So with all the podesta emails about the clinton pedo ring proving it's fucking true and they took madeline....

is this proof that anti's simply cannot outwit pedos?

i mean don't get me wrong, i'm not a pedo...but fuck guys, they've btfo us at every turn.

we know they've done it, but we cannot do anything about it.

i've been getting memed at all day about "antis btfo" and i'm FUCKING SICK OF IT

like fuck guys, what comeback can i use against these cunts?

i don't know how to shitpost them back. they're right, we KNOW they're doing it but we cannot fucking stop them

it's burning me

OF course. Its very easy to outwit someone who trusts you. its not proof of any skill what so ever.

Why is this its own thread? This could just be a comment in any of the threads already about this.


No i mean, i don't know how to have a comeback against their argument.

They're literally fucking laughing at me telling me smart pedos will always outwit us and they'll get to rape kids just like the clintons and there's nothing i can do to stop them

it's making me rage hard, they keep calling me an "anti"

Well clearly this means we need to enforce a maximum age of consent.

Picture related shows even greater benefits to this progressive measure

FACT: pedos are the strongest race

There is a lot of things on the internet and in the news that we, the average person, could not have done anything about.
The trick is to not fall for their trolling.

you're thinking of filipinos

these are people i know irl mate, they're laughing at me and i'm ready to boil over

i don't think they're even shitposting me mate, i think they really are pedos but they're right I CAN'T DO SHIT TO THEM

god it makes me so angry

Oh my bad. I got confused I guess.

oh it's just a bunch of worldwide globalists breaking basically every fucking law in the book and getting away with it

literally fucking nothing
go back to sleep

Best thing is to not try to match their trolling...but hammer the pollies about raising the age of consent, reintroduceing the death penalty for pedos, etc..thats what I have been doing.

Oh even better forget the trolling just tip of the police. or dox them here.


Fuckin tell their friends and family anonymously tell the parents of the kids they say they molest. find out where they keep their stash of kiddie porn and inform the Police AFP etc.

its just so fucked

i assume an anti means anti pedo right?

i thought about this but they were laughing at me telling me how smart pedos get away with anything

they probs are smart enough not to keep any evidence, i mean it makes sense only a retard would get caught

Well just pass on their comments to their friends and family even if they are only shit talking.
I can assure you nobody likes a pedo.

i want to but what happens when they just deny it and say i'm crazy and then i get ostracized

an accusation's not enough mate

im at boiling point, they're in the other room hollering about how clinton is going to win right now

You could do something BAD to them...but you would have to pay the price yourself ...otherwise let the cops handle it.


> only in america

Record them on your phone, save it and pass it around to people.




ugh it's like they said

they were laughing at me how an anti can't do shit to pedos like them and the cops won't do shit without proof

it's fucking true mate, the cops here are useless and won't even do shit about nigger home invasions, no way are they going to act without proof

GOD these cunts could be molesting lolis tomorrow, FUCK

i don't think they're gonna repeat it now, they'll just tease me about clinton.

it caught me completely out of the blue, we were talking about the election and i mentioned the pedo thing and then they btfo me

GOD i hope trump wins PLEASE PLEASE

Spirit bump

Messed the opening up straya, was supposed to be simply


OP take the time over weeks and months to record their shit talk, The cops will at least put them on a watch list. Justice is a long process man. Because their are so many lawyers who would get them off.

>this thread
>t. Kimmo Alm

nah mate this isent a shitposting thread, im asking for help on btfoing some people making fun of me for being an "anti"

the podesta emails don't prove anything, your schizophrenic imagination just got carried away thanks to the reinforcement that the tards on these boards gave you

You know the old saying if you can't beat them join them yeah? What if some anons were willing to take one for the team in order to infiltrate these rings and bring them down from the inside? Or rise to a spot with enough influence to run it so poorly that the whole thing caves in on itself?