What does Sup Forums think of this guy's reviews?
Mr. Enter
He's ok. I like Pieguy a bit more thou.
This thread is too mean-spirited
He's shit
Every single thread about him or his material is a troll thread.
I can walk circles around this idiot even while I'm drunk.
Gets too butthurtt on certain things because "muh shitty childhood", not to mention he's an asexual aspie. But I'll admit he does often have a good point. The "animation cliches" list was pretty good, and he proved to be quite based when talking about politics, without taking a side.
Mysterious Mr. Autism
A whiny perma virgin who thought Flapjack was ugly. There's literally no reason for me to like him.
is there any good Sup Forums e-celebs?
>hate sex/sexuality/any biological behavior
>hate any smart cartoon because dont undertand
Is asexuality a real thing
the virgin mr enter
the Chad Pan-Pizza
He gets too much hate. Enter is the only animation reviewer that does analysis for single episodes and tries to look at each standalone episode as its own story. He's got a lot of potential even as a reviewer, but he's too autistic to fully realize it. Look at him now, he's working on a review for the Emoji Movie right now. Fucking Emoji Movie, a film that is ridden of any artistic value and is pure bore to analyze because of just how generic it is. Yet of course, Enter will waste hours of his life bitching about it, then recording and editing it, when he could've actually reviewed something that has much more to offer than recycling old cliches.
His review of the family guy episode where peter gets sexually harassed by his boss is garbage and he misses the point entirely. The episode was obviously making fun of people who believe men can't be sexually harassed and mr enter is too autistic to see that and thought they were being serious.
You think he doesn't deserve that hate?
I don't think autistic people should be taken seriously esp because they don't understand so much. They usually take shit literally and have poor critical thinking skills.
TMS shill pls leave
More like sissy backspace.
Overlong, poorly edited, and pretentious.
Judging by his attitude in videos, no. He doesn't strike me as particularly malicious. He's more like a victim of his own stupidity, where a lot of people here consider him a legitimate mean-spirited asshole, when in reality I think he just fails to express his points adequately.
Not always. Sometimes autism leads to interesting content, like that guy who built up speed for 12 hours in mario 64 to travel to parallel universes.
It's a real excuse for people who can't get past first base. Asexuals are just incels who act like they're high and mighty virgins voluntarily and that any kind of physical affection is "disgusting" just because they never receive any.
Not denying that this is the case 99% of the time, but I know someone who broke up with his girlfriend because she wanted to have sex with him.