I voted Hillary just to make Sup Forums mad.
I voted Hillary just to make Sup Forums mad.
I voted Hillary just to make Sup Forums mad.
I voted Hillary just to make Sup Forums mad.
I voted Hillary just to make Sup Forums mad.
\pol\ btfo drumpfkins btfo on suicide watch XD
I voted Hillary just to make Sup Forums mad.
I voted for David duke to make everyone mad lel I shitpost in real life
This. We can't let drumpf win. White men must fall
fuck you finland
I voted in some online poll about ramen vs hot pockets as midnight snacks
I voted Sup Forums just to make Hillary mad.
I voted Trump just to make reddit mad.
>not wanting to see the priceless reactions of every leftist news anchor live
its over drumpfkins you and your leader dolan duck woops i mean donald DRUMPF are finished.
I voted Trump just to make CTR mad
I voted Yabloko this September for no real reason, the election was a joke
i never vote
did throw some change trump's way including two hats so judging by the numbers that probably converted 4-5 people
now i can stay home and shit post
long island ny reporting in
voted trump
feels good lads
hopped across the border to vote for hillary
I voted for Hillary to make Russia mad.
I voted Hillary just to make Sup Forums mad.
I'm a bot, and I voted for Hillary just to make Sup Forums mad.
Currently laughing at the retards who didn't know you have to register first.
Alright now I'm nervous. For the past few weeks Trump has been looking like a sure thing in Florida and it looked like we were well onto our way towards making America great again. Then I got to the polling booths..
I hopped out of my Uber with my MAGA hat and instantly regretted bringing it 100s of Hispanics and Blacks who had been lining up for god knows how long just turn around and give me the most hateful of looks. They're all draped in I'm With Her t-shirts and that goddamn Hillary arrow symbol bullshit flooded the area. I then got to the poll booth tapped Trump on the screen and split through the crowd of minorities all crying about how it was time that America moved forward. I got into my Uber and left with tears welling in my eyes.
All in all I think we have lost Florida and I'm just hoping Michigan and Maine pull through.
I wanted to vote for Trump, but I couldn't because I was an anime loving neet.
I voted Hillary so Russia nukes all our urban democrats
Go vote you shit. Every vote is important because we need the total number of votes to be a repeating digit for meme magic
voted NVA
feels good man
Nice role playing NZ.
Any non retarded American knows they won't even let you in to polling stations with campaign gear on
>ITT Illegals
>Spend whole year going "MAGA HILLARY BTFO"
>Election day comes
>Catalog full of "How do I vote differently from my peers, I feel so threatened simply by thinking about going against the flow" "I don't feel like voting, too much of a hassle" "What's the use, I live in this and that state and it will be blue"
I can't even imagine the amount of crying wojaks that this board will have if Trump happens to lose.
Spending all that time posting about making America great again and when the time comes chickening out.
Trump is finished.
I'm a #cruzmissile now
Guess you're retarded because my flag isn't from NZ, doing your country proud fampai
I'm not going to give up. I'd still keep fighting even after the election to put that woman in prison.
Plastic paddy here. Voted Clinton since she probably has some Irish blood in her.
Voted Trump baby. Can't wait for our 45th President
I voted in FL early MAGA!
I paid my american friend 5 dollars to go vote for trump
can i join?
I wonder how many underageb& are claiming they voted
I voted Hillary the better candidate
I live in Florida. I voted to MAGA
Just voted in Texas. So many latinos were shouting "JEB CAN FIX IT". Sorry to disappoint you Sup Forums
I tweeted TRUMP to #presidentialelection powered by microsoft so I'm gonna go back to sleep. Good luck boys
My heart is really painful today and I feel like I'm dying. I hope you all made the right decision. I think I'm gonna die soon but I deserve this.
Utah here. Voted for Trump first choice, Johnson second choice. Hopefully they'll get enough delegates to win seats in the Senate to secure a victory.
I voted Trump just to make shills mad.
fat americuck, are your fingers to fat to write 'ONLY'?
Life long democrat voted trump, because fuck shillary and the dnc.
Did you do it for free?
I can't vote :(
I voted for KEK