Childhood is


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(Formerly Heaven)






sorry but captchas suck

holy shit wordswordswords

wall of text:
the comic

chapter 4 tho

It's funny that the simpsons exist solely becuase matt didn't want the executives getting their hands on this.
And it's also funny that matt's humor is so peculiar, yet you see almost none of it on the simpsons, when it's all over pretty much all his comics, even those he made of the simpsons.

This is nice, I haven't read these in a long time. Thanks for posting OP.

Which type is your mom Sup Forums?

For real, that is some fucking truth right there.

Mix of Mad Mom and Working Mom.


I'd probably end up being the bitter dad if I ever manage to reproduce.

Guilt which I wish I had realized during my teenage years, they would always cycle through bribery, threats, and then guilt whenever I didn't want to do something and had I been mature enough to stand strong and assert myself rather than always caving in the end I think I would be a lot better off.

When you're a kid the idea that your parents (and other adults) are just as utterly fallible as you are is unthinkable, surely if they are always telling you what to do they must know some secret you don't.

When I became an adult it was actually pretty scary when I started to realize that my parents often didn't know any more about something. Not having anyone to turn to for an easy answer is part of growing up, and while I don't for an instant miss my childhood or teenage years, I do sometimes miss that feeling that things would always somehow work out because that's what mom and dad did.

Of course once you're older you see the man behind the curtain so to speak and realize things DIDN'T always work out, you were just too young to realize or they were good at putting up a front.

I don't want to say I had a bad childhood but at the same time I would never in a million years want my own kids go through what I did, so idk how that fits together. My parents put a lot of effort into giving it their best, it's just their best often wasn't enough.

Man what the fuck Sup Forums it's a Friday now I have to go and call my mom, stop making me feel this shit when I don't have to

None of the qualities and flaws of my mother appear in there, neither of my father.
It's good having 4D human beings, don't you think?

Worry mom I guess

Wow good thing I'm not american or live in a 1D family full of idiots and rednecks.

>utterly fallible as you are is unthinkable
No, I always knew since I was 3-5 years old that my father was a complete retard who thought he was smart for knowing basic technical garbage he learned in school about biology, physics, chemistry, maths, history. He was a fat blowhard loser and had a boring autistic pessimistic personality with unfunny uncharming jokes.

My mother was the real intellectual who you could depend on and not laze around till 2PM like a neet like my dad. She was optimistic but realistic and had charm. Sadly she sacrificed herself too much and was never dastardly and vengeful enough to come out as a serious winner in a world full of hypocrites and scum.

I wish you the best with your mom.

So Matt is 100% eternally butthurt that his rabbit shit led to nothing whilst the idea he came up with 5 minutes before the pitch is his legacy, right?


Futurama is also well remembered at this point.

He could get LiH made into a cartoon if he wanted. He just doesn’t.

Same. Nobody needs parents like me.


Honestly man, as I've gotten older these have gotten a bit too real for me.

this was a neat, utterly depressing read

Good motto to live by.

Worried, Clean, Guilt, Plastic/Depressed, Martyr.

Bonus round: Some mix of Fun, Wimpy, Great Expectations, Disappointed, and Bitter Dad. Wads an alcoholic before I was born, though.

The worst part is that she eventually got sick and turned into a Guilt/Psycho/Sleepy one around the time of chemotherapy

I'd like to say that she changed after the incident, but whenever I was a kid, she was just really good on putting up a front or maybe I was just so infatuated with her being so nice and cool that I just never noticed. We tried our best to help her - I tried my best to help her and talk to her, despite me being just in middle school at around this point. I just don't like remembering it - it just didn't work out and middle school into high school was just terrible.

So many people tell me that I'd be a great parent, but I don't want to make the same mistakes. I feel myself wanting to hurl every time I even so much as slip up and act like my mother or the bad qualities of my father. It's the one thing keeping me from getting anybody - then again, I'm not really fond of women anyway and it's just a big whole can of beans that I'm still getting over to this day.

Holy fucking shit does everyone experience these problems?

Life in Hell is the most underappreciated cartoon around. Nobody talks about it, Matt hasnt reprinted it, it isn't available online.

The Big Book of Hell is one of those things I have that I'll hold onto forever.

Everyone thought it. Now that the internet's going mainstream, people can vocalize it.


Depressed/Tired mom. Still pretty sure I ruined her life

I don't know if the most underappreciated, but definitely underappreciated.

Post scans, this is a masterpiece.

whats that Japanese word for nostalgia for a time you never experienced?

>it isn't available online.

google images seems to disagree

Sick/Depressed, due to events that unfolded over the span of about five years.
>Sister commits suicide
>Other sister gets in a car wreck, brain injury, goes crazy, starts calling my mother on the phone calling her a murder, saying she's hiding money from her, and ends up unable to handle her own bills.
>Gets breast cancer
>Nephew killed in a car accident
>Develops an ugly skin condition, told by the doctor to not go in the sun or it'll get worse. Also sensitive to bleach despite years of athletic swimming, and teaching swim lessons.
>Gets fat
>Both my older brothers start calling her crazy and retarded, sometimes within earshot of her
>Cannot quit smoking
>Some other medical shit that was never properly explained to me.


Did you just...

Life In Hell's humor is actually pretty noticeable in season 1 when it was centered around Bart. Also check out the Simpsons Library of Wisdom series, written by Matt.


Working and a bit of Plastic

A mix of Fun Mom and Gone Mom.

My father on the other hand is a mix of Cold, Fear, Wimpy, Disappointed, Stranger, and Goofy.


Welp, I'm redpilled as fuck now.










Yeah sure but obviously not all of it. Go on fuckin and they have every strip from 1978 to this morning. Life in hell? Scanned pages from the extremely selective publications groening put out like two decades ago





Who needs a computer anyway?

It's surreal how these simultaneously remind me of the Simpsons' early days and yet aren't all at once.

This is at least Subnormality levels of words.





>groening apparently majored in philosophy
>somewhere there's a study that shows that phil majors have the highest IQs among all university students
>still too much of a brainlet to understand a shitty 1970s computer


>t. kid born a couple years before 2000
computers were new.

Work Is Hell




Which is irrelevant because the younger you are the higher a person's ability to quickly memorize instructions on how to use new technology and then apply it. Why do you think old people still struggle to open their fucking email?

okay so you agree you were wrong?

>user completely lacks reading comprehension

I can see you didn't major in philosophy.

Hey, finally, a Simpsons reference!

Mad Mom/Guilt Mom.

Glad I don't live with her.

>hasn't touched life in hell since the 80's or whenever
>simpsons was massively successful, making him rich as fuck
somehow, I doubt he cares

my mother is a fun mom who occasionally skews to the side of "guilt."

My mom used to regularly say: "Death would be a release" there was nothing in particular that would trigger it.

My dad had this neat trick where when he was pissed off at you he would calmly say "These are your choices and then list the consequences of each choice." Apparently he used to make his secretary cry because he would just calmly explain everything that she had done wrong.

So you tell me where I fit on the chart.

>your not big enough yet
>act you age
That hit way to close to home.

"You do what you do tolerably well, now you must ask yourself, is it worth doing?"

You know, if you forced everyone to answer that question honestly, you'd loose like 1/3rd of the population to suicide overnight.

>sit on that potty until I see some results.
My mother always had this absurd idea in her head that whenever I was "in a bad mood"(read:she is in a bad mood) it was because I needed to take a shit and she would force me to sit there for ages and if I couldn't go after a good half hour she wouldn't let me play vidya until I did.

Eventually I got so sick of it I ate an entire block of chocolate laxative and shit the bed with a huge load that night
Thing is I was in diapers for bedwetting until I was about 10 so I got sort of burns from it.

Mix of mad and guilt. She had a real other parents are worse so that excuses my shitty parenting attitude. Plus she projected her personality flaws onto me instead of admitting she was the one with the big problems.

Even as an adult I unironicly agree with chapter 5 panel 8. Those no tv fags are insufferable.

What type is your dad Sup Forums?

Stranger dad although we usually saw him every 1-3 days


>le ebin clowns are scary maymay
I though you were cool groning

>early attempt to shift blame away from self.
I learnt that from my mother.

Jock with a bit of slow thinker.

Some good stuff here but I don't really agree with the anti spanki g angle.

>and they won't share.
I had a good kek.