So what's Sup Forums going to blame when Donald Trump loses? A rigged election? Leftist media? 3rd parties? Women's suffrage?
So what's Sup Forums going to blame when Donald Trump loses? A rigged election? Leftist media? 3rd parties...
Retarded lefties for voting for her ofc.
What kind of question is this?
All of those are legit complaints
Blame and lead will be shared equally by my targets.
all of the above, while pants-shitting wildly
braindead electorate
Leftist media is the actual answer.
It doesn't matter
The point is that they lost.
Dunno, but Hillary will blame Russia if she loses.
They will blame the shilling on Sup Forums. Thinking that this board mattered in the outcome of this election.
My sides can't wait for the bantz
What will Hillary blame when she loses?
Nothing, she'll be in handcuffs by Wednesday morning.
>they fell for the POTUS meme
true og pol users from circa 2004 have been fucking with you newfags for years
>not realizing pol is 99% satire
its our way of weeding out the retards
If he loses it's senseless to blame anyone.
But I'm pretty fucking pissed about Obama breaking the tradition of sitting Presidents not involving themselves in a campaign for one of their potential successors.
It hadn't happened for over a century. He violated what was a fairly sacred tradition.
WELL, it' already been proven the Democrats have cheated systematically in many places. Like video evidence so...
We won't complain, we actually agree with the 2-terms limit
How much damage can be done to Hillary when she is elected? Can she still be prosecuted?
yes but the fbi won't arrest her.
she can also still hang from a rope.
fuck corrupt politicians. i hope i'll see at least 1 user in the streets protesting
btw this is all satire nsa
>litterally worse than a leaf
>hurr nothing posted on /new/ was ever real guys we're all a bunch of clever intellectuals posting satire to argue the opposite of what we actually desire
CTR steppin their game up learning Sup Forums history.
You used the word that automatically makes you what you're attempting to shit on, friendo
Obama is moving to Dubai in January. He's served the brotherhood well and is going home to his real people.
D) all of the above
she'll claim russia hacked the election
congress are paid off, as usual, and let an executive order re-structure the executive branch of govt
ww3 begins with prime minister obama and homeland defense minister clinton attacking russia
Cuckolds. Uneducated cuckolds who care more about their fucking feelings then rampant government corruption.
we didnt pick this guy
then the donald has died for our sins, and the democrats have unreversably spent their woman card
What's going on with this cunt's ears
Can't happen, can't blame anyone.
Honestly? That the democrats have for generations now done nothing but open up import voters.
Imagine for a second if there were all these countries where Republicans could just import Republican voters, would you think that's fair?
i put more effort into taking a shit than i do anything US politics related
i hope hillary burns in hell
buts its fun to see pol cave in from investing this much time into the potus meme
Liberals are pieces of shit scoundrels of the lowest order. They'd sell their wives and children into prostitution if it meant winning in politics.
>voting your own Merkel
whos laughing now america
Trump will win, but if the election is rigged, then i will take matters in my own hands, and i hope you all will do the same.
it will be open season for us to use force to fight for Our cause.
instead of stricter rules on imigration, we will force all of them out. legal or not.
i would actually look forward to this.
hasn't won yet
>implying she wont
You know its over. Someone with so much negative media like trump wont win, sheeple are too easily impressed by that.
>being this new
all of the above
Women. The proper place of women is as private property of her husband.
Face it, this is Hillary ONLY option.
What do you mean "when" he loses? We've been blaming those things since before ron paul
hillary increases my penis wrinkles