
I get the feeling Star VS is just gonna end up doing some FRIENDS tier shit where everyone is gonna have fucking dated or banged one another at some point in time.
It feels like a very strange woman has directed the show and its writing. First we see Star and Tom broke up because Tom is an angry twat with anger issues galore, Star meets Marco and they become best friends, Marco is crushing/in-love with another girl Jackie.
So far, this is pretty standard. Then we get into the romance subplot further as this whole Toffee deal starts coming to a head. Star fancies Marco, Marco still fancies the fuck out of Jackie but also kind of likes Star. It's left off on Star not really acting on her feelings openly and when it does come out, they don't even properly confirm their feelings and get together because Marco has already gotten with Jackie.
Thus we have this weird shitshow going on now where suddenly Marco cares for Star to a degree he isn't sure about, but everyone else is telling him he is. Jackie breaks up with him even though they have a good thing going because she seems to think Marco loves Star, even though he's doing his damndest to make her happy, but he misses Star and Mewni in general, so she just takes that as 'Nah bro, you love her not me', which is pretty fucking retarded.
By this time Marco fucks off to Mewni again, Tom's been trying to improve himself and genuinely seems over Star, but she goes back to him because he's trying to change, so they get back together, and Star just apparently drops all the annoyance she had for Tom, and Marco doesn't sort of care but does because everyone is telling him he likes Star, even though it's all Jackie he talks about.
And now it seems Marco is going to go for the weird girl with green hair.

So instead of what would be expected, either Star and Marco getting together because Star has admitted her love for Marco, or Star moving on and Marco sticking with Jackie, we have this weird situation.

Am I mad?

When I say mad, I mean, am I crazy for thinking some weird-as-fuck woman with a retarded notion of how people work and think is running this fiesta?

I mean, Jackie and Marco never clicked as well as he did with Star. Jackie acknowledged this with the mind-reading gags. Marco never even mentioned Jackie during the movie, and his mind is all on Mewni when he gets back to Earth. Whether Marco has feelings for Star or not, it still seemed like he had no future with Jackie unless she wanted to live in Mewni.

Marco seems to be way more focused on being a squire than pursuing Star, and he definitely doesn't seem the type to try and ruin Star's relationship.

I get grievances about romance arcs taking over the show and the show going Friends-tier, and I'm a little wary of that happening. But since this story's been putting more emphasis on plot, Star wanting to be a better princess, and Marco becoming a knight, I'm fine with how things are progressing.

>retarded notion of how people work

this is actually how groups of friends work. People date each other, get together, crush and then pull back, get back together with an ex after they changed, etc

basically the fact that you think this is unrealistic or retarded reveals you for the autist you are

So you uh, never dated in high school, huh? This is way easier to keep track of then the crazy shit I went through.

>Getting back with an Ex
Nigga that's bad news all around, people don't change, and if they do it's never by much.
Star'll regret it methinks.
I think this shits retarded because it just seems like a no brainer to tell the person you fancy, that you fancy them. It's like, fuck, you've known each other forever, no point trying to drop hints, just be forward about that shit.

I had 2 relationships, 1 of those was a case of a girl fancying me and I told her that sure I'd date her, I didn't fancy her the way she did me, but I might grow to like her as much. I didn't, and she split with me eventually even though the sex was good.
The second was with a dude and that lasted several years because we were always forward and honest with one another, didnt't drop hints or pussyfoot around issues, but we split because I'm quite the stubborn twat with issues, and I myself aint changed much over the years, but not through lack of trying, dude got tired of that though.

is this star vs generals? Where them at

I love Jackie.

Just like a typical teenage romance, this shite happens to teenagers often.

Where is it?

If Star Vs is now Friends, then Star is Rachel and Marco is Ross because they're the only ones who slept around. I guess Tom could be Joey but he's not nearly as funny or dumb.

>because she seems to think Marco loves Sta
>because everyone is telling him he likes Star
I mean, the point is that he does love her though. That's why Tad was telling him he could literally be doing anything else but he wasn't because of this

Man, Friends did not age well.

I can't believe how many nights, some of which with my own friends, I spent watching it and how fond the memories of it were.

Not a good show desu.

It's a good effort at character relationships, but nothing good how Gumball handles it in today's cartoons.

No sitcom ages well. Friends is special because most people saw it at a time were characters were relatable and stuff. For what it was, it was good.
The important part is that you enjoyed it. Not every show has to be a "le deep charcturs and plut" thing.

Seinfeld and Frasier are still every bit as great now as they were then.

Right now it's Tom who has more reason regret getting back with Star. She's using him as part of lying to herself about being over Marco. I mean seriously, that hoodie. She's trying to dress Tom up as the guy she wishes she was dating. What makes that even more fucked up is that Marco is basically Tom's only friend. Both Marco and Tom deserve better than this.

Being "realistic" doesn't necessarily mean well-written and well-executed, though.

All in the Family was made in the 70s but much of the politics and social commentary courtesy of Archie Bunker still ring true to this day.

Kinda this man. I was thinking something was fucked up about that but that hits it on the head.
Not really Stars fault, it's kind of a woman thing, and blokes are guilty of it too, but I feel for Tom. Like I say, he seemed genuinely over Star, and then because he didn't show interest, she showed interest because now he stopped giving her attention, because women are odd like that, and now the poor bastard got hooked on her again.

yeah the show's getting kind of terrible now

inb4 >now, at one point it felt like they really had something there

Star gets lewded when?

So is Friends. I don't know a thing about Frasier but Seinfeld holds up today because it was about nothing and stayed about nothing till it's last episode. Friends had a storyline the entire time but it could be episodic when it wanted to and whether or not it was about relationships or dealing with other issues, it stayed true to what it was trying to do. I still watch it to this day so I know.

I want to wait until the season ends to cast judgment. The finale is certainly gonna raise the stakes and bring everything together.

I think the reason this season is such a mixed bag so far is the giant leap from its comfort zone. If you look at the overall narrative you'll see some kind of hero's journey-esque arc but with some twists and deviations. There's an established formula and sequence of events, but the circumstances and incentives have invariably changed.

What we're actually looking at is a calm before the storm. Eclipsa is the key to all this.

>So is Friends

Product of its time. Not even that funny.

Season 3’s new episodes has seriously gotten me fucked up and the romantic subplots are being dropped while a whole new subplot is being completely forced in. Like how tf does star and Tom transition to dating so quickly just because tom wanted to get his demons out?? I don’t know. It just feels unorganized and things aren’t connecting into place. Everything is out of control and I’m just suffering. Nefcy please let me die happy

Remember that Jin chick from Avatar: The Last Airbender?

I feel like Hekapoo is that to Marco's Zuko.

>Like how tf does star and Tom transition to dating so quickly
The time between Hoodie and Lint Catcher is a few weeks from Jackie's line about them being together for only half the summer. I know it's not easily conveyed but they do give us a sense of the timeframe that Star was away from marco

>I want to wait until the season ends to cast judgment.
Yeah I think this will all make sense and feel more coherent by the end of S3B though that's pretty far away

She will return someday

There's also how the episode before that, Star was sickened by even looking at Tom...then they dance and suddenly she likes him again.

>baby's first soap opera

>The time between Hoodie and Lint Catcher is a few weeks from Jackie's line about them being together for only half the summer. I know it's not easily conveyed but they do give us a sense of the timeframe that Star was away from marco

The problem is that it's contrived bullshit for Star and Marco to be apart for all that time in the first place. Star living on Mewni and Marco living on Earth should be akin to them living across the street from each other given the fucking dimensional scissors.

But Hekapoo isn't a hooker.

Star is acting like a stereotypical teenage “princess” rather than fixing her shit up to be a classic/political princess. Although she’s trying to bring Mewni and monsters together, it seems so rushed.
>when Marco gives her attention, she pushed him away
>when tom stopped giving her attention, she felt like dating him again

What the actual fuck is her problem??
Star mostly hangs out with pony head so I guess I understand why she’s such an idiot more than ever. Friends influence each other and right now pony head is her only friend we see on screen

>being okay with Star Vs getting transformed into a soap opera

white people

>Although she’s trying to bring Mewni and monsters together, it seems so rushed.
It's been building over the series. Mewnipendence Day was when she first realized it and then meeting Buff Frog and his babbies enchanced it with Moon and Buff Frog more or less spelling out the Mewman/monster relations in that board game. So it makes sense that now Star, with her wanting to be a better princess and do things her own way, would want to do something about it.

Well Marco was intentionally trying to not go back to make his life on Earth work and didn't realize that he was still so Mewni obsessed until his mom and Jackie had to make him realize it.

Nefcy was rised on old anime romantic comedies and mexican sopa operas. You should be glad if Starco happen without them first having sex with someone else.

If star and Marco just end up as friends in the end, I hope they just stay as loving friends giving each other hugs at the end of every episode. Not seeing that validation onscreen hurts for some reason.

So guys:
Kellyco, Kellco, Kelco, or Markelly?

Collage user here
I'm gonna stop here for now. I think it could be better, but I'm working with paint since I'm a retard with everything else. I'll do another 4-6 before the 3am stream
If you have any ideas for this, let me know

>You should be glad if Starco happen without them first having sex with someone else.
You act like it's not going to happen once they hit the time skip.

Kellco has a nicer ring (also I'm not renaming files)

>When you grinning from ear to ear, but your eyes can't forget

There's a large timeskip between episodes and previous episodes built up Tom and Star's relationship (Club snubbed and demonicism).
Remember the season started in summer and now it's well into november (cuz marco's birthday).

is a timeskip confirmed or just speculation?

He's making a gag because manga tend to have timeskips

not bad.

Kelco, short and easy to remember
Looking good, you’re a blessing user

Star has only dated Tom, ever. There has really been very little dating in this show. You people are fucking insane.

It makes no sense that Marco would try to do that, though. All through S2 he prioritized Star above all other aspects of his life combined. Even when dating Jackie, it took Star pushing him to even pay attention to his girlfriend. It's just not believable that Marco would've even cared enough about his life on Earth to stop visiting Star. Especially since he WASN'T actually making any effort to make his life on Earth work. He was spending the whole time obsessing about Star and Mewni, yet ignoring the fact that he could go back to her every day if he wanted.

Insane in the membrane, insane in the brain

Lookin' good so far, man. I have high hopes!

So no one told you life was gonna be this way~
>Ludo drops the pillar on Toffee multiple times to the beat of the clapping

Star is too pure to do some hotdogging.
r-right? RIGHT?

There's been little dating but a lot of "liking"

Do you think they'll ever attend high school again? If so, that's where all the dating is going to be.

Not even much of that. Star's had an actual crush on who? Tom, Oscar, Marco? Meanwhile Marco is similarly low at Jackie, Kelly, Star. I think everyone just started unconsciously believing that their ships were reality, and it makes all the characters seem like sluts


Get ready to add Janna and Heckapoo to that list.

I really hope they show that it’s cool to just casually date in a kids show. Like Marco is just casually dating rather than pinning on just star. It would be cute to see him go on little dates with Kelly

High school is only needed for dating subplots because when you put literal hundreds sometimes thousands of hormonal teens in rooms together all day they fug or die to bullying.

Dates as a form of just getting to know people is underrated. We put too much weight on them now

You are a disgusting whore. Am I mad?

I'm now reminded of that one GF episode

The show seems to have ditched Echo Creek entirely, so school probably won't be involved anymore.

You have a problem, and it's called assuming sexual intent. Dating is so much nicer when there's no expectation of physical intimacy at the end

You must be a popular beta nice guy in Sweden

Too long didn't read.

Stop posting here reddit.

>Jackie, Kelly, Star.
I hope you didn't hurt yourself jumping like that.

lol just because you date someone doesn't mean you have to fuck them

More plz

>Marco uses other girls just to cuck Star all over again

Nice try, user

>Dating is so much nicer when there's no expectation of physical intimacy at the end

t. Sauron

OK, Chad, but you're only hurting yourself

>user learns about dating in the adult world in a SVTFOE thread

You don't have to, but as a hormonal teenager like Marco, you would want to.


And what if you just wanna fuck them and they are cool with it? Marco and Kelly could be total fuck buddies

Did you not see the bit with the sweater, or are you just really determined to pretend it wasn't meant to be a romantic gesture?

Platonic fuck buddies is a communism-tier pipedream

Marco just wants to smash her pizza and Kelly just wants to lick that marshmallow stick

Cap this : Star will dab in tonight’s episode

If it was, it's projecting feelings for Star, so it doesn't count. Prove me wrong.

>Marco is an adrenaline junkie

>Drops out of school and leaves his family and perfect girlfriend behind to be a beta orbiter in a pastel Dungeons and Dragon's world

>Could have just finished school and joined the military to get his adrenaline rush without completely fucking his life up

I don't really disagree, but for the purposes of counting how many people the characters have been romantically involved with, Kelly is clearly on the list. A rebound hookup is still a hookup.

Best girl who died for our sins.


Bruh, everything about the scene with Kelly as about moving on and acceptance. Kelly talks about not letting a current situation ruin things she used to enjoy and instead simply changed her perspective and made it her own. Not only that but you don't practically get cheek to cheek with a chick you've met a grand total of three times and share a personal moment with without something being there or developing.

Told you guys they would fight.

It happens sometimes though

Uh yeah, you could want to, but you know that's always been the case, that's kind of civilization, you want to fuck a bunch of people but instead you discipline your dick a little bit, get to know a really good one, and then have kids and a family with them

the show uses 11 minute episodes, cut them some slack. If there was ever a show that needed a proper 22 minute length instead of the 11 minute shit that's now the norm, it's Star Vs

I would be genuinely surprised. I'm in the art crowd, I've seen people try it over and over again. It doesn't work.

I loved how the mood changed to Kelly’s perspective.
That was really touching and comforting to watch after all this bullshit that kept happening.

Where can i get the leaks?

>Eclipsa, no sense of right and wrong

I'm really leaning for Kellyco, sounds better than Kellco and less like kelp

That’s lame shit.
If you’re attractive and know how to get pussy without coming off as a rapist, then follow Tad’s advice and just go crack cold bottles of soda pop and crush some serious pizzas in every dimension

Marlly is for real winners