I'm scared for America

>The media hates him.
>People mindlessly consume the media.
>People hate him.
>Celebrities hate him.
>People consume celebrity opinions.
>People hate him.
>College kids can't think for themselves.
>Regressives voting for a vagina.
>Regular straight ticket dems.
>'We SHOULD be helping refugees anyway.'
>'Trump voters are racist.'
>'I don't care about her scandals.'

Lads, I'll be honest with you.
I'm a 1 issue voter.

We've all seen what is happening in Europe.
All the rape.
The absolute destruction of communities.
Authorities too afraid to prosecute them in fear of being labelled racist.
Misappropriation of the term "assimilate."

>I don't want you to 'become white.'
>I don't fucking care about your religion, or your customs. Go ahead, be free and practice.

The Sharia police.
Women being beaten and raped for the way the dress.
Feminists spouting
>thur culture

I have a wife and daughter lads.
I do not want this in my neighborhood.
I do not want this in my streets.
I am literally fearful for our future as Americans.
I am literally scared for my, and my family's safety.
People I know tell me, "not all Muslims/refugees."
>Have you SEEN what's happening in Sweden...Germany...the UK?
In Europe?
>FBI, CIA, top goverment officials saying ISIS WILL infiltrate.

I'm afraid I'm going to lose my right to protect myself because if I do, I'm 'intolerant.'
Please tell me it's not over.
I served for 8 years...for it NOT to end this way.
Protect my nation, and make it great again.

Am I being crazy? Am I doing the equivalent of
>don't take muh gunz!!

Am I literally Alex Jones right now?

>refer to above greentext
He's not going win, is he /pol?

If any /fit/izens are in here, hold me /fit?
Are we gunna make it brah?

Thread theme: youtu.be/ST2H8FWDvEA


soon my friends


W-what's soon?

im scared too OP
lord help us



Every race will take its turn taking over OP, it's been seen throughout history, every race on earth has reigned supreme at a time, some longer than others, but one will always fall only for another one to take its place.
To all my white brethren, it seems we were unlucky enough to be born in the age of our fall. I pray that it will be over swiftly, but as things are now, it only looks like things are going downhill at a steady pace.
It's been great ruling the world with you guys.

I'm not even worried about
>muh supremecy
