So what exactly were in proud snacks, Sup Forums?

So what exactly were in proud snacks, Sup Forums?

Dead jews.

Dad juice.

Stereotypical black people food mushed and preserved in a snack form
Like porkrinds made out of chitlins

Shugah Mama's pussy crust

Debt jaws

How did that family maintain their lifestyle? Who brought in money?

The mom was a vet.

Trudy was making the most income and if proud snacks weren't used as a gag for terrible cooking he was successful enough to have an open factory and not be closed down by the FDA

Sugar Momma obviously, it's even her name

Pork rinds.

I know in universe they were supposed to be disgusting to the point where they killed you but I still wanted to try them.


they're black, what did you expect?[spoiler/]

What does Sup Forums think of "The proud family"
I know if it came out today y'all would hate it.

the movie was retarded

I always thought it was a meh passible cartoon even when it aired, but also

I refuse to believe the mom was black

It was forgettable then and it's forgettable now. The only people who hold nostalgia for the show were black, are black, and continue to be black.

Also, I completely forgot there was a movie.

I wouldn't call it forgettable, but it wasn't anyting impressive either.

It was just kinda "okay". Not bad, but not particularly good either.

Except for the guy who spoke spanish and insulted the grandmother, who thought that he was saying nice things because she couldn't understand him. That was pretty funny.

It was mediocre then and it would be just as bad now.


>Like porkrinds made out of chitlins
Aren't those just
pork rinds made out of pork rinds?

I thought pork rinds was just the skin
Isn't chitlins straight up pig intestine

Proud Snack were actually selling well, just not for what was originally intended. Felix was praising his snacks since his company was using it for landfill.

It was only really average when it came out, when there a ton of other cartoons to watch. Compared to the standards of today, where cartoons are either filled with unnecessary background plots or are borderline unwatchable? It would probably fare far better.


I thought it was really bad. I watched three episodes of it and that was enough for me.