Scott Foval of birddogging fame is having a twitter breakdown and is shooting red pills left and right...

Scott Foval of birddogging fame is having a twitter breakdown and is shooting red pills left and right. shouldn't the Trump machine give this guy a new job as crown witness?

He did a 180 it seems?

This is a fake account.


>Think it's fake
>backspace out the last character incase it's an uppercase i instead of a lowercase L
>manually correct to lowercase L


Read the history, idiot, every post is parody

It's not parody, the information is correct.

spent too much time shilling on Sup Forums
he's one of us now


Good one, Benjamin Wishbone.
This guy has nothing to lose now. Figure he thought he might as well swallow the red pill kek
And I would dare to say he is redeeming himself to a significant extent.

Holy shit these red pills

Brad @woodhouseb it looks like these new #DNCLeaks2 nailed you & @rbcreamer like a Podesta Pizza.
>what did he mean by this?

You shoulda gave me a better severance package

Would it shock you if the same people who incited violence at Trump events were the same people starting riots to exploit #blacklivesmatter?

Fucking epic if real.

>veritas only came out in Oct
>account has been up and shilling for hill since Aug parallel with his other account
>Only when he got fired did the account do a 180 redpill


>please guys I'm just a normal degenerate
>don't assume I'm in the pedo lunch cult, please

We should forgive him of all crimes and get him to answer questions on here. He gave the crooked DNC his heart and soul using the same tactics they use, and they fucked him over before kicking him out.

its fucking fake you retards

damn, he's dropping redpills like a madman



If he follows up on this Shkreli must pardon his AIDS sentence as soon as he gets the rights to the cure (but after releasing the Wu Tang album)


amazing, this election has been a wild ride

This is a retarded CTR meme to say it's real.

"Someone should seriously check on Eric Braverman."

Confirmed real. He's getting revenge.

fuck off ctr

Looks pretty fake though.. No tweets before september, and everything is pro-trump

Dude he's really wanting to make it up

>Confirmed real. He's getting revenge.

He's going to spend couple of next years in courtroom for what he has been doing. Those legal costs.
By making as much noise as possible he can achieve two things. He can't be suicided that easily and get himself a better severance package (he knows Clinton foundation is loaded with tens of millions of oil sheik's money).
This guy, if he's not naively stupid, must have a Anthony Weiner style life insurance folder somewhere to keep him safe. He must have known what kind of people he has been in business with.

We should all urge him to provide evidence for the things the Clinton Camp made him do. Pressure him to do it. He may just give us something huge.

He deleted his twitter when it all came to light originally and then created this one when he got fired with a shitty severance package.

Did he get fired in September? Wasn't it like mid-late october?

Wow, he's out for vengeance like the punisher.

He's singing like a bird.

Faggot still has HIV tho.


Bumping the shit outta this...

Have some lewd too... more attention...

If only we could bring him to Sup Forums for further questioning.

Fuck man is this real or what?! There's too much CTR distortion here!! It makes me think they must be terrified...

Rats are always to leave a sinking ship

No one has explained why the account has pro Hillary tweets for 2 months right before PVA came out and he got fired.

Holy shit, maybe they should have suicided this guy. He's dropping truth bombs all over the place.

Wait is it real?

If he spills the beans and kiss the ring he should get a pardon.

It's because it's real

Yes, him and Creamer was fired on the spot because of the thoroughly discredited (t. CNN) forgeries of former kindergarten opiate trafficker and Gitmo escapee James O'Keefe.

his real account pre-videos was @scottfoval

>Nailed like a Podesta Pizza