What happens when the oil runs out?
What happens when the oil runs out?
>runs out
You know that period in between the mongols destroying the caliphate and the industrial revolution and how irrelevant they were?
Yeah that.
They're already converting their economy into a tourism/commerce focus
My country crumbles to the ground because its economy is too heavily reliant on OPEC inflating the legitimacy of the USD.
Essentially we'll be living in 1920s Germany. Or the Great Depression.
Hopefully our president doesn't burn crops to inflate food prices again while people are starving. Fuck you FDR.
I'm dying over here
sticks and stones
A) They take the money they have and try to create a country with good infrastructure and other energy sources.
B) It fragments and shit explodes. New states are created with bandit groups like ISIS and etc roaming around.
C) It continues as it is, but in shittier quality.
This is the top 3 choices out of a bunch. These 3 are the most likely.
Dubai is rather popular with normies tbqh
Cuz when I think tourist spots I think of Saudi Arabia
they fall back into irrelevancy because no one cares about their shithole anymore
Dubai is actually pretty nice, but they're about as smart as Mexicans and they build like the Chinese(cheap).
It won't last long. Neither the people, the climate, nor the infrastructure are attractive to anyone other than billionaires.
They're also heavily focusing on investments too
Don't know why tourists would wanna go there though, I suppose you're average joe wouldn't be aware of their appalling human rights.
>Or the Great Depression.
We're pretty much there already, don't kid yourself. We're just on borrowed time witha food surplus.
I hope you're about that life, because it's going to get fucking hairy.
their oil barons go back to riding camels
>Mecca isn't a tourist spot
M8 you're not the only country on earth remember
I would dubai myself a ticket somewhere else.
I'll be here all night, you faggot fucks.
All the under-construction mosques being funded By Saudi interests stop being built in Europe, the mudslime invasion of Europe is slowed down but unless we go all reconquista on their asses, they will still win eventually due to superior birth rates.
Bahrain actually isn't that bad of a country
Tourism? I don't think we count drones as "tourists" even though they're "visiting"
They all come to Europe for free gibs
We find out there's 100x more oil underground than is needed.
It would be a devastating collapse of western civilization.
>go to mecca as a devout muslim
>it's all shopping and malls
And people wonder why Muslims are constantly being bombed and suffering
Pic semi related
Oman is really nice yo, they dont behead you for fun.
Nobody willingly goes to Mecca unless they're strongarmed into doing it by religious obligation.
they would come to germany as poor underage refugees
Angry young people.
It's already starting.
Education there is poor, people are taught only to memorise huge volumes of religious texts, critical thinking is not taught, or any other real mental skill. No physical skill is taught either as Saudis do not do manual work. For those reasons young Saudi's are no use for employers.
They will also refuse to do service sector jobs, because they consider it beneath them to serve someone else, so the entire service sector is out.
Finally, the demographic is such that the population is going to be a young one, and a population where they are used to just about everything in their life being free or heavily subsidised. That will probably end.
This is an excellent book on the coming storm.
Using jew as a fuel, nice idea
Not sure about the other shitholes, but Qatar is investing left, right and center all over the world to prepare for this day.
I hope they get fucked over before they can survive without their oil industry, but it's not looking good.
Mass immigrate to the west
The people starve as the wealthy burn their money faster than we burned their oil
Oil is 30 % of UAE income money, it will survive, but just not as good. Will probably be a irrelevant country just like before the brits came over there.
>What happens when the oil runs out?
It won't, not in the near future.
Oil extraction methods are continiously improving, the reserves are about 30-50% depleted IIRC.
The Arabs know this, and there's nothing to stop them.
Islam WILL conquer the world-
Holy shit, Poseidon washed the black right off those dudes.
>What happens to an authoritarian state after they lose the ability to purchase internal stability form the population
t. Venezuela
They will just end up like Yemen basically.
Solar and nuclear power
Apparently were the only one that matters if the entire world is forced to learn our language and feel the need to post about our election nonstop on an international shitposting board
TIL black people turn white after they die.
Massive unrest and instability. Unless they invest in diversification.
>What happens when the oil runs out?
These shitholes return to dark age.
watch what happened with Spanish Solar projects. They are extremelly costly
same shit that happens in iraq and yemen.
If I was Elon Musk I'd start creating super batteries that could be charged by solar and used to power entire cities. Imagine a subscription based industry where you could literally just daisy chain massive power storage devices powered by solar harnesses internationally. Finally all of the deserts in the Middle East and Africa would be worth something
They've allready covered that by using their money to buy influence in every country.
The US is already compromised, as are many others. EU falls first.
They are already working to expand there sphere of influence. Every western country has Islamic schools and terror cells funded by these states and they bankroll leaders in these countries so they don't crack down too hard on teh spread of islamist dogma.
They are prepared for when the oil runs out, we are the ones that need to worry.
If I empty your oil reserves, will you die?
Dubai is popular among fart sniffing liberals. It's a desert shithole funded by oil money.
more like this - Jewish dominance
It'll take a long time. The better alternative energies get, the longer oil can last, and the longer it can last as a legal source if the overall level of environmental damage goes down. The western world will adapt with a few bumps in the road.
It will pretty much be this. That or the Middle East is going to need to undergo it's own Meiji revolution and fucking modernize already. That means getting rid of mud-tier Gods and ideologies too.
Because this will literally never happen. They'll only get tourists and commerce from their region, at best, as things are now. Mecca is a huge destination for Muslims, but that's probably not enough to run the economy of the entire state off of. They certainly won't be relevant on the world stage. Western tourists are all about that debauchery, and there is zero point to going to a tourist destination with no sex, booze, or generally fun allowed. Western companies aren't going to trust their money to not get expropriated, aren't going to trust local courts to enforce their rights, have no reason to want to move out of Europe, America, and the far East, won't want their money attached to whatever human rights abuses and terrorist attacks originate from the Saud and their money, and the Jews of course won't want to give them money anyway.
Yes they do.
This is why when uncontacted tribes first meet a white man, they think he is the walking dead.
Oil won't run out but production will fall.
At the same time population grows and along domestic consumption for oil.
Put together: economic catastrophe
Nice, worth a read
They have some wars amongst themselves and then they go back to being exactly what they were in the 1700's: Total irrelevance.
Without the oil, the middle east would be like africa.
The energy density of batteries would mean those batteries would need to be the size of skyscrapers. You'd be better off storing energy as heat in 400 degree C solar heated oil tanks, then using a sterling engine at night to extract electricity from it.
Decent review of it here:
They will ride a camel again.
people say the world will collapse don't know what they are talking about.
we already have so many other energy sources
we have a way to make plastic and rubber,no problem.
the only problem is that people can't drive like they used to.
no fancy flights around the world
Too many people, not enough gas to go around. Everyone gets fucked.
They attack Gaddafi and Saddam...oh wait..that already happened.