And a billionaire couldn't just give his wallet to a mugger because

And a billionaire couldn't just give his wallet to a mugger because...

I thought it had something to do with Joe Chill being hired to kill them or some stupid shit.

Rich people pride

because the mugger didn't want his wallet, he wanted his wife's necklace

I think in most stories he was cooperating until Joe started assaulting his wife for her pearl necklace. Then Joe lost his chill and just murdered them both.

Most origin stories say that the mugger was primarily interested in Martha's pearl necklace, and that when he tried to grab for it and take it off her, she panicked, and in the commotion he wound up shooting them both. Whether the mugger pre-meditatedley killed them or wound up doing it in the heat of the moment is also dependent on the writer.

I think it was revealed pre-crisis that the mugger was actually a mob hitman sent specifically to kill the Waynes too, so giving him everything would've wound up doing them little good.

Other ones say the mugger was ac

That's why you give him the wallet, and when he turns around, pull your concealed carry and put 7 or 8 shots in him.

In Earth One it really was a random mugger. The hitman tried to kill the Wayne’s before but failed since they didn’t consider them gong to Crime Alley.

>Then Joe lost his chill

>walking unescorted through a place called Crime Alley in the middle of the night wearing pearls and fancy suits

You know in hindsight the whole thing could have probably been avoided.

I personally never liked the "The mugger was really a hitman" retcon. The fact that it was a totally random, preventable thing that wound up killing the Waynes has more impact than an elaborate mob conspiracy to kill them. Earth One did manage to find a decent enough compromise between the two.

>And look like a complete cuck in front of your wife.
Virgin mugging vs Chad Death

Telltale continuity man, and Snyder’s technically but I don’t think joe chill wanted to kil them

Why would a billionaire walk in a place called crime alley without security

In Earth One it's because they wind up taking the fire escape through the theater, which happens to lead through crime alley. Batman Begins had a similar retcon.

But yeah, the fact they went through Crime Alley at all instead of, say, having Alfred pick them up from outside the theater is a plot hole that the comics have never properly addressed.

It wasn't called crime alley until after they got shot

Alfred hired Joe to kill the Waynes so he'd get their fortune. He moved the car so they'd have to walk through crime alley. He didn't count on Bruce surviving.

If you were Joe Chill would you have still done it?

I think he becomes Batman no matter what, so him murdering them really doesn't matter really.

And deal with this for the rest of my life? Fuck no I’d movie to metropolis and work for lexcorp

Probably would have pistol whipped Thomas "oh, you splatter my wife's brain" Wayne, kidnapped Bruce and gotten some sweet ransom money.

The waynes murder being a hired hit has been a thing since the fucking 50's. you know those oh-so-goofy silly comics about Batman on alien planets and wearing rainbow costumes? They also had him uncovering that his parents murder was an intentional act.

Mug them? Yeah probably, I like to think I wouldn't be so sloppy about it though and avoid getting in a scuffle that leads to murder

I wouldn't have left any witnesses, though.

it was the principal of the matter!!

What if the mugger was Bruce Wayne from the future.

What if Chill had just raped Thomas and Martha in the ass?

The correct spelling for a concept of scruples or ethics is "Principle".

"PrinciPAL" as you've spelt it refers to a person in a particular position of authority.

>killing Batman
the madman

I HAVE to do it, otherwise there won't be a Batman to save the world.

Why didn't Superman hear the Waynes in trouble and save them?

he was taking a nap

Why didn't he just destroy Crime alley so the Waynes couldn't walk through it?

Because he was a 7-10 year old in Kansas

>Then Joe lost his chill

good shit

Heck, the fact that went to a movie theater in a shitty neighborhood is a clear leftover from the depression era Batman was created in.

Why the fuck did the Waynes pass trought Crime alley in their way to home? I mean, a alley is not a big area, it was really impossible to make some efford to avoid a place called Crime Alley? It's fucking Gothan, if there is place so fucking small in Gothan, the most dangerous place on earth, that in particular received the name of Crime Alley you should take your fucking kid and not enter the Alley, maybe use another path to home, what would you miss if you avoided a alley, three minutes?

What if Thomas had taken Bruce to see a man's film like The Big Heat, instead of sissy shit like Zorro? Maybe Batman wouldn't be so ineffective.


BECAUSE Barbatos wouldn't let Thomas give chill the wallet

he would still get shot

>And a billionaire couldn't just give his wallet to a mugger because...
Because Barbathos commands it

I'll allow it, couldn't pass it up if it was myself.

I like this gimmick

Is this like that stupid shit where Gotham never gets better because it's built on an Indian burial ground?

it really makes these why did what and what happen with batman threads fun

no the Wayne family are demon bat god worshipers and bruce is the demon's chosen one


>"What do you know, I look just like Christopher Reeve too!"

Why didn't they rename it "Batman's Dead Parents Alley?"

Yeah, that's so depressing. Why not something like "Wayne alley"?

Gotham can never get better unless Batman does what needs to be done to the Joker.

user batman has cat woman he'd never rape the joker

in a couple decades it wont make any sense because
>rich people
>carrying bills in their wallet
even now, you go to a mall and they look at you weird when you dont pay with a credit card.

Because Park Row wasn't called Crime Alley until after the Wayne murders. That's what gave it its notoriety.

Crime Alley wasn't a literal alley originally - the Wayne murders happened under a streetlight, on a sidewalk, by the road. The idea of it taking place in a literal dark alley was something that actually happened first in media - popularized by Batman '89, but first seen in Superfriends.

I haven't seen that look when I pay in cash on the rare occasions yet.

So you would give him the wallet because that would made him happy and the happiness level in the world would be higher?

You are a fucking faggot, people like you deserve got their wallets taken and the bloody bullet too.

>Then Joe lost his chill


Martha screamed spooking chill and he killed Thomas as Thomas would have killed him for it, Bruce couldn't do anything and chill wouldn't kill a kid anyway

Joe Chill didn't kill the Waynes, Gotham did. Because Gotham is Darkseid/Barbatos/Satan/Doctor Hurt/The Hyper-Adapter/Evil itself, and Batman is Orion.

Gotham is Batman's father.


...I'm not nearly stoned enough for this

I'd fugg Martha.

Inside was an evidence that could reveal his secret identity.
Thomas was a Father-Batman

Would you let some no good scum take your hard earned money?

The same reason billionaire had no bodyguards.

He wanted for his son to become a crazy vigilante.

I feel like it being mob hitmen really ruins the whole thing. The entire point was that no one was immune to random pointless crime. Thomas and Martha walked the streets alone at night, got mugged, and some random perp got twitchy and shot them.

If I were a Billionaire, yes. Considering I'd make the money back 10 times over in the time It took for the mugging to happen.

You think every billionaire has a dozen guards following him when he's going to the fucking movies with his kid?

That's retarded, why would he spare the kid then? It makes much more sense if Joe was just a low level mugger who lost control of the situation and got too twitchy. He probably was remorseful or at the very least incredibly scared/panicked about actually killing a person, hence why he fled without pulling the trigger on the heir of his targets and the only witness. Everything about the encounter indicates that the mugger was not a professional cold blooded killer.

At least one or two they all have in general. You just don't see them because they don't show off like fake bodyguards of pop-idols.

Can someone explain how the hyper adaptor/barbatos That darkseid used became the dark multiverse god we got now?

So you'd be a cuck if you were a millionaire?

Yes, especially in a shitty neighbourhood like Thomas picked for some reason.

Every neighborhood in Gotham is shitty.

What if he buttficked Martha in the pussy?

To give in to the demands of a criminal is to condone the crime. If you hand over your wallet you are directly responsible for every crime that person commits afterwards, emboldened and funded by your act.

They were white Billionaires. They could have had him caught in 30 minutes. He was probably also wanted for a bunch of other crimes, so make the judge throw the book at him.

>we caught this guy trying to pawn your wallet down the street, Mr Wayne
>he accidentally beat himself to death

Is it (or has it ever been) actually named Crime Alley? Like on maps of Gotham does it say that this street here is named "Crime Alley"?
Or is Crime Alley just a local name for the street, the same way my local town referrers to the housing commission area of town as "The Bronx", even though that's not it's name?

But Batman inspired Bruce Wayne to become Batman.

This was actually a thing, but i can't find the page.

no barbatos inspired batman barbatos was the bat

read a comic were not spoon feeding here

Maybe you just look weird.

The same way that vaguely defined dark spirit of Gotham showed in Dark Night, Dark City became Barbatos.


vaguely defined ...... said its name in the actual comic .....

That's a nice spin.

Yes. I'm being controlled by Barbatos.

Joe Chill is a time-travelling Matches Malone

So in all those universes where Batman was inspired by falling stars, scorpions and suits of armour, was Barbatos those things too?

Was actually referencing DetCom #500.

He does in the Nolan movies. Chill shot him anyway.

>be some poor ass nigger with no money and job
>decide to rob white boys who come out of watching that justice league shieeetttt
>hahaha there's my 1st score and they got a kid with them too!! shits gonna be so easy because they dont want their kid getting hurt
>ay yooo gimme all your cas-
>is that trump
>fuck am i gonna do now
>that bitch with her is hella noisy
>fuck i cant run they already saw my face
>shit shit shit

Retconed out with the CoIE. 31 years ago.

Hyper adapter was just mistook for Barbatos by Hurt.

So was Barbatos supposed to be behind the inspiration of Batman from all continuities or just Prime Earth ?
Is Barbatos the Shadow then ?

I'm pretty sure Dr.Hurt can't be Barbatos/The Hyper-Adapter since his whole thing was that he was trying to summon it. And they disproved the whole "Hurt is the Devil" thing.
Unless that got retconned.

>you go to a mall
Literally a plastic sanctuary. Of course they're going to look at you weird if you don't pay with plastic money.