hates Assad. He wanted military intervention for counterterrorism. That is not the same thing as regime change. Not all military interventions are the same thing. This is why our policy is so fucked up, because people don't understand this simple fact.
Wrt legalization, It's not bad...atleast you can get people to pay a fine and back taxes. Deportation = you never get people to repay.
>open borders
>closely in line with my beliefs
It's because of you neocon shitheads that the republican party has been dying a slow death, you've been pushing for controlled opposition since infecting the party during the 80's when Reagan took over and you jumped ship from the democrats.
Tell us again how well Romney and McCain went up against the democrats?
Moderates lost the two last elections.
Kasich is worse than Hillary.
Fuck off
McCain was torpedoed by your right-wing extremist sweet-heart, Palin, and Romney was never going to win against an incumbent Black president.
Except McCain and Mitt were running against Obama. Totally different story due to black vote and no baggage. Any normal Republican would have beaten Hillary Clinton.
what was he gonna do? eat hillary?
>Extremist candidates never win in a Democracy.
yeah i guess thats why Hitler got elected and Spain and greece voted in communists.
extremists are always at an advantage in democracy
Literally right before that quote.
>KASICH: I don’t understand this thing about Assad. He has to go. Assad is aligned with Iran and Russia. The one thing we want to prevent is we want to prevent Iran being able to extend a Shia crescent all across the Middle East. Assad has got to go.
Fuck Kasich. He's a stupid neocon warmonger and also wanted a no-fly zone in Syria like an idiot.
>Wrt legalization, It's not bad...atleast you can get people to pay a fine and back taxes.
The last time that happened, Reagan turned California into a blue state. Thanks a lot you stupid "conservatives."
>Not the definition of a meme
He picked Palin you fucking idiot, maybe you neocon dipshits should start thinking about not running shitty candidates for once (and not fucking up shit worse with Bush).
Also why are you even a republican if you aren't right-wing? Just join the democrats already you fucking pussy.
He changed his position due to seeing the facts. Wrt no fly zone, that was in December.
>The last time that happened, Reagan turned California into a blue state
Legalization = green card. Don't give them citizenship. You can't vote iff you're not a citizen and on a green card you fucking moron.
Reminder this is who Cucksich fans want as their president
>implying kasich is even a good candidate
>Voting for a candidate who can't win
Now that is what I call a dank meme, friend.
Because I like my second amendment, want a Conservative Supreme Court, don't want open borders and Muslims being imported by the boatload into our country.
But I guess that makes me no different from Hillary in your eyes.
People who dislike Kasich are literally all feels, no facts. Ever.
Kasich was a gud candidate, he dindu nuffin.
Yeah whatever. I'm sure he didn't just change his tune because it was politically convenient.
>Legalization = green card. Don't give them citizenship.
Then they have kids that grow up and vote D. Again, great job you fucking retard. Yes, deport them.
Also, Kasich would have signed TPP, so fuck him.
Can't imagine why I would have wanted two democrats running for president. One is bad enough.
WOW! A RINO! Boy do I feel stupid that I voted for DRUMPF.
He's exactly the same as Hillary, so why would I want him elected?
>People who dislike Kasich are literally all feels, no facts. Ever.
>Provides no facts
>don't want open borders and Muslims being imported by the boatload into our country.
Too bad Kasich supports that