What does he mean by this?
Trump's hand gesture
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Yeah right, I voted already and am #WithHer, wait for you at the polls bro! haha
sage in all fields, ctr gtfo
He's orchestrating the fall of the establishment. Are you literally not paying attention?
he shows 0 with his right hands which's equal to % of chance of Hillary Clitoris winning the game.
The CTR machine is cranking up again.
Its the worlds smallest violin playing for the globalists and cucked low T who all jump out of windows today.
He is a famous violin player. He is playing the world's smallest violin with his thumb and pointer finger. It is really amazing that he can give a speech and play the violin at the same time.
The is the Cobra Strike.
It is one of the high level 5 Deadly Poison kung fu moves. The deadliest of them all. Trump learned it in Chyna.
That's actually the international hand gesture for letting all others around you know the meatballs is a spicy
He's mimicking emojis to get the nigger twitter and dumb white chick vote
he's squishing your face
wtf #ImWithHer now
damn. people aren't joking when they say he has small hands and fingers
He's using excessive hand gestures to give more of an "oomph" to the buzzwords that come flying out of his gob to hide the fact he's not actually saying anything of substance, but people still fall for it. It's a psychological thing. His manner of speaking is very similar to Hitler's manner of speaking.
This is how retards are easily misled and manipulated.
Not that Hillary is any better.
>Not that Hillary is any better.
Hillary's no orator but I think any unbiased observer would admit that she is a much better speaker than Trump.
At least she knows how to make the words come out of her face-hole in sentence form. Trump talks like he's been up for 48 hours on ritalin.
Well, you can say that, and people say that, but Hilary talks. It's just talk. You say it's good talk. Okay, it's good talk. But it's talk. It's still talk. And people know this. People say it, people call me and tell me all the time: Hilary just talks. She's been talking for 10 years and doing nothing. You don't want a talker in the office, you want a doer. Trump is a doer. Everyone that knows Trump will tell you he is a doer. He has tremendous real estate. Some of the best real estate in the world. Best assets. People are saying he can do it. I think he can do it. He can make America great again. Not with words, but with actions.
Here's a HANDy sign-language translation guide.
I think panel #6 ... I interpret that as blowing cock, but finishing high so he gets a hair gel.
> always did wonder how he kept his hair in place; the more you know
OMG so many references to sex and to fucking and getting laid! This is FUCKING epic, may I post it to my Facebook and 9gag ? xDDD