You guys better vote right. The consequences of your vote will heavily affect Canada. We wish we could vote, but we can't. It's our duty to tell Americans how to vote correctly.
The American election is the most important event in Canada
>It's our duty to tell Americans how to vote correctly.
how do you want me to vote, leaf? also what will you do for me *wink wink* after I vote as you tell me?
Can't wait to annex Alberta and break your maggot country.
Vote as we say
We say vote trump
We don't want to get fucking nuked by russia for clinton being a dumb cunt
listen to that leaf desu
I was already going to vote for Trump though. so how about we get to the part where you guys reward me :3
I'll hail americans instead of mock them for being fat. I'll also get Justin Trudeau to formally apologize for the get we fucked up.
look man, I just wanted a blowjob. is that too much to fucking ask for these days?
Nigger if we annex Alberto then the border won't be aesthetically straight anymore
any Canadians going down to vote? Lots of places you dont need id to and they are allowing illegals to vote
I don't think you want a blowjob from a greasy spic.
Claim BC too please. We'll be good, I promise. Our economy more than doubled the growth of the US economy last year. Gibs freedom, I want to own guns and shit
There is alot of people in Alberta/Sask that would love to join the US if Trump wins.
Canada is a US blue state, get back in line Maple Americans.
Trump 2016! would be more then happy to vote Trump any day.
I got a job to go to tomorrow. I'm just hoping truth wins.
Glad to hear it. Trudeau's Canada is an existential threat to the United States because it is a rat's nest of Chinese agents. The seizure of Alberta and its oil would be a crushing blow and give the US dominion over the entirety of the Keystone Pipeline project. We should probably stir up Quebec secession just to gild the lily.
a mouth is a mouth, who cares who it's from to be honest.
We don't need any more gooks here.
please annex Alberta
BC too please. Good economy, lots of energy opportunities, yuuge coastline, and all the liberal tears you'd be able to drink from Hongcouver.
Please build an oil corridor between us and Texas.
No just Alberta, I believe BC voted liberal last year
They're probably gonna vote Hilldog.
Yukon and BC. Now we can make a super highway to southern Alaska. The rest of the state will freeze over.
Take Saskatchewan too. Lots of prime farmland, huge natural gas oil reserves and 60% of the world's potash reserves. PLEASE FUCKING TAKE US AWAY FROM THE TRUDEAU.
>Red PA
Wish I were as optimistic as you, user.
Most of BC, around Vancouver, voted Liberal. A few of the ridings outside of Vancouver went Conservative.
I just want a Trump presidency so that our dollar gains value.
I honestly want to fight a Canadian
Yeah I wouldn't want any more liberal cucks if I was american. I personally wish painful death on all the retards that voted for weedman
>I honestly want to fuck* a Canadian
me too, desu
You all should have a hypothetical election for president to show which candidate Canada wants. It'd be impotent and have no power but I'd be interested in seeing official numbers on who Canadians would've wanted for us.
Most would vote Hillary because Canada is so cucked people think Trump is some kind of racist/sexist animal
if I get repeating digits you are a faggot
The majority of people here want Hillary to win anyway. Quebec and BC especially.
You can actually watch rebel media on yt they have gone to universities and asked people who they would vote for and everyone says Hillary for aforementioned reasons and #woman
>year of our lord 2016
>not being a faggot
Pleased to be in the most based province. Now come take over Alberta so we can finally get a fucking pipeline through.
You guys voted for Trudeau. You have no room how to tell others how to vote.
I don't find humor in anything you say or do
Thank god I live in Alberta the only redpilled province, I am actually amazed people ever voted liberal again after cretin
Choose one faggot
Then just cleanse them, I just want the best coast have freedoms and be rid of this fucking nanny state trudeau is turning Canada into.
i didnt :3
In Canada you only need 39% of vote to win Kek
Or even 35%
Our system is different from yours
Total leaf bro
Your #StrategicVote for the Green Party can unleash $10 million in federal matching funds. Build a party for the 99 percent. #VoteGreen2016
Holy fucking shit! Did Wynne fuck Ontario so hard in the ass that the province I expected to have 99% sink that low?
Quebec is literally the worst fucking place in the "civilized world"
I would give my life in a heartbeat to erase it, French "Canadians" aren't even human.
True lmao
lol cleanse them how are you going to do that? Kill them all? Like I love BC its definitely the nicest province but they are cucks
nah buddy, I'm voting Trump. sorry to disappoint you. jill stein is a meme anyway.
Ontario has always been a moderately conservative province, and hopefully after Wynne we'll never be liberal again.
I bet the survey was conducted only in English
They should have done that at Queen's, everyone I've talked to with the exception of some profs would prefer Trump or at least doesn't have anything good to say about Hillary. There's a lot of Americans here and at the Royal Military College and the ones I know are all voting Trump.
Like 35% did, mostly because he wasn't Harper. Tbf he was an idiot but didnt seem as much of a cuck before he won. I think most Canadians here hate him, leafs posting liberal bait are usually being ironic (I do it myself sometimes), though some may not be ironic.
After we finish the southern wall we build the northern one. Cant have you fucking maniacs poluting american culture when your country craters from King Dude Weed.
Quebec is shit. I want to leave this shithole but can't yet. It's scary how many people support her, including family members (not surprising since they voted for our current cucklord).
Trudeau seemed less cucked than Mulcair initially. I knew he was going to be shit, but I didn't think he was Little Potato, Enemies Win-tier of bad.
Half the people here didn't understand shit lmao
Redpilled my ass, you guys voted in the NDP provincially. Sask is more redpilled than AB.
We have traditionally voted conservative
And in the next election i bet we will vote conservative again, unless more ching-chongs/arabs come lots of ching-chongs here in Calgary
I'm with him. All my American friends are voting for Donald. American brothers, you have our full support and sympathy, thank you for choosing Donald J. Trump as the new President of the United States.
>not being optimistic
reminder that liberals wanted hernia, not illary, so her cucking him like none other will result in abysmal turnout
You don't get it: Freedom is earned with BLOOD. You think being annexed by the US federal government would give you freedom? You want to trade slavery for servitude. Look how fucked Texas is after joining the union. REMEMBER THE ALAMO?
We might have it bad right now - but throwing up your hands in surrender is not the answer. If you don't like what you see here at home you need to EARN your freedom.
Millennials are waking up. Canada is going to change soon. Very soon.
>ON: 34%
>AB: 29%
two based provinces not full up with cucks
ontario is a very conservative place, minus a farming community here/there that's still NDP because of the wheat board and the dirty 30s.
toronto is the only hub of leftism. but then again, toronto is ontario. Toronto isn't canada.
So many traitorous cowards in this thread
the United Empire Loyalist inside me desires yankee blood
It's about time we annexed Leafland for the trees and oil.
>Millennials are waking up
this is totally true and not a fantasy because,
A lot of people here in the white part of Ontario like him because he's against NAFTA, which is why I think Michigan could possibly to for Trump as it is very similar. Toronto is a completely different world to us, a lot of us don't want our towns to be filled with immigrants like th GTA.
Millenials aren't doing shit, all my friends voted weedman and think hillary is better than trump
>tfw you know Trump is the right choice for murica but realize that his economic platform would cripple the Canadian economy by stealing our few remaining big buisnesses