This is literally comedy-tier

Hungarian (((far-right))) party Jobbik just derailed the constitutional ban on applying immigrant quotas in Hungary.


Please explain;

Was the government attempting to amend your constitution to prohibit the introduction of migrant quotas, and these guys voted it down?

I assume they did the "Nem szavazott" part, aka did not vote. I think parliament needs a minimum % of votes to make amends.

From what I understand, yes.

Hungabros, you know who to ask when you want to remove kebab.

How come they use , for decimals not .

What would have been the immigration quota? Was a numerical quota or a racial quota?

What did they mean by this?

Would been in the constitution that EU can't force us to accept quotas.

pretty much everyone does it except the anglosaxon world.
also we write 100000000 not 100,000,000

literally only anglos use . for decimal.

The entire world does it, what do you mean?

They wanted the government to end the sale of resettlement bonds. These bonds can be bought by wealthy foreigners who want to resettle to Hungary. It's numbers are miniscule compared to the quotas (and it's obviously not for muggers), so basically it was a muh over the top nationalism alibi.

3.2 - would you say three point two or three comma two

I would think wealthy foreigners would be an asset rather than a liability, assuming they learn the Hungarian language, adapt Hungarian culture, and respect Hungarian laws.

three comma two

also we say "zero" not "o"

Magyarbros why
I thought you were going to save the EU from this shit


>we won't be a colony of Brussels!
>of course you can settle here, Mr. Rich Foreigner!


Literally only anglos matter in the world.
What language did you type that post in Klaus?

Ever since Vona decided, he is not ok with only 20% (since being far right will only get him that much), and he 'reformed' the party into Fidesz 2.0, he went full retard. He is more like the left now, only big with words, but not acting on in.

asia doesn't

Lol get enriched, turksmell

Also, the fun part is, that Vona himself stated a few months ago, that everyone not voting fot the constitution change is a traitor.

Madziary, why? Im sad now.

This, if you're not an Anglo you're not white. It was a mistake letting non Anglos into Canada. Look what happened after Europeans came
>flag changed
>Royal symbols abolished
>start letting in non whites
>American spelling becomes more widespread
>national anthem changed
>holiday names changed
>homo marriage legalised
>abortion legalised
>porn legalised
>death penalty abolished
>gun rights restricted
>taxes up the ass
Thanks Europe

we're mattering less and less

spotted the orbanfag

Just a bit of clarification, it's not actually 'resettlement bond', it's only for 5 years, and it's basically a free pass into EU, it's for rich chinese/russian etc. businessman for traveling in the eu without having to get a visa. A bunch of other countries have something similar.

>also we say "zero" not "o"
we use both but mostly zero

Britain still has more colonies than any country in the world. They even went to wear with Argentina over one of their colonies.
There's also the British commonwealth which has a I think 15 nations who all recognise HM as head of state and defender of the faith.

You forget the funniest part: the neighbor of our prime minister turned out to be a saudi "businessman" (read: terrorist founder). But he is legally in the country all right because he bought "settlement rights".

The Jobbik had it right with pic related. Translation: "You commit treason if you let the terrorists in for money!" Of course, the Zsidesz countered with saying that they check all those guys who buy settlement rights, but after the 20k SIMs fiasco, this rings pretty darn hollow.

3 whole, 2 decimal.

>also we write 100000000 not 100,000,000
You may write that, your engineers don't.

maybe some do but it's still wrong.

Most french people write "Mr. Dupont" although they're supposed to write "M. Dupont" (Mr. is mister, M. is monsieur)
just because they don't know better doesn't make it right

Why are they insane?