>trump literally making shit up
my fucking sides
>trump literally making shit up
my fucking sides
Other urls found in this thread:
That's called being pussy whipped, faggot
>Not going with the personal endorsement
wife controls husband.
husband is a pathetic cheater.
Brady and Bellyfag announced they were supporting him you catfart.
Brady never announced shit, Trump did on his behalf.
Giselle just came out on Instagram and said Trump was full of shit and her family would never support him.
Tom Brady prominently displayed a "Make America Great Again" hat in his locker during an interview. If he doesn't support Trump, he has a funny way of showing it.
Doesn't matter either way though, the only people who like Tom Brady live in New England and they were never going to vote for Trump anyway.
That's what she thinks. wink wink.
Go on Tom, she'll never know
>people see you wearing a maga hat
>you sent a letter to trump endorsing him
>your wife tells everyone you're not voting for anyone
>siding with the pussy
Brady has to do what she says, she's the breadwinner of the house.
>lied to his wife about not voting for Trump and did it anyways
trump got baited hard
I just got back from my polling station, and it's not looking good for Trump...
Everywhere I looked, 'I'm With Her' shirts, but no MAGA hats. Outside, 'Love Trump's Hate' bumper stickers on 90% of the cars in the parking lot and even on the buses loaded with marginalized Latinos, Latinas and blacks brought in to vote left...
Why didn't Trump have a strategy to get out the vote?...
Isn't it obvious? No one is going to support Trump on election day.
This is when we all come to our senses, realize we've been in some drunken haze for the past year and realize we are making a choice for not just our future's, but out children's. We don't want them growing up under the influence of a Trump presidency, we can't fucking risk it.
Trump's going to lose, and we can all let out a huge collective sigh.
>multi millionaire quarterback
>still has to lie to his wife about who he is voting for
Is there hope for any of us if even Tom Brady can't keep his woman in line?
Well that's awkward.
Just look at all the early voting
Trump's in for a massive loss, he's far behind was Romney had.
You can kill yourself now.
That was a Make Donald Drumpf Again hat.
get fucked CTR cuck
this is pathetic
Fucking dirty pro-war bitch
no Trump said they did and he's a notorious liar
She's probably worried about not being invited to any more jewish cocktail dinners. Trump is going to win and if she doesn't like it, she can fuck off back to Brazil [something tells me she won't, huehue].
Brady supports Trump, it's a fact. What his wife does or does not do is irrelevant.
Is she even american? lol
Shameful wife.
This. The hat was in his locker, on film for christ sake. Fuck that burnt out model.
Brady gave Trump his permission to tell the audience. Brady is not making an official announcement himself because he said he doesn't want his support of Trump to be a distraction for the election or the team, but it's been known for quite a while that he's voting Trump. He doesn't want to be dragged around like the liberals do with their celebrity endorsers and that's a perfectly respectable position. Lots of us Trump supporters are keeping our heads low.
>It's a Tom Brady lies to wife for that sweet model pussy episode
I'm a Steelers fan and even I can see that Brady is being a GOAT by voting for Trump. There's no reason to openly display a MAGA hat during a press interview otherwise. Based Ben is probably on the Trump Train too.
That is misleading, Gisele posted that 3 days before Trump announced this, this just shows she is clueless about her husband
He literally had the hat
>new hampshire
>not voting trump
damn you're dumb
>He doesn't have an ironic Trump hat
In an Interview he had the MAGA hat... He supports the trump. His dumb model wife might now, but patriot Tom does. Nice try shills.
That's bullshit.
i don't care who he's voting for he's still the greatest living human and the GOAT quarterback who changed the game of football for good, forever
maybe he changed his mind when new facts were presented to him. you know, like a reasonable person
This is a lie. Trump's numbers are way up from 2012.
Somebody already posted the picture proving otherwise you shitposter.
Decent bait wrong place to post it shoulda made your own thread.
What did she mean by this?
How a latina would ever support Trump?
She may be white, but she is still Brazilian, and I support her.
Maybe he really supports Trump but just doesn't want to get firebombed
She's married to an American so I guess she is.
>She's probably worried about not being invited to any more jewish cocktail dinners.
>Forgets Trump is a strong ally to Israel
>Forgets Trump has a plaque of the Qaballah in his office
>Forgets Trump hates antisemites
Now fuck off CTR
new hampshire might be important
Nice shoop.
What facts? Like the fact that donald trump last name is DRUMPF LOLLL XDDDD
Not even once
Yeah so they can easily duck out when he loses. Makes you wonder how not one celebrity would publicly support him on stage.
shit commie art
Like the spirit cooking?
This gave me the weirdest boner
>hank hill ass
Why would he marry this HUE monkey?
the fact that he is a horrible man child perhaps?we're talking about facts here
“I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base.” -H
My wife's taste, but I like it
He asked if her & Tom support Trump, she said no, meaning she supports Hillary.
Are you retarded, op?
who the fuck is gazelle
Fucking gross. He needs a thiccer woman
Not an argument
This was from Friday, and Trump's announcement was yesterday.
Taken in conjunction with her lack of elaboration, the hat, and Brady's friendship with Trump, as well as the Belichick endorsement, it's extremely safe to say that Trump was, in fact, told that it was okay to announce by Brady.
Media disinformation by a stupid "NO!" when they were previously notoriously silent on the issue.
republicans don't give a shit about degenerate celebrity endorsements. i value their opinions less than i value my morning shit. they are so disconnected from how the usa actually functions that anyone that can take them seriously is most likely a sub 80 iq liberal subhuman. coincidentally this is why the democrats always hire them
Well, you're monkey after all
what the shit, the whole point of a brazilian qt is the delicious ass
>no ass
How did this happen?
Brady has literally owned a MAGA hat since the primaries
>Implying Trump needs the "support" of a virtue signalling attention whore or her politically submissive cuck of a husband
Not an argument
his campaign had to take his twitter away from him. i don't know about you but the last time i had something taken away from me was my xbox when i was 12 because i played to much halo
Cucked lmao
it's pasta somebody already did
>NYT headlines
neither fact nor argument
Maybe Gisele didn't get the memo...
Inferior German genes. Italian genes are much superior (see Ambrosio pic).
>no link
Pol gullible as fuck
Maybe he stopped tweeting himself because he's doing 6 rallies a day
Aren't they similar to a zebra?
The Simpsons predicted this.
>Belichick endorsement
The man who wont even discuss injuries in case it leads to extra stress on his team is going to give a public endorsement to trump the day of the election? Come the fuck on, that is SO out of character for belichick that I just don't believe it.
The man is KNOWN for avoiding media controversy for his team, why would he throw all of that out of the window at the last minute? Especially when you read his "letter" it sounds like trump wrote it himself.
Giselle doesn't want the niggers in Tom's locker room chimping out on him. It's known that Brady is good friends with Trump.
Don't know about Belicheck though.
old hag trying to stay relevant
Funny considering we can't have kids when we're off getting shot up by Russia
Pennsylvania here.
Had a great time voting this morning before work. Literally no Drumpf cowards turned up, as expected. We even had a sing-along while waiting to enter, "We Will Overcome" was a particular favorite. We were all in tears by the time the doors entered, and afterwards we all gathered outside to hug and celebrate our first ever woman president. One Drumpf loser did turn up, some scrawny, pale kid with patchy facial hair and a voice which hadn't quite broken, but he ran away as soon as he came near and saw that Pennsylvania had voted for hope, not hate.
>he's a notorious liar
Like the time he lied about dodging sniper fire in Bosnia
Or the time he lied about being named after Sir Edmund Hillary
Or when he lied about Benghazi being about a youtube video