NAMOR storytime continues

Because I want to keep posting.
Previously on Namor-Men

Namor has been cast from his throne. With the aid of his equally and overly dramatic love interest, Lady Dorma, Namor sets out on a quest to obtain Neptune' silliest looking trident. having already overcome the trials of the slow squid and the heavy door, Namor faces his deadliest challenge. A man with a hat and a knife.

Shenanigans and other posts are welcome

Mind if I do it, too?



You are of course welcome. All underwater all the time



>Literally SEETHING

Now, as i was about to post before being interrupted. Namor shows off his rarely used power to summon sea life without tooting on a horn.


So a scaly ape dressed up like the Thing is fighting Hulk? I have no idea what's happening. What a lovely start.

>Too tough for Namor
>Defeated by eels.

Krang has got more cameras than the British Gov't

Wait, Namor can absorb energy from all sealife? Does that mean he's the strongest person on Earth?

>Mera's face in the bottom panel.

If he's underwater yes.

electricity types beat water types. It's as true today as it was then.

Well, he is as strong as the humblest fish and lowest seaweed.

And was still weaker than eels.

the peasants are revolting, also they're rebelling



>Advanced underwater society
>Wear cloth

When Atlanteans are angry, it is their custom to run everywhere rather than swim



Mera is scary.



They took her man, user.

What was she supposed to do? Make out with Aquaman enemies while he was away?


Willian Dafoe will be Vulko in the movie, right?

If they remove her from the plastic she'll no longer be mint condition!

>Fresh Prince of Bell-Air haircut

You'll get Jeff Bridges and like it

Heh. How bad do you think Atlantis smells?

>They will take me out of my packing! Help!


They wear cloth underwater. Doesn't smell nice.


Random old man is back. Good for him


I'm like 90% sure they cast him as SOMEONE in Aquaman.

That robot has seen some shit





It's just like one of my Japanese animes.

Namor and Marvel's best wife (the husband in the background).

Ride like the current tiny giant sea horse. Ride!

Some moments of Namor and the wife of the hero he tries to kill.

They broke Namor's neck. Those monsters

Namor and some well-written drama.

Like a balloon and when something bad happens to it!

Namor and more well-written drama.

That Sejic art makes them look so sensual it disturbs me. I shouldn't be admiring Aquaman's body in this manner. Make it stop.
And it didn't stop, it just got worse.

Namor does spin a good speech at least

Marvel women cannot resist this retard screaming Imperius Rex in their faces. They literally aren't smart enough for that (Marvel is very progressive).

Keep it coming my man

Also Prince Namor

You've seen nothing, user.

maybe deep down, that's all women really want. A man completely confident in his speedo shouting his imperial claim to the world. Women can be mystery.

Well, try killing the family of a woman wearing green speedos and screaming Imperius Rex at her. Since Marvel is extremely realistic, the woman will have no choice but fall in love with you.

This entire trident thing is a prank by Neptune on the Atlantean people.

What an awkward way to ride.

They can't resist the chance for Imperious Sex.


Because Marvel women are dumb. They value an immature murderous retard screaming at their faces more than actual heroes.

You like this kind of writing, user? How many classics were written with this premise?

Look at that thing. I can't get over it.

So is Reed unable to satisfy her or what?

Thank Neptune for Revitalizer Rays. Shame it can't cure cancer, only Wakandans can do that and they're not sharing.

Actually, canonically, the Sex may be one of the reasons she stays with Reed.

It ALL stretches, flexes, and grows user. *all* of it.

That's a weird pocket dimension reality bend where Reed and Doom were fighting at a metatextual level or something.

Whats this? I thought Aquaman was against the rules.

Meanwhile, DC women know better. Almost all DC heroes are more attractive than Namor, yet the women around them aren't shallow. They demand them to be heroic, instead of rewarding bad behavior like Sue Storm.

Oh, right. Morrison.


Most likely.

Sue ALWAYS makes out with Namor when Reed disappears. Always. She simply doesn't respect her husband. She would rather be with the guy that tries to kill the father of her children than with her husband.

Marvel sells her as "the best wife in comic books", somehow.

So that's what the fabled "torpedo tits" look like.

They'll never expect to go straight toward their guns, they'll be useless!

Look at Dolphin. Already a morally better person than Sue Storm.

Non-lethal mass disabling. Shame namor didn't have that for invading other places. probably only works underwater.

The robot seems really happy in the second panel. Would that we all loved our jobs that much

Hey OP, thanks for this storytime, too bad about the rest of it.

Sue makes out with Namor, enemy of her husband, when he tries to destroy NY for dumb reasons. Dolphin convinces a fallen hero to arise again without having to make out with him.

Is this less realistic than Sue Storm? Yes, according to Marvel.

oh hey, Dolphin has lite-brite powers. Those are new.

It's not like Atlantians get cancer when they're so far from sunlight and stuff.

>Dolphin's face in the last panel
She thinks he's dumb, doesn't she?

Aren't Sue and T'Challa personal friends? Why does she make out with the guy that killed so many civilians of T'Challas kingdom?

He has perfectly valid underwater reasons. Nuclear testing destroyed his home, and New York was the closest city to unleash a giant whale monster on. City for a city. That's the underwater way.

>Show him how he is a hero just like his pal's from the Justice League
>"You're trying to find a king, aren't you?"


Dorma is quite buoyant

Is Marvel's Atlantis so pathetic that can be destroyed by nuclear testing?

I guess 9/11 didn't happen in the Marvel Universe because Sue made out with Bin Laden.

Fish feet best feet


He's so hunky tho.

don't be absurd Bin Laden doesn't even have super powers or his own nation.

Namor MD. He can lift a battleship, but can he save a life?