Hansen Vs Predator-

How is this shit NOT entrapment?

The way they lure guys over to this house and suggest they commit crimes made me think that courts wold throw the cases out, but apparently this is all OK in the view of the courts

oh and btw
The "messages with underage minors" are all conducted on roleplaying chatrooms, so its even less real

Other urls found in this thread:


Because the guys have to initiate, the girls never message first and display their fake age prominently

Deal with it lol

Intent, motherfucker, do you dig it?

You can't try to fuck kids unless you're in the government or a Rabi, goyim.

come join us user

They work with police to make sure it isnt, they have gotten in trouble for it before IIRC however

"hey come over to my place" - entrapment
"I'm bored all alone in my house" "hey I'll come over" - not entrapment

It's entrapment, yes.

What you gonna do about it, pedo?

>not wanting a guy who would actually intend to go and fuck a child if given the chance to be locked up and made bubba's cocksleeve

kys m80

Can we send Hansen over to the pedo block where Comet Pizza is?

Hansen caught a Rabbi back in '06

Get a life


Idk but that show is fucking hilarious. Hansons best work yet. Hes really nailed his job down. Hope theres a season 2.

The first dude wase REALLY creepy tho. He was straight up gonna murder the girl.

Meanwhile you post in Trump threads 24/7

I think it has to be law enforcement officers for entrapment to even come up. Hansen and his crew are private citizens, so it's literally impossible for them to entrap people unless they were contracted by the state.

Its entertaining to watch. Some of the things guys say when trying to talk to women is so fucking funny. I hope someone posts pictures of the logs.

I think the purpose of the show is more in finding pleasure in someone elses misfortune. Cant remember the german word for it.

But secondarily and what they state is their purpose, i think it truly does scare predators away from trying it.

It IS entrapment and horrid fucking bigotry too. I seriously can't believe this kind of fucking discrimination and oppression actually occurs in first world countries.

Literally some guys trying to get a prime qt lgf and being led on, it's sad.

First you'll have to give yourself a lobotomy, then you'll finally understand why ruining the lives of people who arranged for consensual sex with a 15 year old is the right thing to do.
People have literally killed themselves because of this show; that isn't right.

You know damn well that these sick fucks go over to houses with every intent to bang a 12 year old girl. Don't try and defend them

>feelings bad for pedophiles

Kill yourself

I 'member that episode.

Wtf is that pic on the left!?!?

I can't believe TCAP is essentially back on the air


Can anyone else just stop and realise how fucking crazy this is

Is vaporwave becoming reality

what would happen if the guy just never came to the house?

And a DA in Texas, who shot himself after being informed he would be arrested
Good watch.

>Hurr muh hysteria

Kill yourself tree niggers

its still fun to watch lol

>and suggest they commit crimes
They don't, have you ever watched the show once though?

Let 'em burn. Nonces are trash. Public castration when?

I don't think they have gotten in trouble, it just hasn't held up in a court of law

link to new videos?

So anyone can pose as a horny 12 year old and call the cops on whoever takes the bait?

It's only entrapment if they do something they would not normally do.

You have to wonder how what platforms they use for communication now.

Yeah. Look up the vigilante YouTube nonce hunters. A fair amount of people do this and they get convictions.

iirc they usually get off because of that, unless they are retarded (usually are to get caught in such a trap) and have a friendly conversation with the cops instead of shutting their mouth and waiting for a lawyer

>"hey, wait a second. i gotta change my shirt. i spilled diet coke on it"
fucking kek. did the fake thirteen year old guy come up with this line or did someone tell him to say that?

Minors are capable of consenting. They lack the right to.

Should be unconstitutional under Lawrence.

Those faggot white knight cunts deserve to be beaten


Semi related question: why are pedos at the highest risk of being killed in prison by other inmates? Does it strike anyone else as ironic or hypocritical that people who are locked up because they murdered people for dumb reasons like gang affiliation, gang initiation, wanted $100 from the gas station register, etc, think pedos are the worst human beings and will go out of their way to kill them?

I'm torn and don't know which side to choose.

* I hate pedos.

* I also hate shit like this that creates criminals because it's easier for lard ass cops then, you know, going out and finding actual criminals.

* It's a stretch to call these losers "predators." I doubt any of them would even try to force themselves on a Real Doll if there was a voice module that said "no." You have to be pretty fucking stupid and desperate to head over to a teen's house...but if the teen says "come over baby my parents aren't home" that's not exactly predator/prey.

* I hate how tough the cops act when they know damn well they're entrapping losers who won't resist. Funny how they hide behind their cars and wait 20m when a school or night club is being shot up.

Well...best outcome would be for a mental military veteran with nothing to lose to whip two .45's out, shoot Hansen, shoot any fat cops, then get shot by a cop who is in shape.

>Government and feminists push pedo hysteria for years
>Prison filled with low IQ people
>They eat up everything they're fed


How could anyone resist such a young boy though?

Im about to go to bed but as a cop who worked on a perverted justice sting they usually don't end with charges being filed let alone a conviction.

Here is an article talking about it.


Also there was a longer one that was really detailed from one of the 20/20 reporters that is worth looking into.

True pedos are the worst human beings. An adult who would rape and abuse a child should be fucked up.

But that's not the same as a consenting 15yo. I'm not saying AoC should be 15 or there should be no punishment...but it's just not the same.

Not all pedos are rapists you retard fuck off with your stupid arbitrary cutoffs

Go write an article for Salon.

Hey ff what do you think of the Clinton pedo stuff? I think it's exaggerated, personally

That's why the Romeo and Juliette clause exists

There was one instance where a 14 year old was messaging a "13 year old" decoy and took a bunch of buses to reach the house after lying about his age saying he was like 30.

Hansen walks out all confused then got pissed as all hell.

Nice proving you didn't even read the meme article you fucking retard

The person who wrote it agrees with you dumbfuck he's a self hating cuck

I'm sure there's a dozen different answers you could hear on this, but my understanding is the most violent prisoners - meaning the ones willing to commit rape/murder against other inmates - were typically subjected to abuse as a child, and have a significantly higher chance statistically of having been molested. Assuming that is true it becomes somewhat intuitive as to why they react to child rapists the way they do.

15? Odd... in Sweden it would be legal.

Haven't been following it that closely but from what I read there seemed to be a lot of straw clutching going on. I just don't see child abductions and the like being orchestrated and the like when you could fly to numerous countries and have a Haram of little girls for chump change.

It would be entrapment only if perverted justice made contact first, which they don't.

its just because its socially acceptable. if you can treat someone badly without repercussions, you will, because treating people badly is actually really fun

Yeah, but the girls they chatted with never were actually underage, were they?

So how is this criminal?

Wtf, he looks 20 or older.

Lololol what the fuck? Thats the decoy? Looool

The Holocaust wasn't real, so how is denying it criminal for a German?

damn hansens got a gut now

>Hey want to fuck a kid?
>Ok, come over
>You're under arrest boii


Even if they did make the first contact, who gives a shit?
What autistic laws are we talking about here?

It's entrapment. There was no underage prey in that house or behind the keyboard. Those pedos should sue, but theyre stupid as fuck and waive their right to remain silent and fuck everything up.

But you just made my point...


It's literally nothing. just a bunch of think of the chidren newfags who have heard the term pizza for the first time and now they are just grasping at straws and circlejerk about the 'evidence' they have gathered without going anywhere. by far the most retarded shit Sup Forumsever came up with right after that embarrassing kek shit.

Look at this dumb asshole. Lol

this is not true I have literally seen every single TCaP

Yeah its my answer to you. Anti-pedophelia laws were invented in the 80s as a backdoor for weakening first ammendment rights and habeas corpus.

Most people don't realize CP was not explicitly illegal before the 1980s.

So what actually happens to them? Do they get locked up or just shamed in public?

Look at this tranny pedo tugging at his pigtails.

Fuck off.

that's not the point.
if they wouldn't have coerced him then the dude wouldn't have come over.
they're literally reinforcing the pedophile into him by creating these fake scenarios.

i bet like half of the kids in these kid adult chat groups are fucking cops it's retarded.

Yeah I'm inclined to agree, they seem to think they have front restaurants with recognized FBI symbols as logos. I don't doubt people with tons of power and money indulge but the level of evidence is low.

Most get locked up. In some states a lot of them got away with it because of completely retarded legal loopholes like the whole '''''''''''entrapment''''''''''' excuse.
This ''entrapment'' excuse is no different from Hillary blaming Russians for her corruption being exposed.

Well I am not in favour of CP obviously but it would make me doubt that the US was a state of law if people get locked up for chatting with an adult pretender. Because no crome was committed.

But luckily I had my first time with a 15 year old and it was fully legal in Germany.


meant for:

Some get 7 years in prison plus must register as sex offenders for 10+ years. It's fucked up, their life is ruined.

No it isn't, you fucking retard. You should try actually learning about how the criminal system works. It is only entrapment if the police forcibly gets someone to commit an illegal action. The predators on this show willingly go out of their way to contact and meet supposed young girls, therefore it is not entrapment.

>if a man were walking along and a disguised police officer comes up to him to try and coerce him into stealing a car, it would be entrapment because it could be argued that they convinced the man to do so
>if a man were walking along and tried to steal a car set up by the police, it would not be entrapment, because the man did it of his own volition

Podesta pls go

>US state of law


>consensual sex with a 15 year old
children can't consent

That's the feeling I'm getting but like I said haven't followed it much. I really hate the kek shit though.

Seems kind of stupid for elites. And like I said it wouldn't be that hard for any rich guy to get cunny I don't think

oh my god this would be so fucking funny she should do it

Not an argument

>Baseless can't consent meme

consent isnt real, women dont know what they want

The fact that they came over to the house proves you wrong. They would and they have done it, they've done it on camera. Many of them have little kids, so this kind of stuff insures that the kids aren't going to get raped by their disgusting kike father.

But it is entrapment. And the bait is adult. And the only reason the pedo believes his prey is not adult is because the prey pretends it is not.

How is that a crime? The law cant value things that are just assertions over reality which says that the guy never chatted with an underage person.

So there was no crime.

oh noes the poor pedo got caught /sob-sob

Stop being "think of the chillens" hypocrite faggot. Remember when you were 15? You knew what was up.

That 18 age bullshit is arbitrary. In Peru, for example, age of consent is 14.

...Hansen only deals with people who are into teens

It's actually because on the totem pole of criminal prestige, pedos are on the bottom rung. Someone who murdered an entire family, including children, is respected whereas pedos are reviled for being weak, spineless, and unable to defend themselves.

>But it is entrapment

So? Not an argument. It's still a crime and you still go to jail.

That belly and hairline make Chris look much more like a predator than his groomed and cg'd television appearance would let on. Guess it really takes one to know one.

Who cares. Pedos should hang.

very few of them get charged



seem to be the correct answers.

Not in Germany fortunately. It is illegal for the police to do this.