Gunnerkrigg Court

>Don't forget it's Katurday.

Other urls found in this thread:

>He totally forgets

I think you mean
>he remembers
>she forgets
t. Tom

His name is Eglamore. That's what they're supposed to remember.

Whoa hey when was the last time we saw Reynard?

i am so disappointed that this isnt going to just be a boring chapter about a routine day

It probably still is. Kat just doesn't sit in the house all day.

Me too.
I don't want elaborate plans and schemes unless it's for a date with Paz!
(There's still hope)

>Kat uses Reynard to mindjack Tony
>she lied to Annie about liking him
Fucking gypsy scum, I always knew she couldn't be trusted!

>chapter centered on the most boring character
Gonna stop reading this for a handful of months, see you guys

Just show her and Paz scissoring already, Tom.

KatPaz doing arts and crafts?
Sounds cute.

wow Kat has the most boring existence I hope she suffers good this chapter. Can't she get adopted by Mr Carver and get the same rehab treatment as his wife's desease spawn? Surely that sex dungeon as enough room for another hanging torso.

I'm not sure if this is someone posing as imaa or imaa projecting.

How can I trudge through the chapter when Kat look like a boy? Uncute. She's no longer cute.

Imaa's got a pretty distinctive writing style, I don't think that's him.

A Kat is fine too.

a scat is better though

Don't forget.

I didn't know Kat's neighbors had a white talking dog. It's refreshing to see a new character.

He's technically magically ordered to NOT forget.

>dat spends the whole fitting oblong objects into her crotchhole

Who's that wolf guy?

Last time we saw that door opened was over 420 pages (almost 3 years) ago:

You know nothing about me. Kat is perfect. I'd never say anything hateful about her like this pitiful person.

That begs the question:
COULD he forget?
And what happens if he does?
I'm guessing he'll be in extreme pain until he remembers or someone reminds him.
Yknow, like that time Annie ordered him to tell the truth and he tried to resist by forcing himself into doll form.
I think back then it actually worked, too, so the control isn't perfect.

This comic has definitely come to experience character and storyline bloat. When in the hell have we last seen Reynard?

Ayyyyyy blaze it!

He wasn't ordered to do something about it though. So he could stay at home remembering that thing he should be doing but won't do anyway. That's what I do everyday.

When have we last seen Paz? I sure hope this chapter is about her and Kat, not Annie and Kat.

>thread is on the verge of death because of Kat
Well, the time in this thread was memorable.

methinks we last saw path and renardin the chapter that llanewyn younger and winsbury revealed their love fortwith antimony

>it's a Kat chapt-

Man, I really can't wait for the next page in this chap-

Kat is such an interesting charact-


Has to be a trap.

She looks cute, but is imperfect.
Kat looks cute and is perfect.

I deeply regret your existence from the bottom of my heart.

Kat's perfectly boring and is cute with long hair. Not a short boyish one.