I’m all for shitting in white people but....what’s the punchline?

I’m all for shitting in white people but....what’s the punchline?

White people suck, you fucking idiot.

The punchline is that Nick Fury thinks he's handsome. A Nick Fury that's a different race must look different from himself, which means he must be less handsome by default of looking different from himself.


To be fair, that's probably what every nick fury from every universe says.
not the "He's white" part as much as the " He's different" part, but yeah.
Except that faggot nick fury from the faggoty self deprecating universe.

>Nick is a nigger now
wew fucking lad

Have the two Nick Furys met in any satisfying story?

That's Ultimate Nick Fury. He's been black since his creation 15 years ago.

Ultimate Fury has never been to 616 and he's dead now, so no.

There is never a punchline with this. You're supposed to be like "Oh" when they bring up white people, that's how these jokes are supposed to go.

Just imagine how this would look if the races were reversed.

Ultimate Fury has been black for damn near 20 years now, you casual inbred

It would actually pretty based considered how much fucking balls you'd have to have to pull something like that.

Where's the reverse photoshop of this.

Yeah I know but 616 Nick is a nigger

Your retard is showing. Someone post the image.

616 Fury is white, casual.

Real Nick is dead

No, he isn't. Fury Sr. is still alive. He just appeared in Unworthy Thor and again in Waid/Samnee's Black Widow within the past year.

No he isn't dipshit. He's the new Watcher or whatever the fuck his title is now after Original Sin.

616 Fury has a half-black son, which has no bearing on the OP, since that isn't Fury Jr.

I guess the joke that he thinks white fury is much tougher than black fury

Their 616 Super-spy-more-assholish-captain-america-with-years-of-experience-in-manipulation-and-world-saving doesn't look like Samuel L. Jackson

Fukken loser amirite?