Ready for NY to flip red tomorrow? Trump unironically believes it could happen...

ready for NY to flip red tomorrow? Trump unironically believes it could happen. Liberal tears will start early tomorrow once NY flips and shocks the world

>Dem primary turnout rate second lowest in country
>Bernie was in striking distance of winning NY
>NY should be Hillarys home turf

>GOP primary turnout roughly 8 times higher in 2016 than in 2012
>Trump won handily
>Trump generally connects well with average folks in NYC, he has as New York as someone can get. He's literally /their guy/
>He won't win NYC but will likely pull enough to let historical upstate turnout swing the state

>Anecdotes of New Yorkers report Trump support widespread everywhere outside urban areas
>Trump will pull out a conservative NY vote that has been repressed for decades
>no polling model or pundit can accurately account for this phenomenon
>Even among polls he has gained 5-10 points in the past month

>Dem turnout is going to be historically low nation wide due to low enthusiasm for Hillary
>It will likely be especially low in NY that is assumed to the safest of blue
>NY voter turnout was already down 5% in 2012

praise kek boys. NY going red

NY here. Will vote tomorrow.


There's some pretty large trump support in the city too senpaitachi. Don't forget his propaganda department operates from thete.

>mfw I can just go to bed when I see jew York red...

Plz let it happen op..

Imagine if this happens

NY is fucked, simply by population density.

Every single citizen outside of NYC and Albany could vote trump, and NYC and Albany would still make the whole state look blue

Upstate here voting trump tomorrow, don't care if its blue or red.

Lol, it's not going to happen

Brooklyn represent. Voting Trump with the whole family tomorrow.

With that said, anyone saying NY will go red is absolutely off their shit. Not a fucking chance, pal.