Doomsday Clock Primer I: Watchmen, OR "A Clock without a craftsman"

>Who makes the world?

Hail, and well met, citizens of Sup Forums. We're approaching the launch of Doomsday Clock, so I've prepared a little storytime marathon throughout the week to prepare.

First up, we go to Gibbons and Moore's original series, to find out why a comedian died in New York.

This is, WATCHMEN.


You rock Norrin

Never heard of this before. Might be cool.


Beat me to it


Doomsday clock is going to be garbage, and we all know it.

Its a retarded crossover that would only make for a good joke, like those Looney Tunes crossovers, but they're playing this one serious.


>Images during a storytime
Really my man?




I know it's improper etiquette, but I don't mind that much. There's no way today's book will fit into a single thread regardless.

I say enjoy ourselves, and discuss the books.

Speaking of discussion, I advise checking out "Under the Hood" podcast. It's page analysis of Watchmen page by page. Got me to start rereading Watchmen most recently.















As much as I don’t care for Zack Snyder’s films I can least say the Watchmen soundtrack is pretty great.






So what the deal with DC giving out pancakes?





>has trouble reaching the button because he's short


That first trailer was amazing. They really should have just made the trailer and nothing else, it's a good companion to the movie.


Many thanks Norrin

That's usual the case with theses movies, the story tends to be weak but everything else is excellent.

My plan this week is to run Flashpoint, DC Universe Rebirth, The Flash Rebirth #1, the first arcs of Detective Comics, Action Comics, and Titans (alongside Kid Flash of Two Worlds), Superman Reborn, The Button, Panic in the Microverse, The Oz Effect, and A Lonely Place of Living.

Considering whether to include the two issues of Action Comics "Mild-Mannered" before Superman Reborn as to give better context for the reveal within.



Would you storytime Before Watchemn also? Please.


I'm also running Johns' post-Infinite Crisis Superman comics as prep for how he depicts Superman

Starting over here:


Excuse me, I am a retard.


Fine idea. Superman Reborn specifically places Superman: Secret Origin as canon.






God damn these scans are crisp as fuck










>it ain't me starts playing

>I'm your boogieman starts playing












The 3x3 really works well here, really shows you how the art is as important as the writing. (imo)
















Who was the guy who did a breakdown of FTMWHE?
Miss that guy's stuff, I'm seeing stuff here I could go over but I doubt I could do it justice like him. His analysis felt like a well considered connection of things rather than just pointing them out, just don't have the same finesse in me.
