If being black makes you stupid, then how are there smart black people?
>inb4 being black only makes you stupid sometimes
If being black makes you stupid, then how are there smart black people?
>inb4 being black only makes you stupid sometimes
Other urls found in this thread:
Take a biology class holy fuck
Women are generally shorter then men that doesn't mean there aren't some that are tall as fuck
>tfw no amazon gf to dominate me
the normal distribution, how does it work?
the arithmetic mean, what is it?
outliers, what are they?
>I don't understand statistics
If being female makes you short, then how are there tall women?
>inb4 being female only makes you short sometimes
Its called "exception to the rule"
You don't really understand the concept of distribution, don't you? You're black right?
If being a woman makes you less aggressive, how come Hillary has killed so many people?
I still draw a line between blacks and niggers.
>Mentle Ben
> " smart "
Some sauce to back that up?
If being American makes you American, then how there are Mexican immigrants in USA?
>inb4 being American only makes you American sometimes.
Being female doesn't make you short. After all, there are many tall women, as well as short men. Women do, on average, tend to be shorter than men.
Correlation =/= Cause-and-Effect
Being black doesn't make you stupid. This is Sup Forums science.
being black doesn't make you stupid
being a nigger does
It's called a bell curve
the average for blacks is just the lowest
But blacks are genetically inferior to Whites. Think about it; have you ever met a decent black person?
Doesn't believe in scientific fact.
Pick one.
(You) can't be this dense. I'm gonna assume this is bait.
>ben carson
>brain surgeons must be intelligent
when will this meme fucking die
Of course, successful single man who's living a healthy lifestyle.
>6 years of med school
>4.0 GPA
Yeah I'm sure a retard managed that.
Have you guys ever heard of Thomas Sowell's book, "Black Rednecks, White Liberals"?
>Implying Ben Carson isn't a lesser in his field
this. plus look at Ben's background. He was a total fuck up as a surgeon lol
>grades prove you are intelligent
of course its a fucking gook who believes this is actually true
God you're such an asshole.
Being British makes you funny, then how are there unfunny British people?
It's not about skin color, it's about cultural background and socio-economical class. There's a difference between black people and niggers
as far as im concerned he is white
acts white
thinks white(uncle tom)
yep he is white alright
>supports Trump
>not retarded
Your story doesn't check out
Mate the average IQ of a PhD holder is 99% percentile and 20% higher than average. For comparison the "superior" white race's average IQ is 7% higher than the average.
he might look white to an abbo who was defeated by birds
>inb4 new zealand or aus fag says something about that memedip sport. I will punch you
>being black doesn't make you stupid
>being a nigger does
All of my this.
>yfw black people in Yurop are generally law abiding citizens
>yfw Afro-Americans are niggers gone out of control
How the fuck did you ever manage to fuck up this bad Amerikeks? Even Africans hate Afro-Murricans.
I doubt that
getting a phd is a retarded decision
maybe they have a high IQ but theyre definitely not among the most intelligent people
>inb4 IQ test is a perfect measure for intelligence
biology is racist, fuck off
Mulattos... idiot.
Some are descendant of white slave owners. A slave owning white man was part of the elite... a land owner.
A submissive black slave woman that took the successful white man cock would have a somewhat smart half-breed.
This is how emancipation happened. The half-white half breeds got the rest freed through half brothers, patriarchy.
White man who saw some half-negroes with half brothers thought like white man decided to free them.
I think you're just being pedantic here. Women are on average shorter than men, so women tend to be short, so saying 'women are short' though not entirely accurate is commonly understood. So the answer would be, "Being a woman on average makes you short"
If being American makes you stupid, then how are there smart American people?
>inb4 being American only makes you stupid sometimes
Drug epidemic spiraled the black communities to hell in the 80's, or at least that's a major factor.
blacks were never slaves. there were slaves and many happened to be black. but this "all blacks were slaves" meme has to die. it was actually african americans who introduced NA to slavery
>What is Continuos Probablity Distribution
>Race is only about color.
Gtfo Sup Forums marxist scum
>it was actually african americans who introduced NA to slavery
let me rephrase that as modern NA because amerindians already had slavery
"One guy is smart so all of them are."
The differences between cognitive capacity among races is nearly inexistent (all they have in common is inferiority towards asians)
Blacks are mostly chimps thanks to single mothers and ghetto culture.
They can become successful civilized people just like whites can pretty much become light skinned niggers.
Source : Riff Raff the rapper.
>>inb4 being black only makes you stupid sometimes
being black only makes you stupid sometimes
By that logic, we could also say that being short, makes you a woman
What's the matter, is simple statistics and biology too much for a negro to understand?
>Bell Curve
Ben Carson is actually a racemixed child. He had a single mom who had a one night stand with a white guy. Just look at Ben's nose and Jawline, very caucasian
Most of the time tho
>muh drug epidemic
That can't be the only reason.
If ice cream doesn't cause crime then how come crime goes up whenever ice cream is being sold?
I gotta say America, when I think of actual black intellectuals the ones I come up with all seem like they have something a little bit wrong with them.
Obama is smart admittedly but he's only half black.
Black person != nigger.
I have several black friends who are voting trump and have struggled to rise above the stigma of gang culture and degeneracy. I have nothing but respect for these guys.
It's not about the color of your skin, it's what you choose to fucking do with yourself.
>inb4 crime only goes up sometimes
It's not the only reason, after all we see panthers in the 70's but it didn't help at all, and is when we start seeing a lot of the issues most apparent now.
It also has to do with numbers I would assume, you guys never had the influx of blacks that we did. blacks who for a long time didn't get education in their families. There's also the laws that needlessly favored them as some sort of balancing act but only made things worse
they are on the far end of the bellcurve...they are just as smart as smart whites BUT there is much lesser of them.
>it's a black person does not understand what a distribution or an average are thread
>he doesn't know that 95% of African Americans have some white genes due to mulatto rape babies
How do you even get up in the morning?
Because Current Year Man.
"If there's a correlation then explain the outlier!"
>black people are generally stupid
>black people are generally libfucks
>there are exceptions
>the exceptions are usually republican conservatives
Kek. Next some faggot will start throwing some "but muh colleg professors says that liberals hav bigger iq"
Finally! Someone on this thread who thinks exactly what he is told to think.
What a relief.
Difference between africa, 65 iq, to scandinavia, 105 iq.
That seems neglible.
Don't bother talking if you don't know anything.
Don't bother taking if you are a nigger with an inferiority complex from a third world shithole filled with aids and trannies, unless you have some aids-free trannies to pass around.
I especially like the ones with the forced, nasal, croaky voices.
There are two ends to a bell curve, that's how.
>Kek. Next some faggot will start throwing some "but muh colleg professors says that liberals hav bigger iq"
MAGA you cuck
>what is a bell curve
how many discoveries were made in africa except maybe spear
yeah, blacks are shit
Americans and their incredible FREEDOM of choice between two criminal retards.
All civilised countries have a choice between three or more.
It's not about skin color, it's about breed
Poodles are smarter than bulldogs. Is it because of their curly fur? Nope, it's their larger, more complex brains.
There is a lot of random variation within every population group. Some whites are smart, some are dumb. Some blacks are smart, some are dumb. What we're talking about here is the AVERAGE, which is about 15 points lower for blacks than for whites. Pic related
>what is the bell curve: the post
Take intro to statistics you dumb nigger
Spear,is pushing it.
They didn't even have tips to their bits of wood. Just shaved them down.
No bow and arrow either. Nothing.
No buildings, just loose piles of sticks and mud.
Why didn't the early explorers just exterminate them absolutely.
It doesn't
But Sup Forums likes to think of groups of millions/billions of people ain terms of homogenous entities
All bats can fly.
Apart from ones that can't.
That means, bats can't fly.
Yeah, nah, that shit just doesn't fly.
All Americans are voting for Trump.
Except for the ones that aren't.
That means, Americans aren't voting for Trump.
being a nigger is a social construct
i keked hard
>inb4 being black only makes you stupid sometimes
Do you know what average and peak IQ mean?
See how the lowest IQ people can have smarter people than the smartest IQ people mean while their IQ as a whole is way belowe them. Apparently you have too low of an IQ to understand this simple concept.
>that pic
Hispanic isn't a race.
if being short makes you bad at basketball, how come muggsy bogues is allowed to play in the NBA?
Look at some bell curves, retard.
Your face isn't a race.
>if humans evolved from monkeys
>then why are there still monkeys
What does the 15 points difference work out to be....
Spending 15 more minutes on a math question?
Getting a joke 15 seconds latter ?
Making 15 more spelling mistakes ...
No, no they're not. I hate this meme...
Twelve per cent of London’s men are black. But 54 per cent of the street crimes committed by men in London, along with 46 per cent of the knife crimes and more than half of the gun crimes, are thought by the Metropolitan Police to have been committed by black men.
Blacks are 5 times more likely to commit violence against the person. Blacks are 4 times ‘more likely’ to commit sexual offences. Blacks are fifteen times ‘more likely’ to commit robbery. Blacks are over six times ‘more likely’ to commit fraud and forgery. Blacks are over twice as likely to commit criminal damage. Black are five times ‘more likely’ to commit drugs offences.
One in every 100 black British adults is now in prison, according to the latest Home Office figures.
Prisoners from an Afro-Caribbean background, now account for one in six of all inmates.
>Another Sup Forums pretends to know anything about biology or any scientific field for that matter thread.
Are you guys really this dumb?
Refer to my infographic
>hurr what is law of averages
Hispanics are muds
Do you not know how bell curves work?
>If being black makes you stupid, then how are there smart black people?
Being the one nigga in 10,000.