Once fascists get power, they don't give it up

Once fascists get power, they don't give it up.
He's right, isn't he Sup Forums.

Now grow up and buy a subscription to WSJ.


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Love how fascism has just come to mean 'saying mean things'

One of Trump's most controversial policies is to enforce immigration and deportation laws.

So he's not making new laws, just enforcing what's already there for the most part. I guess America was already fascist.

he literally wants to enforce fascist laws

What fascist laws

building a wall with mexico and mass depertations of anyone who isn't fucking a white male, like hello

>fucking a white male
finally someone who quotes him correctly

>deport every female
He's on to something there

pretty sure that's not fascism


When the sun finally rises in America and we have a real Fascist party and a real Fascist candidate, it will be really fucking hilarious to see what they have to say.

During the time of Julius Caesar, the Optimates lost their shit and stabbed him to death on the Senate floor. That was their biggest fuck up. Caesar gave them all pardons after they fought against him. The Populares faction and the people of Rome were denied their champion, and those that came after Julius Caesar were much harsher with the Optimates than Caesar himself.

If they fuck it up for Trump, they are not going to like what comes next.

he wants to make the 119th ammendment - no women allowed

it's literally the rise of fascism its the same in the uk now that we're the biggest producers of fascist movements
haven't you seen like history?

We're sorry leftists, but its just too late. It really didn't have to be this way, you know?

You shall fear him, and us. Media must die.

Also, an unconstitutional adjustment to the castle doctrine that demands construction of an actual small scale castle made out of cardboard boxes.

Childish cunt.

fuck Bill Maher

Really makes you think about how hard the far left is fighting to not give up power..

We'll finally have a use for all those fasces we use as so much symbolism.

>who is Pinochet

even if it was, the germans were kangs n shiet until they got greedy with land

He's right.

Your roll.

your edits are sneaky, I like them.

>Once fascists get power they don't give it up

You mean EXACTLY like what Obama is doing? shut the fuck up Bill.

obama is literally the least fascist president we've ever had in the white house

Lol no


Except that's complete bullshit. With the exception of Italy and Germany, all the countries in the western world ever to have a government which might be called "fascist" by modern-day leftists like Maher peacefully transitioned into liberal democracies (Franco's Spain, Salazar's Portugal, Pinochet's Chile, Apartheid SA...).

Whether or not that was a good thing is another question entirely.