Do you want a Flashpoint reboot now?
Do you want a Flashpoint reboot now?
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I would love a reboot, but I can see casuals hating it.
Are you asking if I want to reboot flashpoint to a new continuity or to the old continuity?
Fuck yes, I would love it.
Nope. Soft reboot to hopeful Superman was all we really needed. Well that and decent editing. Things are looking good right now(aside from the box office). JL is a movie that I would be happy to sprout the rest of the DCEU off from. Flashpoint right now would just be more likely to mess up what good we've finally been given instead of fixing what problems remain (executive meddling)
How do they explain a new actor for Batman then?
Why? Rebirth is pretty great
Kill Affleck in The Batman and make that movie's entire point a passing of the mantle or the importance of "the Batman" as a title.
I just hate this Barry
Why? He was funny as hell and close to the comic Barry.
I'm triggered
He wasn't that bad, stop.
Please replace Ezra Miller.
Is that confirmed yet or is it just "confirmed nudge nudge wink wink"? If the former can I get sauce? Right now all Google is giving me are rumors and some admittedly worrying comments. Seems like it could happen, but even if it does, I hope they do Dickbats.
You mean the comic Barry that takes most of his personality from Wally?
Just recast the guy as Marvel did with Hulk, Rhodey and Fandrall, ignore the rest
Why is there so much crossover with wrestling fans and comic fans
I'd like a reboot to fix Superman. Can we get a non edgelord Joker too?
Just do this shit
Same basic story beats. People dressed in silly costumes with silly characters.
Wrestling stopped being for Cletus long ago. Nowadays, it's for Poindexter.
Case in point, one of the most popular WWE groups today talks about how much they love unicorns and ponies all the fucking time, plays Final Fantasy songs on trombone during shows, and their leader runs the company's gaming channel.
Holy shit never thought about it like that, then again I'm from a flyover state
>divas out
>now we have horsefaces and fatsos
Numales have to ruin every fan base. Can't wait until the counterculter swings back and we have women in lingerie again.
Tell me about it brother
Hi Phil! Stop posting your Indian husband.
>AJ styles
pick one
You are a stupid person that says stupid things