Latinos will cause Hillary to win the election

>latinos will cause Hillary to win the election
>As a result, the GOP will begin favouring latinos in order to gain their base, eventually passing a bill to give Texas back to Mexico
>2020, Marco Rubio is the nominee, all GOP speeches are said in Spanish
>America will be a Hispanic nation in the next two decades

This is the election that makes the Latino supreme

why not

Latino here, voted for Trump, same as my entire family

How does it feel being a race traitor?


that's racist :----) Legal Mexicans are fine. Get the visa like a good america.

Pay for the wall faggot

>Legal Mexicans are fine

And we do not sympathize with the illegals at all, fuck them.
Been here forever, family owned land in Texas before it was even a state

>2020, Marco Rubio is the nominee, all GOP speeches are said in Spanish

That already sort of happened during the primaries when Rubio and Cruz were arguing with each other in spanish. This really will be our shitty future if Trump doesn't win.

It's hilarious that leftist dont realise this: once the deportation issue is no longer, every US president will be Trump. Trump is the kind of person which wins elections in latino countries, not the democratic faggot huggers from new york.

Say goodbye to America ever going red again

We will today

Latinos are often socially conservative, and they don't into america because they hate capitalism. They are voting hillary only because republicans decided that it was fine to nominate an idiot that calls them criminals.

This, desu. Latinos are going to take over and elect a latino version of Duterte.

>not criminals


lationos arent race fucking retard

Trump will win, and you will realize you supported national secret selling, bribery, NPO abuse, security breaches, nepotism, media rigging, social network censoring, president lying, terrorism supporting for profit, duplicity to bankers vs. public, support for big banks over public, paying people to incite violence, voter fraud, mocking of faiths and races, destruction of evidence under subpoena, satanic rituals, attempts to circumvent the law by offering favors, foreign election rigging, debate question stealing, primary election stealing, hope for terrorist acts, suggestions to beat subordinates to relieve stress, drug price fixing, scandal faking, poll oversampling, uranium selling to russia, money laundering, racism, unequal pay for women, sexual harassment suppression, and laughing at how well she did defending a rapist

Kill yourself

>They are voting hillary only because republicans decided that it was fine to nominate an idiot that calls them criminals.

Luckily most of are smart enough to know Trump was talking about the illegal border jumpers.
Cool, I'll celebrate Trumps win with the last of my tamales from grandma.

>moor thinks latinos are "his" people and feels the need to defend them

>that feel when only polish president elected by minorities and leftists was murdered
feels kinda good man

Becaust most "latinos" (which are just dirty indios not spaniards) are fucking retarded. The left promises them the moon every four fucking years and like sheep they bow their heads and kiss the left's feet. Then when the election is over the beaners are forgotten and all promises flushed down the toilet as per usual.

A vote against Trump is a vote for your women to continue being raped and sold into slavery by coyotes and for your children to be shot at the borders.