You will lose. You will get nothing. Good night

Look at it trumpers and trumpette. Look real hard. The best, most respected, most accurate statistic modeling shows Trump below 30% chance to win. This is the final model before the big day.

And the biggest criticism of this model? That it might be ~too~ generous for Trump.

You will lose. You will get nothing. Good night.

Fuck off troll


LOL all trump posters right now

You cannot troll with the truth.

oh really? then hillary voters here need not go to the polls then :^) your vote dont matter as sooooo many! will be voting for her lol

fuck off ctr


>nate tin

Git gud fgt.

Yep, and the pollsters learned their lesson. 60 years is a long time.

Be gone CTR shill.

>hurr muh polls
too bad literally no one in real life actually supports her
gg shills

when your world consist of nothing but your rectum because your head is so far up your ass you can't help but only see shit.

>You will lose. You will get nothing. Good night.

He's fucked if Trump wins, kek.

Sup Forums really shot themselves in the foot getting so involved in this. They'll never, ever be taken seriously again.

Yes a 49 vs 51 percent chance is totally like a 71 - 29

yawn. cuck

They never were. It is just fun to watch them sweat and be angry.

hmmm what were the betting odds on Brexit again???

>virgin detected

Don't get too butthurt. It looks like the senate will be a tie.

If Obama couldn't win NC in 2012, what the fuck makes people think that Cliton will win it, especially with the reduced nigger turnout there?

Trump will win.

>nate quartz


>tfw nate silver has correctly estimated 99/100 states over the last two elections

picking the same results as the previous election has estimated 94/100 states over the last two elections

brexit was polled to be at 80% remain

7-4 for leave.

Trump is 4-1

So yeah

the nate silver guy said himself that the percentages you see there are deceptive and that it's closer than that , and that all the polls showing trump winning 99 percent does not pass the "common sense" test.

just saying. stop posting that shit already. saged

not the night before the election it wasn't

He did not have so many states tighter than 60/40 in the past elections as his current model predicts. 2012 was obvious by comparison, giving Obama an overall 90+% chance of winning vs Romney's less than 10%.

You can ignore the whole fucking map anyway. There are exactly 2 states that matter. Florida and NH. If Florida goes Blue, Trump cannot win. If Florida goes red, then NH must go red. If NH goes red, then Trump ~can~ win.

The only polls that showed Brexit winning were considered to be obscure and were completely ignored by the media, which is why only the most attentive weren't caught off-guard when the actual result was given. Only after the fact were those polls considered to be "correct all along".


Still doesn't change that Brexit was close.

The margin is much, much wider on this one.

No, they've been gaining legitimacy ever since /new/ croaked. You can tell by how much of it has leaked into the rest of the internet.

But it all ends today. I hope they enjoyed it while they still could.

>I'm posting here

I quit last year when all the other smart people did. Now I'm just an observer and I'll be gone by the end of the day.

Are you trolling with Nate "cubs will lose" Plastic?