ready for NY to flip red tomorrow? Trump unironically believes it could happen. Liberal tears will start early tomorrow once NY flips and shocks the world
>Dem primary turnout rate second lowest in country
>Bernie was in striking distance of winning NY
>NY should be Hillarys home turf
>GOP primary turnout roughly 8 times higher in 2016 than in 2012
>Trump won handily
>Trump generally connects well with average folks in NYC, he has as New York as someone can get. He's literally /their guy/
>He won't win NYC but will likely pull enough to let historical upstate turnout swing the state
>Anecdotes of New Yorkers report Trump support widespread everywhere outside urban areas
>Trump will pull out a conservative NY vote that has been repressed for decades
>no polling model or pundit can accurately account for this phenomenon
>Even among polls he has gained 5-10 points in the past month
>Dem turnout is going to be historically low nation wide due to low enthusiasm for Hillary
>It will likely be especially low in NY that is assumed to the safest of blue
>NY voter turnout was already down 5% in 2012
praise kek boys. NY going red